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Everything posted by Ceilidh

  1. Oh so they have changed, must say it was last year that I rang because I am in NSW and soooooo many Vic people were getting agro because I couldn't accept their entries for a NSW show with pending. As I also do a few Vic catalogues I rang DogsVic and they said babies can be shown without a rego number. Good to know about the change as I have a few Vic catalogues coming up.
  2. Actually in Vic you can send in entries with 'pending' and can show the babies without their number, that came straight from the Vic office via phone.
  3. I have a couple of 3x3s that are too heavy for me and won't fit in the car. I can't remember how long ago (maybe 2 to 3 years) I bought my oztrail compact and love it! ALWAYS leave it up, with the top on, overnight and NEVER had a problem, even when other bigger, heavier gazebos have collapsed or blown away.
  4. Only outside rings, rain, hail or shine.
  5. I guess I have just been lucky then, I have shown in all the rings and never had a prickle of any sort. There is one hole in what is usually the gundog ring which keeps getting filled up. At least it has only been a quagmire a couple of times, unlike one club ground which seems to be a bog practically every year!
  6. Really? In the ring? And did you think to tell the show secretary so they could deal with the problem? I am astounded at this only because the rings have not long been ploughed up and reseaded and if there are bindiis or similar then we need to get rid of them. I will appreciate your feedback on where the prickles are.
  7. I love it! 2012 has just started and already people want changes for 2013!
  8. Tom Couchman closes shows he is the cataloguer for 10 days before the show. He is then able to put together a catalogue, do numbers and stuff them all in an envelope, then post them. We ALWAYS get a breed breakdown when Tom is the cataloguer... If only we could all afford to do catalogues as a hobby and have other people working for us! Why do shows have a closing date?
  9. Yes well, if you expect full breed numbers then get your entries in BEFORE closing date and don't expect late entries to be taken!
  10. Great result. Is this an Irish, English or Cavie? oops, group 3 so obviously not Cavie.
  11. This show hasn't run for a couple of years now.
  12. Congratulations! What breed?
  13. So what if I am judging one day and I put up one of these dogs that have been extensively advertised with the handler, am I automatically a crook judge or is it just possible that I have actually put up the best dog? In your opinion?
  14. Absolutely!! I do think I would be looking at a nice green though or purple or turquoise.
  15. If the Owner name is different to the name on the envelope then, in red or green or something that stands out write the envelope name in brackets next to the Owner name. eg. Owned by: SK Ball & MJ Driscoll (Trisven)
  16. ABSOLUTELY!! Now we are back to the title of Grand not meaning anything other than just getting those thousand points.
  17. The foxie was Jan Seary's Selwor bitch which I handled and she went on for Consolation to RUBIS.
  18. And then there are the 'new' show people who are obviously 'new' dog owners who think that if a bitch has been bleeding for two weeks she is nearly out of season grrrr. And their bitch's breeder who tells you to suck it up because another dog in your breed didn't react to her? When you parade your standing bitch around and let her pee everywhere of couse dogs are going to react. And yes, when my dog just wants to lick the ground where your bitch has peed and keep his head down looking for more spots and chatters his teeth and foams at the mouth in the ring then I am going to be majorly pissed off!!! So I say suck it up yourself princess and educate your puppy buyers on the doggy facts of life!
  19. Just a couple of points, if a judge already has a licence to judge a group (or all breeds) that gets a new breed then they have to do an open book exam on that new breed. No, there is no further testing, apart from the aforementioned, once a judge is licenced. I believe they should resit theory exams on a regular basis, not sure how often though. Next, I think face judging is alive and well! Also judges who have been around soooooooo long they think they know a dog just by its entrance into the ring grrrrr and judges that are getting sooooooo old they just want to chat or get the hell out of the ring, again grrrr. Lets hope we get some more new judges pass in the next round who have studied their butts off and know their breed standards and will apply them to the DOG! I am also getting pretty jaded and am hoping I pass my prac and will concentrate more on judging than showing and hope I can go a small way to changing what is now thought of as norm. (edited for spelling)
  20. Have you tried the extreme weather number? Usually that is the show sec. It is usually pointless ringing the cataloguer as sometimes they are miles and miles away and never seen the grounds.
  21. And for all those people who whinge on DOL about lack of services, support,discounts etc........how many of you actually go to the ONLY source that can change anything.....your state CC????
  22. Oh dear oh dear, are the owners of neuter dogs THAT precious?????? Or just you?
  23. So a NIG should get more points but a REAL class, say Intermediate In Group doesn't get any more points, sure that makes sense NOT. At The Rock yesterday there were TWO neuters! OK, it was sweeps and no points on offer but if, as has been stated many many times, your dogs REALLY want to just show, then where are you all? I hear how ALL these people with neuters want more shows to offer the class but am yet to hear of a decent entry when shows DO offer this class. Now some of you are saying you should get more classes, even your own group, and more points! Maybe when there is actually a reasonable amount of neuters being shown these things could be considered. Instead of campaigning shows to put on the classes maybe you should be campaigning the owners of neuters who say they really want to show.
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