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Everything posted by Talien

  1. I have a list too! I want to take the puppy out to safe places to socialise until he is fully vaccinated so I've decided on the local coffee shop and have coffee / puppy dates planned accordingly as well as walks around the lake or at least in the general lake area, I don't think a puppy will want to walk a whole 6 kilometers! But coffee and the main strip in town will mean people can stop and pat him and he'll get a lot of different types of people as well as see other dogs walk past. I can't wait! And then when he gets old enough I'll be taking him to puppy pre-school as well as ongoing training with the Dog Obedience Club here (BDOC), which means I will get to meet a bunch of people whilst playing with my puppy! *bounces in joy*
  2. In no way do I need to justify my life or my choices to you, Rozzie, or to anyone else. I am moving out because the landlady said that ***I*** couldn't have a dog on the property. I want my dog secure in it's life with us and found a house with a massive backyard for him ^.^ As soon as is healthy for him he will be desexed. This doesn't change the fact that I love Elysia. I always will. The owner's monetary situation changes on how much she wants something, but when it comes to ensuring the litter and Elysia will be ok, she wont spare expense (I have terrified her I think with what could happen), so as I said a vet will be heavily utilised. I wasn't going to participate in this thread any longer, and after this post probably will cease to altogether. If you want to judge me on my relationship with Elysia that's ok but don't dare make the mistake of thinking that ***I*** will be a bad pet owner. I wanted to say a heartfelt thankyou to those of you who have stood up for me, I was considering leaving DOL, but if it is a select few who choose to be rude about it then I will stick to other threads I certainly didn't want this thread to catch on fire there has been enough of that on DOL of recent, my question was answered and Elysia is home. For the most part safely. xoxox to All, please stay safe and remember that circumstances change and that I have to do what is best for my family and I first and foremost.
  3. I'm sorry to hear of your loss, and your daughters, Rosered. I too had a terrible experience like this once (a cat with strychnine poisoning, poor little guy ), sometimes all you can do is learn from the experience and let your heart grieve for the loss. xoxo
  4. Hehehehe such wonderful stories! It goes the other way too I suppose, I am to get my first dog (purely mine) in December, he's just been born and I've not even met him yet but already I feel so protective and covetous! Wonder what it will be like when he finally comes home heheh
  5. They have financial support if they need it. I'm moving out in November, any mistakes she has made or will make are hers to deal with. Thankyou to everyone who showed care for elysias loss and safe return, it's appreciated.
  6. As I said before I won out on the outside dog part she now spends 90% of her time inside and when she is outside she is always with one of us.
  7. I hope my pup will be a growler. At our house we get burgled and they try to get the cars all the time despite being frightened off a lot. We are moving in November so when matt goes away I will be home alone. I used to not be afraid of anything but my outlook on life has changed a lot over the years and trust that everything will 'be okay' doesn't come easily. It would be nice to have a growler
  8. Knowing that people are going to go nuts about this please be thoughtful of your answers to this knowledge. Elysia's owner is very religious and pro-life. Whilst the vet did suggest aborting and spaying, for the owner it is simply not an option she will consider. They have the monetary means to support their conviction should a litter occur. I have done my best and now am now working to educate her the best that I can on puppies and whelping however the vet will be heavily utilized. Hopefully my friend will learn from this experience and have her spayed after the fact.
  9. Elysia is healthy, probably pregnant too early to tell she goes for an ultrasound on the 28th (I think)
  10. So, it's 3.45am. Elysia just went sick while my housemate was out having a smoke. By sick I mean that she went hackles raised, fur up, growling like a man-dog with all the testosterone of a weight lifter. Turns out some *people* (word changed for forum), were attempting to break into my car. She wouldn't let sue outside and her barking and growling scared them off. So now all my car has is a bunch of grubby finger prints. This isn't the first time Elysia has saved our necks! A while ago Sue was in the backyard (At another house), the property backed onto a small paddock and then onto the train tracks. There was someone stealing the copper from the tracks (worth a tonne of money and the bane of the cops here), and the guy/person was attempting to traffic it through the property. According to the police these guys can get fairly violent and have assaulted some people along the track. This particular time, Elysia scared them off as well, she wont allow us to cross her or the other person to cross over to us. As far as we can see she wouldn't hurt us, we just wont dare take her on when she's being protective like that, as there is usually a very good reason she's worried. I was wondering if anyone has ever had their dog physically protect them as well? Elysia is the friendliest dog, when she sense people of any kind she wags her tail and becomes very happy, children, drunks, elderly ladies, teens walking past. She seems to sense the bad people and seems to know when we are in danger. I think it is beautiful that she is so protective, having saved her owner from what could have been a very bad outcome, and for saving my car tonight. We feel a lot safer with her around (that said I cannot WAIT to move house in November, I'm sick of these *people* trying to run off with our cars!!!) Good Work Elysia, I'm a very proud Aunty ^.^ :D
  11. Oh another to the bridge. Today has been such a sad world in the realm of our doggy friends
  12. Janba what breed is Cole? I don't know much about different breeds, he looks like a greonendale (sp?) my dad once had I would include a photo of my heart dog, but unfortuanetly most were destroyed in the fire. I am trying to see if anyone of our family friends took one though
  13. Haha quasimodo face looks great, what an awesome dog! I'm sorry to hear of his passing, out to the rainbow bridge to play with the others and guard our passage when we arrive
  14. Go Go Pat The Puppy Stand Woo! :D (totally stolen from someone else, not sure who you were but the idea of this is getting me to the local lake precinct where everyone can "pat the puppy")
  15. Emma lost her litter, only two girls survived and they are in a bad way. I've been offered another pup from a different litter which I'm happy for but I feel gutted for the breeder, she was really looking forward to em as litter
  16. Oh dear lord. Such a well written letter, such a tragic story Love to both you and your daughter, to all the people who cared for the poor animal. May he find love in another life.
  17. I don't know. One of the girls was in labour when I emailed and "something" was wrong with arty's mum, it seemed like she was going into labour way to early and the vet was coming out that day but so far no news.
  18. Off to play at the rainbow bridge and safeguard our own passage when we get there. RIP Nessie
  19. Awwwww they were awesome though
  20. I think it's wonderful that a little humanity is finally coming in to play
  21. No unfortunately not yet I'll post the second I do, don't want to push the breeder as I know she's having a hard time and needs to focus on both pregnant girls, ones in labour the other is having trouble (arty's mum)
  22. Where is the Ballarat one going to be held? What time? I'd love to come and have a look Ed: iPhone double post sorry
  23. Where is the Ballarat one going to be held and what time? I'd love to come and have a look
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