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Everything posted by Puppoochi

  1. you guys that are ever so good at controlling your dogs in such a good manner,you all must be the Australia's answer to Caesar Milan. Can't wait to see you all on TV with your new shows. Even Caesar Milan recognizes some dogs as being RED ZONE cases that require special rehabilitation at his dog centre. Now do you think, the average dog owner has the ability to fix red zone cases, I really don't think so. :laugh: and I don't think I've seen a show where he's had to rehabilitate a little fluffy as a RED ZONE CASE? Correct me if I'm wrong
  2. Dogs Vic IMO have much to answer for. What is AFAIK?
  3. I was once sitting on the porch reading junkmail when one of the neighbour's 14 year old boy took his dog to shit on the nature strip next door. I asked if he was gonna pick that up, he said no. I grabbed a sheet of junkmail picked up the poo, and chased him down the street with it. He ran inside his home and I threw it down at the open gate. It went splat right where they had to walk to get out. It's very empowering chasing someone with poo, ready to throw at them.
  4. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/796382...nst-puppy-farms Several hundred dog lovers and their four-legged friends gathered on the steps of Victoria's Parliament on Sunday to try to shut down puppy farms. Rally organiser Debra Tranter wants the government to introduce Oscar's Law which calls on stricter regulations for dog breeders, heavier fines for cruelty to dogs and regular RSPCA inspections of puppy farms. "Codes of Practice for breeding establishments are absolutely pathetic," Ms Tranter said. "They are not stringent enough, are not being enforced by local councils and are sentencing thousands of dogs to a life of imprisonment, most in absolutely deplorable conditions." She said many people are unaware that they are supporting puppy farms when they buy a dog at pet stores, online or in newspapers. Shadow Treasurer Kim Wells joined the protesters and said a coalition government would give the RSPCA the power to inspect breeding establishments. "The Brumby government has had 11 years to fix the problem and now this industry is out of control," Mr Wells told reporters. "If you are going to run a business you have to run it within the confines of the laws and at the moment they are not tough enough." He said a coalition government would increase fines from $1000 to up to $30,000 and shut down illegal puppy farms. "These actions will make sure those rogue traders are put out of business." Miles Heffernan from the Lort Smith Lost Dogs Home says up to 11,000 dogs and 9000 cats are brought in to the animal shelter each year. Around 28 per cent of the dogs are unable to be rehomed and are put down. He said it was up to local councils to keep a check on breeders but many only acted after complaints rather than regular inspections of facilities and conditions. It was a bigger turnout than what the news reported, I would say there was about 2000 people there. If you are interested in helping change legislation to stop puppy farms, please send some emails out and tell the pollies how you feel..... Email Joe Helper and tell him there is no such thing as a good puppy factory!! Stop protecting the industry Joe! We want Oscars Law-No compromise! [email protected] [email protected]
  5. She is upset, her comment on facebook was Sylvia Power So it seems that all the support and enthusiasm for the DOGS Victoria presentation that I gave at the RSPCA Puppy Farms Seminar has evaporated. Rather than having the courage to publicly stand up for what we all (well, most of us....) believe in, DOGS Victoria has collapsed under the weight of the expectations brought on by all the political hidden agendas that seem to control and frustrate our every move in this organisation these days.
  6. Quote me please don't you be twisting my words best you don't you are only making yourself look foolish
  7. Omg, here we go again, if you bother to read the whole thread, you will know that I am referring to the idiots that should never own a dog, let alone a powerful one. I have read the whole thread, hence my reply. Your own sentence states "yet another bull something or rather being responsible for another attack. It's the deed not the breed Blah Blah Blah, so sick of hearing it. Sorry but the d!ckheads that own these sorts breeds have much to answer for." Again, hence my reply. Interestingly though, no response regarding the two newspaper articles I also happen to have posted. Shock, horror - NOT a bull something responsible. No interest there then? I didn't write the report did I? I am simply stating my feelings here, if you don't like well tough.
  8. Here say means nothing to me I'm sorry,
  9. Make up your mind Poodifu1. First you say it's Bull breeds, and you weren't specific about the owners you just said anyone who owned them was a d!ckhead. Stop dissing certain breeds of dog, they can all attack and if you can't control one you shouldn't have one at all it's as simple as that. But in saying that, a lot of kids tease dogs thinking it's funny then cry 'foul' when they get bit. Parents need to be more vigilant with supervision with ALL breeds of dogs, not just dogs ORIGINALLY bred for fighting, guarding and protecting. I want my dog to be protective of myself and my son, I hope that if anyone breaks into my home that my dog will attack and protect us if need be as I would do the same for her if she was in danger. My original post Shock horror, what a surprise. NOT!!! yet another bull something or rather being responsible for another attack. It's the deed not the breed Blah Blah Blah, so sick of hearing it. Sorry but the d!ckheads that own these sorts breeds have much to answer for. Who cares what sort of bull it was, some breeds are just dangerous, start and end of story. If you chose to breed a dangerous breed, you may be responsible for selling them to irresponsible d!ckheads. bb I never dissed any particular breed, the subtitle of this thread is after all Youngster Mauled In Dog Attack, So which breed is it???? You are dissing Bull breeds. "Who cares what sort of bull it was, some breeds are just dangerous, start and end of story." You are saying that all Bull breeds are dangerous and that whoever owns one is a d!ckhead. I found your post incredibly offensive because I own a Bull breed and always have owned them, ever since I was a child. And you say you're sick of hearing 'it's the deed not the breed'. Well I'm sick of simple minded people such as yourself who can't look beneath the breed. They are all dogs. Even if it's a Pit Bull, that's just the outfit the dog has on it does NOT determine their temperament and whether they are vicious or not. Show me where I say that all bull breeds are dangerous? You are twisting what I have said to have a go at me and if you are offended, I am sorry but you are misreading what I'm trying to say. If you go back and read another post, it say "If all Italians drive Fiats, I drive a Fiat, does that make me an Italian"? What does that mean to you. I am not personally attacking any one whereas YOU are by referring to me as a simple minded person, I should be the one who should be offended by your personal insults.
  10. Make up your mind Poodifu1. First you say it's Bull breeds, and you weren't specific about the owners you just said anyone who owned them was a d!ckhead. Stop dissing certain breeds of dog, they can all attack and if you can't control one you shouldn't have one at all it's as simple as that. But in saying that, a lot of kids tease dogs thinking it's funny then cry 'foul' when they get bit. Parents need to be more vigilant with supervision with ALL breeds of dogs, not just dogs ORIGINALLY bred for fighting, guarding and protecting. I want my dog to be protective of myself and my son, I hope that if anyone breaks into my home that my dog will attack and protect us if need be as I would do the same for her if she was in danger. My original post Shock horror, what a surprise. NOT!!! yet another bull something or rather being responsible for another attack. It's the deed not the breed Blah Blah Blah, so sick of hearing it. Sorry but the d!ckheads that own these sorts breeds have much to answer for. Who cares what sort of bull it was, some breeds are just dangerous, start and end of story. If you chose to breed a dangerous breed, you may be responsible for selling them to irresponsible d!ckheads. I never dissed any particular breed, the subtitle of this thread is after all Youngster Mauled In Dog Attack, So which breed is it????
  11. Omg, here we go again, if you bother to read the whole thread, you will know that I am referring to the idiots that should never own a dog, let alone a powerful one.
  12. And I still maintain that I'm sick of hearing "it's the deed not the breed", it's like a bunch of bible bashers trying to force their belief system onto others.
  13. I asked for your solutions because I was interested in what you had to say. You were posting like someone who felt they had the magic bullet and if you did have it, I wanted to know. I didn't "rip you to shreds", I disagreed with your ideas. That's what people do in discussions - ask questions, share ideas, agree and disagree. I was? where pray tell do you get that idea? Also, it is obvious that you are trying to patronize me by this comment. You seemed pretty sure earlier in this thread that the breeds were any that could be considered a bull breed - I'm really glad to see you're listening to the discussion and are retracting based on your lack of factual information. thumbsup1.gif I was asked earlier what breeds I regarded to be dangerous, I replied ones that were breed for fighting guarding and protecting,
  14. Sounds very expensive and unworkable. Given that councils can't even enforce having every dog registered with them, they'd never manage anything else. They can't even enforce no Pitbulls - I was driving behind a car yesterday with a great big sign "Pig Dog Pups - Pitbull x Arab x American Bulldog" the owners are ignorant to the law or don't care - either way, it isn't working. Re #4 - Not everyone has access to an obedience club - have you ever lived rurally? - nor access to a club who's methods they can agree with. I agree that manners training (not obedience club stuff) is important but it simply isn't workable to insist every dog owner goes at all, let alone monthly. Do you really think that obedience training would prevent bites though? I'm certain dogs with obedience training have bitten before (and will in the future). Re #5 - Again, not every breed has a breed club at all, let alone one in every state or one accessible for every owner. But why do you think paying money to a breed club and being forced to interact with these people would stop dog bites? You seemed pretty sure earlier in this thread that the breeds were any that could be considered a bull breed - I'm really glad to see you're listening to the discussion and are retracting based on your lack of factual information. How would you see the determination of breeds to go on this list? By your earlier criteria of dogs that could cause fatal injuries, that would be just about every breed. And then, why do we not care about severe injuries and mental scarring. Even a 2kg Chi. can rip the bottom lip from a child's face leaving permanent disfigurement - this should matter too. Which would lead to making ALL breeds come under these very strict, time-consuming and expensive regulations you've suggested. Which leads (assuming pigs fly and they are enforced 100%) to a reduction in dog ownership and dogs IMO - not something I'll ever be asking for! No that's incorrect. Bite rate is the number of bites per number of dogs, this accounts for popular breeds. i.e. If there are 100 Toy Poodles in Australia and 99 attacks by Toy Poodles then the bite rate is 99%. If there are 10 Pitbulls in Australia and 1 attack by Pitbulls then the bite rate is 10% If there are 1000 Bullmastiffs in Australia and 10 attacks by Bullmastiffs then the bite rate is 10% When talking simply of number of bites, then breed numbers can bias the stats. Oh for dog's sake, I'm not the fn prime minister, did you just bait me to rip me to sheds? ffs you wanted me to think about it and I did!!! You catch more bee with "molasses" than you do with vinegar. I don't think it would matter what I said because you obviously have an agenda and that it is to EDUCATE ME. You should review your methods, they're very offputting
  15. Maybe it's because there's not really much that sets the average registered breeder apart from BYB & puppy farmer. The only thing I see that sets them apart is a piece of paper that comes along with the dog. They'll just have egg on their face if they go along.
  16. Why do you want to undercut everybody else, it only cheapens the breed and you'll be inundated with phone calls. There are also puppy brokers out there that will snap them up and sell them on for a profit. These people will schmooze you and tell you what you want to hear. Personally I would stay in par with what the breeder/s you got your dogs from,(please ring and ask them) or maybe just a little less, but not half the price. If you charge too little, you'll only p!ss off the breeder/s you got your dogs from.
  17. Hi Louise. You should probably head over to the poodle chat thread in the Breeds sub-forum (under General Discussion). There are breeders and exhibitors there who can help. I don't know of any exhibitor that doesn't wrap the top knot and jacket to protect it between shows. With good wraps your dog can run and play. Jackets are a no no. it mats the coat. Ok for a pet but not a showdog. Wrapping ears is essential, banding top knots is the norm, some people also wrap. I wouldn't allow play unsupervised, your dog can come back to you with all the hair chewed up. Also, you need to check the bands and wraps on a daily basis to make sure their not matting either. Change them as required. Sorry, am I allowed to post on here?
  18. I've been in a bad situation myself (sorry not going into detail), I was lucky enough to have a support system around me otherwise, I may not be here today. My dogs were fostered out and were well looked after until I was "fixed" Some people just aren't as lucky as others. Some people just don't have the same coping skills as others. Some people feel things way more deeply than others. This woman obviously withdrew from reality she has no coping skills and no support in her time of grief. And to blame the 13 year old is so unfair as well. How do you know that the child wasn't also in deep state of depression. The lack of empathy that some of you display simply astounds me.
  19. Ugh, what a fn ahole. What atrocities is he gonna commit when he grows up? Beware residents of Mackay.
  20. Funny how if one is a member of Dogs Victoria, one will basically have permission to be a puppy farmer
  21. Yes sorry, I haven't had the time to respond properly. 1. No crossbreeding should ever be allowed at all, and sales should be outlawed 2. One must obtain a permit/license to own certain breeds, before purchase is permitted, renewed annually 3. Owners must undertake a training course to own certain breeds 4. Owners must take dogs to obedience training at least once a month. 5. Owners must be members of breed clubs and must participate in all club activities. 6. Residences to be inspected by an animal control officer pre purchase. I don't know, that's all I can think of atm Basically, it should be difficult and expensive to own certain breeds. Please don't ask me which breeds I'm talking about because I don't really know the true statistics of offending dogs. Also I would like to ad that from what you say about bite stats Jed, Cattle Dogs, Labradors, German Shepherds,are common and popular. So therefore it would be expected that these breeds with them being more prevelant, the bite rate would be higher. Personally
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