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Everything posted by angelsun

  1. I'm a firm believer in crate training. first and best thing to always remember, a crate is not a prison...we humans get that stuck in our heads..it's not the case. Once you sort that out in your head..your dog will be just fine. cratetraining.doc
  2. Uptight? no....just honest....we don't allow OUR OWN dogs to piss on our own cars, why would we accept someone else doing it? As mentioned..if that's the only way to get your dogs to pee....take them to your own vehicle. I wonder how uptight you might be if as mentioned, you are caught leading your dogs to others cars and end up with a toe up their arse or a bucket of water on them.....? I'm wondering what question was asked as well.....I know I answered about the shoes.....oh yes, and we even hose down our veranda daily and wash all we can where we know the dogs lift (in their own doggie yards)
  3. SA is not the only ones that can't get into change or something new..believe me, it's been a BIG lot of work for me to promote this sport nationally and try to get some of the die hard obedience judges to see what benefits this sport is for not only the clubs but more importantly the handlers and dogs. Unfortunately as I mentioned...the majority that shun this sport, simply don't understand it or have never had any correct introduction to it. On the outside, this sport seems easy and simple and the attitude is 'why bother'? Like so many things though, once we get to learn the details, we see that this isn't the case at all. My goal is to hopefully show the clubs the details, let them experience as close to a real trial as I can pull together and then they are free to make up their minds as to how much they wish to participate in it. Like anything..no one holds a gun to anyones head. I personally don't care for flyball and won't go do it, but I don't poo-poo those that do or go around saying 'what's the point'....it's the same thing with Rally in my opinion....hence why I work just that much harder to promote it and change the attitudes about it....still lots to do, and yes, I"ll be going to SA at some point and hopefully slowly change the minds of a few.
  4. They need to come and try some of my courses and be marked by me....I'm sure that those that have attended my seminars will probably agree on that! Yes those that have NEVER done this sport, see the basics of it and say...'so what?'....I can assure anyone thinking that.....by the time you are fully taught HOW this works and have run through some of my courses (and they all are Novice inspite of what some participants have said to me!) attitudes will change. Rally requires far more skills than traditional obedience.
  5. Do you like your car tyres to smell like dog piss? I know I don't! Don't be silly Miss B - apparently you can't smell it and you never touch your car wheels anyway I suspect BMP is taking the piss slightly Tyres not wheels! Your tyres have been on the road, exposed to road-kill, phlegm, vomit, cigarette butts and all sorts of other nasties. Geez the bottom of your shoe gets covered in wee and poo residue from a show, and you take that into your house and rub it all over your carpet. And then let your children sit on the carpet! I think dog wee on a tyre is the least of anyones worries . I take my shoes off at the door and they stay outside....as does anyone that comes to my home....how about others?
  6. I can't open zip files (not sure why) anyone want to send me the document the old fashioned way? (via email.... [email protected] )
  7. I simply don't agree with putting a bitch through multiple ties per day over a three/four day period...sure mother nature says 'have at it' but we've interfered enough that this is just one more....I've seen males mate so often they can hardly walk,,,,in fact there was a manchester in the USA used so much at stud he passed away due to massive cardiac arrest because he stopped eating, and was over exerting himself (he had at one point in time no less than 8 bitches per week over a four month period....yes EVERYONE had him in their pedigree) I've also seen bitches so sore from mating that they clearly are having issues walking etc....mother nature be damned....besides..if I let them go at it over a week, it's harder to nail when she's really due to whelp...I like knowing things more precisely and one or two well timed matings, does just that... Works for me and has for many years....did I mention AI's were faster??
  8. Reminder of the seminar being held in Shepparton Vic on March 13-14th [email protected] for more information and to sign up.
  9. My bazillion performance titled Manchester didn't hit the AKC show rings til he was six years of age and had half of his bazillion performance titles....he was never meant to show there as I felt he wasn't competative, and put in to help build majors for others....oops...he snagged four of the five majors and fell three points short of his AKC title because of it (one weekend) As an older dog, he was in the Open class where most judges award points from, and had more brain cells working compared to young silly dogs....by waiting, I saved a TON of money (at $30/entry)
  10. Sorry BB...meant to but I mucked up my back big time and barely made it to the ring to show the pinscher....had to pass on showing Tripp...wasn't going to be able to stand up had I tried that! lets hope it stays cooler and we make it...laundry is in the machine now in hopes.....Am hoping that someone might post ABC weather here just in case some of us miss it? (pretty please?)
  11. How about exercising dogs in the rings first thing in the morning before those rings are to be used for the shows??? (show site where there was only another five acres or so available for exxing dogs.....)
  12. Pups are chipped in our names here and given the CARs form to fill out when they are sold. Chipping is done just before first shots and not at the same time as I beleive that it is too stressful to undergo both proceedures. (meaning i feel that the shots are harder on the immune system re: stress, than the chipping) I used to chip and/or tattoo about 5-6 weeks on average depending on what else was lined up (remember, I used to crop ears so wanted to get ID done prior to this proceedure) Size of dog doesn't matter when it comes to chipping....I've chipped 6 week chihuahua's in the past....no big deal.
  13. I've not tied off cords...I simply use my fingernail and shred which simulates what the mom would do if she was chewing. I tend to get in there because my breed has a tendancy to nip close to the belly and as a result will cause hernias. Without coat to hide them, it's an issue I'd rather not let happen. As for moving pups around etc....I've only had one bitch that went feral on me....and it didn't last, because my rules are THE rules....all my girls are quite fine with me being in there mucking around to move pups, change bedding or weigh them....it's just what is done and they know it....doesn't mean they aren't protective....would like to see a stranger go in and try it!! (cept one bitch I had that felt her pups were meant to be looked at and touched by anyone that passed by!) I disagree. I've never had a bitch pine over a dead pup, be it newborn or die after....they know more than we do when it comes to this. My last litter born in Canada, I had the first pup born with a severe deformity....removed....second pup born fine..third born with another severe deformity....disappeared....went on and on unfortunately, and at no time did the mother stress out by missing puppies. She neither paniced or looked for them. I've had many occurances of this sort of thing over the years and can't say that even one time, have I had a bitch stress out over a missing whelp. What I DON"T do, is drag the new mom out for a wee or poo ten minutes after I think she's done...when she's ready to go out..she will tell me....what so many forget is that she has purged herself prior to whelping...she's empty.....
  14. My bitches are on lead if natural breedings are done. I generally let them bounce around and have some fun and when he finally gets down to business (my boys are usually very gentleman like) then I quietly step in, but moreso for a maiden bitch. After a tie, I simply keep everyone on their feet as they get bored easy and all too often she will try to take him for a walk around, pulling/stretching all the while....I've seen too many dogs/bitches damaged by this sort of thing and won't take a chance on it happening to mine! (I saw a breeder allow a male and female Dal to mate out in the yard and after a lengthy tie with no issues, she decided enough was enough and tried to barrel roll out of the attachment....thousands of dollars in vet bills later, there was a very stitched up and swollen vulva and a sterile dog. Because I am good at fresh collect AI's I prefer this method for a couple reasons....1) it's quicker than hanging around holding onto a tied bitch and dog for an hour with my bad back. 2) it's less chance of any STD's 3)less chance of injury for bitch/dog because of being a maiden or just simply bitchy 4)It's much quicker....gee...did I mention that? I've got almost a 100% success rate with fresh collect AI's at this point in time.
  15. Hope that temp is correct..they are calling for HOT up in the North East!! If it's too hot up here, we won't be going as we won't leave the dogs on a blistering day with risk of bush fire etc.
  16. All our boys can lift, but they can all squat too, and they do if there is nothing to lean against. No teaching involved...remember, boys squat before they learn to lift. If our boys go and pee on the trailer, they get my toe up their butt (if i can catch them!) I most certainly would not permit them to do it on someone elses when I don't allow it on our own! (What about the dog that stands beside you waiting to go in for groups and lifts on YOU?? That has happened to many I've seen..and the owner/handler, blissfully unaware for the most part....WTF?)
  17. clearly someone isn't happy with my posts....too bad it was totally positive about the show and only one concern, but certainly not a gripe....oh well...won't mention the good things again then....feel free to delete or report this post whoever you are....I"m sure it'll get deleted as well.
  18. this is my best 'drive' photo....this is Spirit at 10 weeks and being introduced to schutzhund work. She still maintains this intensity at 18 months old and is still working in Schutzhund (although the belgian people still giggle at the sight of a german pinscher at class.....until she really turns things on!)
  19. I used to show inside all the time in Canada (due to most of our shows being in the middle of blizzards!) Many let their males lift on the corners of the ring entry or rubbish bins etc...VERY RUDE....yes some of mine tried, but they got popped for their efforts and a stern 'don't you dare!' and I went OUTSIDE and found a snowbank or a rock....yes they'll lift on pretty much anything...NEVER on car tires because it does damage them. Unless of course you want them lifting on YOUR car tires only....then whatever floats your boat....
  20. I don't wait for mum...I clean off, rip cord if mum hasn't done it and get rubbing with a dry towel....Mum of course is free to help lick etc but often she is busy cleaning herself up....a vigorous rubbing and then I'll give pup to mum if it's breathing. If not...pups mine until I either get it going or it is simply not viable....if that is the case, mum never sees it.
  21. If indeed it's moved to an attention getter, then even the correction gives the dog the moment of attention it wants. (positive reward for a negative action)
  22. I watched (as I sat in the car to get away from the early morning chill) an exhibitor exercise three large dogs on the footy field and not clean up after ANY of them....I jobbed my back so wasn't moving around real good or I would have been the first to offer them bags to clean up, which I've done in the past.... What annoys me is when you yell out "need a bag?" and they say..no thanks...and walk away and still don't clean up!! There was no reason to not clean up if there was a mess around the rings, the scoopers and bins were in clear sight all weekend and I noticed quite a few willing hands either offer to hold dogs or get the scoops to help people who's dogs messed nearby. As always, there are a few 'special' ones that don't think this courtesy applies to them.
  23. Group 6; BIG Samoyed RuBIG Dobermann Baby in G. Neapolitan (her first show) Junior Akita Sorry, wasn't paying attention to the rest.
  24. My girls absolutely GLOW when they are pregnant, but I can't take them in the ring after a bit over four weeks as they are a sleek short coated breed that looks like hell when they are fat with babies! Have never had any issues picking anything up at shows as my bitches have strong and health immune systems. I don't wrap my dogs in bubble wrap regardless...mother nature has a nice way of handling things for the most part I think.
  25. Our GSD bitch had very close cycles although it took her a LONG time for her first, she began to cycle every 13 weeks or so. We decided to breed her as we felt that this was what was needed to kick things back into a better sort of pattern. We did not attempt to stop a season or manipulate anything but as she was all health tested, did the breeding. We did get a litter without issues albeit smaller than average, however all good size, healthy and happy. We have another two girls in season here at the moment so are wondering if that might bring her in, but so far, no signs. Am hoping she can hold off another 8 weeks which would put her about 'normal'...then the real trick is, can she maintain that? Time will tell.
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