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Everything posted by ruthless

  1. He was in the pound. I gave his temp carer the same kibble we feed so he's been on it for a couple of weeks already. OH reckons he should be on a puppy kibble though. I was concerned about feeding twice cause I didn't want to give the other lot reason to get their noses out of joint. He's possibly a Staffy x Amstaff. Who knows for sure though.
  2. We've been joined by an 8-10mo dog. I don't know if I should be feeding him differently to the other three. I feed one meal in the middle of the day, is that enough for a dog of his age? Does he need a special puppy kibble or is he ok on the same one the others are on?
  3. Shite, sounds awful! Hope you're back to normal again soon
  4. Thanks, it wasn't Chopper, it was Bruno, our newbie. I got him from Renbury before we went overseas and he's been in temp care till we got back tonight. He lost a bit of weight with all the vomitting, but he's totally fine apart from that. Mine sometimes spew after turkey necks and Bruno had had one that day so I thought it might have caused a blockage. Thankfully not Sorry about Jazz, Warval Dobe
  5. He hasn't been sick again since and his carer says he's trying to scab food again so he's probably ok
  6. Thanks That's Arizona. I photographed her for the Sydney Dogs and Cats Home Limited Edition campaign > http://www.SDCH.org.au
  7. Yikes! The vet said they can't feel any obstruction, gave anti vomit injection and said go back for an xray if vomitting continues. Fingers crossed it's just gastro.
  8. It might not be a blockage at all, so I'll wait for the prognosis before worrying too much.
  9. If a dog has a blockage, roughly how much might treatment cost? (Dog is at the vet, just bracing myself for the verdict!)
  10. A friend recently asked me if I knew anyone interested in an 18mo Husky that her friend was rehoming as he had to move into a unit. I gave her a bunch of advice to give him. Next thing I see her posting an ad for the dog, he wanted $850 for her!!! She was desexed but unpapered. I guess he wanted to recoup his expenses :rolleyes:
  11. Maybe he needs to get out more!
  12. I feel compelled to help by adopting Vegas Can you please hurry up and find him a home so I can stop coveting him?!
  13. These are so good Bec! Well done I'm still waiting for my first Weim client. And Pug. Maybe I need to target my marketing!
  14. The more physically fit a dog is, the more exercise it will require. I learned that the hard way with Chopper Like Pers said, train some tricks, work the mind Maybe one of those Nina Ottoman puzzles that Wagsalot sells?
  15. I don't understand why the pounds aren't flooded with blue SBTs. Is it because people are paying so much for them they actually value them and don't dump them?
  16. Is there a site that lists the details for all the different breed clubs in Australia?
  17. OH was really bonded to our Husky and he's told me that one day he wants another one even though I REALLY don't want one. Fact is that I chose Angel, Chopper and Trixie though so I really don't have a leg to stand on :/
  18. Sounds like a great resource Have you heard of Off Leash? Not sure if it's the same thing or just NSW.
  19. Nope, never done any RSPCAs. Forgot to add that we did sledding with our Husky too!
  20. I get that all the time. If there was money in it and I could be guaranteed that all dogs would leash walk as nicely as mine, I'd do it for sure!
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