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Everything posted by RiverStar-Aura

  1. You can also use those bungee cords to feed around the bars and the headrest to help secure it. My small crate seems to fit quite snugly on the front passenger seat and it's also secured with bungee cords around the top and bottom of the seat.
  2. The gooberlicious George! He's just an absolute gorgeous boofer and I want to just smoosh his face and smother him in snuggles! :)
  3. I'm with you on this angelsun. One standard per breed not one show standard and one working standard. Working border collies for example with their scruffy short coats should be limited register only as they are not per breed standard especially in reference to coat. JMHO Re Shelties: being involved in the agility world, I've seen many different types but I wasn't aware the breed was heading down an English/US path. I just assumed some lines had a more dense coat than others.
  4. You've just reminded me, I'd love an Aussie terrier! Wow really? So few people know of them or want one these days so sadly they're on the decline as a breed. I could never live without one, two or a hundred!!
  5. Thanks Willem. I'd completely forgotten about Dr Liz at Russell Vale -- I'd actually contacted her last year regarding titre testing when I was in the early research stage. Will definitely be contacting soon because I have 3 dogs due within the next couple of months!
  6. Since seeing pictures of Grizabella's gorgeous Saluki Bella, I've been keen to learn more about them and have added them to my want list. Then came DOLer dog Ping the Pod and I've fallen in love with them too!! I've been looking into them and would love to one day add a medium wire haired Pod into my life. Other than that I have no real desires for other breeds; I'm and Aussie and Norwich terrier gal through and through! All other breeds I'm happy to admire from a far (or vicariously through others!!) :laugh:
  7. When my guys are allowed to sleep inside in crates I don't provide water but they have access to it right up until we go to bed. I think even if I did provide water they'd be far too busy sleeping to drink anyway. My dogs completely shut down overnight that I can't even make them stir, so I don't worry about thirst.
  8. Lol I get the same! When I say a griffon bruxellois I get "so is that a pug x chihuahua". Some people are convinced she is a pug x and I'm just putting a fancy name to a cross breed lol. I can see the idea behind a pug x for a Griffon (especially the smooth) and especially for non dog people, however, it must be frustrating to try and educate people when they know best. I mean, why ask about breed if you don't care for the answer?
  9. My Aussie is ALWAYS labelled a Silky or Yorkie but I'm mostly asked if Zeus is a pointer, harrier or foxhound. When I reply no, he's my Heinz dog I get a confused look so I'll usually elaborate and say he was sold as a beagle x JRT. That's when the questions of 'why don't you get him dna tested?' start. I don't want to have him dna tested because a) I like guessing and b) knowing his composition won't make any difference to my training or anything else. In the end, he's just my Zeusling :D
  10. SCWTs are quite a big/solid dog so depends if that size would be suitable. I know you aren't really looking for small but how about either an Aussie or Norwich Terrier? They are both very sturdy and hardy breeds and tough as nails. It does depend on whether you can handle the terrier temperament though -- they need a firm person but really are loveable dogs. They're tough as nails and I feel hold up well against larger breeds. Aussies once worked with cattle so they certainly have attitude and personality in abundance! Of the two breeds though I have found my Norwich to be far snugglier and more of a cuddlebum than my Aussie girl. My Norwich can be feisty when needed but mostly he'd just a mellow little dude!
  11. Hahahahaha surely you can't go past Boris and Natasha? :)
  12. From what I've seen of Boston Terriers, they seem to be quite outgoing and very lively little dogs. Create s list of possible breeds then if you can, attend a dog show to speak with breeders -- or even call a few. The more info you get about a few breeds will really help you choose something suitable. I also agree with looking at older dogs too -- there are so many gorgeous ones available!!
  13. Also, you won't need to start on heartworm until the pup is 6 months old.
  14. For what it's worth my guys are treated for fleas and ticks all year round but I live coastal NSW which generally has tick season all year round now. They are also wormed with Drontal (tablets not the chewies) every 3 months due to them liking to eat poo of all kinds. Heartworm is monthly with Valuheart. It's definitely important to see what pests are common in your area -- I wouldn't treat for ticks if I didn't live in such a high tick area!
  15. I agree to try things other than walking. So many people think that to tire a dog out you need to exercise it more and more -- all this does is increase stamina until you end up with an energiser dog. Trust me, I've been there. Try games like scent work or even just trick training to agility in your backyard. Using the brain will help tire her out too. Definitely take her to see a vet behaviouralist and good on you for wanting to do everything you can for your girl. May I ask why you've said euth is not an answer? There are other things to try certainly, but sometimes it is sadly the best option. (Not saying you have to go there just yet though)
  16. And lastly (although I have found out he may have brothers/sisters in a couple of months time!): RUPERT (aka Lil Dood and Baby Boy)
  17. My current zoo: Introducing the 3 stooges!! ZEUS KIRAH (aka the Turd)
  18. I think I might be wanting to add a Pod to my zoo one day -- I've just been reading the standard and they almost sound quite terrier-like, especially being bred for vermin and rabbit hunting!! For me it'd have to be a wire because I do so love my terriers and a wire coat would be like having a terrier without having one!! :laugh: Also, it mentioned in the standard that wire coats fair better in hotter climates and smooths are more well suited to the cooler weather.
  19. So is she actually Ping's litter sister or from the same mating but different litter? I'm actually really starting to like the look of these guys -- a breed very well kept secret!!! From the ANKC extended breed standard the medium wire haired look amazing!! A little like a Parson Russell but taller and lankier!!
  20. No way she can be 5 years old I still remember when she was just a wee little thing!!! Still gorgeous as ever and one of my fave DOL Doggies
  21. My dad made Poochie a wooden box when she was a puppy and for 16 years it was "her" box. I brought Zeus home when she was about 14 and it became his puppy box for a little while through the chewing stages. Until she passed Zeus and Poochie would share it until eventually we had her pts. The box then became Kirah's puppy bed and it's now Rupert's puppy box. If anyone asks me about it, it's still to this day called Poochie's Box. It still has her puppy teeth marks on the edging combined with Zeus's, Kirah's and Rupie's. I know that Poochie wouldn't mind sharing her bed and I love keeping it around as a reminder of one of the best dogs I'll ever have the privilege of sharing my life with. Long story short, it's definitely us humans who form the attachments your little Maddie pup will be fine!! PS Don't forget the pictures!!!
  22. Signed mum up and together we found Calypso Kitty. She's now been transferred and claimed under my name so all 4 pets are accounted for. Once working out all the hiccups, the site has worked fine for me.
  23. I have a feeling it must also go by name, which would explain why I can't find my cat. She's technically registered in my mum's name even though we live in the same house so even though it asks only for microchip and phone numbers, it must cross reference all other info too. I'm going to go sign mum up and see if I can find the cat that way.
  24. I also found that using private browsing stopped the site from working. Still can't locate Calypso Kitty on it either. Might contact the council like it suggests but a but later on. All 3 of my dogs have been claimed though.
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