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Everything posted by Troy

  1. I have been advised that Jed's condition remains stable today, she is still ventilated and is likely to be so for a while yet.
  2. Jed's condition remains stable today, she is still ventilated and is likely to be so for a while yet.
  3. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=196068
  4. Compilation of updates regarding Jed and her dogs taken from other threads Refer to http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showforum=67 for PACERS fundraising details.
  5. The Dutch Shepherd See Photos of the Dutch Shepherd If you wish to contribute to the knowledge about this breed, please answer the above questions. (Copy and paste them into a new post). Please only answer if you breed or own a pedigree example of this breed. You do not have to answer all questions Please keep posts limited to answering questions or for asking further questions if you require more (or expanded) information. See Photos of the Dutch Shepherd Dutch Shepherd Breeders Dutch Shepherd Puppies For Sale
  6. Troy

    Chow Chow

    The Chow Chow See Photos of the Chow Chow If you wish to contribute to the knowledge about this breed, please answer the above questions. (Copy and paste them into a new post). Please only answer if you breed or own a pedigree example of this breed. You do not have to answer all questions Please keep posts limited to answering questions or for asking further questions if you require more (or expanded) information. See Photos of the Chow Chow Chow Chow Breeders Chow Chow Puppies For Sale
  7. The Chinese Crested Dog See Photos of the Chinese Crested Dog If you wish to contribute to the knowledge about this breed, please answer the above questions. (Copy and paste them into a new post). Please only answer if you breed or own a pedigree example of this breed. You do not have to answer all questions Please keep posts limited to answering questions or for asking further questions if you require more (or expanded) information. See Photos of the Chinese Crested Dog Chinese Crested Dog Breeders Chinese Crested Dog Puppies For Sale
  8. The Fox Terrier (Smooth) See Photos of Smooth Fox Terriers If you wish to contribute to the knowledge about this breed, please answer the above questions. (Copy and paste them into a new post). Please only answer if you breed or own a pedigree example of this breed. You do not have to answer all questions Please keep posts limited to answering questions or for asking further questions if you require more (or expanded) information. See Photos of Smooth Fox Terriers Smooth Fox Terrier Breeders Smooth Fox Terrier Puppies For Sale
  9. The Fox Terrier (Wire) See Photos of Wire Fox Terriers If you wish to contribute to the knowledge about this breed, please answer the above questions. (Copy and paste them into a new post). Please only answer if you breed or own a pedigree example of this breed. You do not have to answer all questions Please keep posts limited to answering questions or for asking further questions if you require more (or expanded) information. See Photos of Wire Fox Terriers Wire Fox Terrier Breeders Wire Fox Terrier Puppies For Sale
  10. Bonnie, how would I do that..... I guess Im being lazy just going to new posts - after all it does show all the stuff that has been on since my list visit - if I could block the off topic that would help. Oh and thanks for all the other 'comments' If you wish to block off topic, just send me a PM and I can arrange
  11. Final warning ..... (I am being generous today) Respect another person's choice to feed their dog whatever they choose and move on. All you need to care about is what you feed your own dog.
  12. Quit with the fighting everyone or you will be on an enforced break.
  13. This thread could probably go on forever so I guess I will now close it. I understand the reasons for starting the topic, but as previously stated, there is already a system in place where you can report a post if you find it objectionable. Whilst I do have a life (just), I am usually not far away and should be able to look at it within a reasonable time (just don't expect it to be done immediately). That is not to say that any action will be taken. I may look at it and find no problem with it. That is I guess where the issue comes in ... everyone has a different view of what is acceptable both on this forum and in real life. I try to strike a balance ... sometimes I get it right ... sometimes I don't. I do know though that the way the forum is run will not be changing in the forseeable future.
  14. Poodlefan has summed up my feelings pretty well. If you have an issue, report the post or topic and I will have a look at it. For the topic in question I think I may have got one report. The following comments are general observations and are probably not related to the topic in question. There is a lot of passionate dog people on here and some may say things that others may consider out of line but they usually have the dog's interest at heart first and foremost. This forum will never be 'touchy feely' and I have no desire for it to be that way. You probably should search elsewhere if that is what you are wanting. When people post about something publicly on a forum this large, you need to expect that not all people will agree with you or approve of what you are doing. I don't want to sanitise the forum to the point that people are afraid to dis-agree with anyone or else they be banned. That does not foster open discussion.
  15. I would like to congratulate all the winners too and also the nominees (as that is also an achievement to be proud of). It was a honour to receive the Dianne Gunn-Scarcella memorial award. Thanks for the congrats. To all the people who I met from the forum .... you guys are great! Special thanks to the people sitting at my table for making it a relaxed enjoyable night . If you didn't make it this year, do yourself a favour and try to make it to Melbourne next year.
  16. Some posts have been removed. Please keep club politics away from here
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