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Everything posted by luvabull

  1. Sorry to hear of your loss of Wedge :p RIP little fella :p
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss Snarf :D Ratties are such special creatures, full of love but yet a life so short. RIP Gizz :rolleyes: Say hi to boys when you arrive. I'm sure they'll love to wrestle ya :D
  3. I thought all the fido's range are soap free Did the vet say why you couldn't use it? Just curious, thanks :D I use Aloveen and a few of the Fido's range (the emu oil one is great)
  4. I've heard that they are ok for dogs but not for older dogs with arthritis or problem joints :rolleyes: Same with humans with arthritis :D ETA: You can google "tomatoes and arthritis" for info
  5. Hmmmm I'm stumped It seems like something has scared him and now he's associating the kitchen with that feeling. It's good that he still goes into the kitchen when your there. Maybe you could bend down near the oven and offer him a treat he really loves to entice him to come near it and associate the oven not as stressful but as rewarding :p
  6. Maybe when you take the pots/pans out of the draw they make loud noises which may have startled him
  7. So sorry to hear of your loss Fly free Cocky :cool: for you NAO
  8. That's Chucky. He just had to come and spoil all the fun. Even Nibbler wasn't to happy about that :D
  9. Here's a vid of Nibbler playing with Leeloo, my ferret It's not very good quality and there is no sound but still funny to watch her spin http://s198.photobucket.com/albums/aa56/ad...rrent=010-2.flv
  10. Umm. I am at work now so I can't check the box.. It's just regular Advantix, pack of 3. Now that you say.. I have it stuck in my head that it's one dose every 3 months? Have I been using it wrong!? Is it once a month you dose them? Poor baby.. no wonder he had a flea on him then... One application lasts 1 month ETA I thought it was a bit strange when you wrote this-
  11. You can join my club of the "poll-ers gone wrong"
  12. I voted other. I feed my dogs Iams as well as fresh bones too ETA and I've had no probs with it.
  13. I would usually wait 24hrs but I'm not to sure if it's better to wait though
  14. So sorry to hear of your loss So young Run free now Amy
  15. Sorry to hear of your loss Cassie :D ;) Run free big fella RIP
  16. http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=2FV7aLCrgX0 :D ;)
  17. If it's a large breed (25kg+ as an adult) then it should stay on puppy food 24months
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