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Everything posted by MsKatie

  1. I like Semaphore for the dogs - will take some photos for you Monah Rileys Mum - might try to organise the next one for a Sunday
  2. Sending strength and healing thoughts to you and Mindy - hang in there little girl
  3. Mine smelt better when they came home I don't think it would be normal for them to smell like urine though
  4. Would be lovely to catch up Lisa and you know how much i Kiya - maybe I'll steal her THIS time
  5. Oh absolutely - particularly if those dogs happen to be Border Collies
  6. I am going to take my 2 to Semaphore beach on Sat moring at 8.30 to walk along the beach - they will be leashed as neither of them have a 100% recall but it is still a good walk. Will prob have my 10 year old daughter too ( she has a pretty good recall so is allowed to be offleash. ) If anyone would like to join us we can meet at the jetty at Semaphore about 8.25
  7. My kelpie has a muzzle and is used to wearing it so that's one thing i don't have to worry about - as for her recall - well - that's a whole other kettle of fish ;)
  8. There is a letter from Wyndham City Council to someone about their Amstaff posted on the facebook page Pitbull lovers unite against Breed Specific Legislation in Australia Their Facebook page
  9. hehehehehe LOL @ your Kelpie... but aren't they smart!!?? I have a young Kelpie too and she's amazing. Sonia Yes - a little too clever at times Can't wait to get her back to Obedience Training - for ALL our sanity
  10. Have posted link on FB - I have friends with bull breeds
  11. Don't forget the comp for hardest to recapture at the end of the course!!! Somehow, I reckon my Saluki BIATCH would be up for that!! Sonia PS Thanks, Keshwar, for the links... I don't know - my bitch-face kelpie might give her a run for her money (after giving me a run trying to catch her )
  12. I was just about to post this - I got my email today too Late notice though for me - I am away this weekend I would have liked to have gone - last one was great
  13. You mean choosing not to care for the dog anymore. Every post you write just shows a lack of understanding of your actions, and lack of caring and empathy for your dog. if i didnt care, i would have gotton rid of the dog long ago....shhesh! You've only had the dog since June - real long time :rolleyes:
  14. I think that if the breeder saw this thread they would be horrified that they had let a dog of their breeding go (under contract no less) to someone so eminently unsuitable and would be very keen to have the dog back with them so it could be more suitably placed. Given that though I don't think they should pay anything in refund - as has been stated before, you DID sign a contract - expensive lesson - maybe you will go into any other transactions with your eyes wide open and a great deal more caution.
  15. Does she know NOTHING!!!!! (Oh - hang on - no she doesn't - that is why the country is in all this shit!)
  16. Well - maybe that $1500 should have stayed in your pocket originally
  17. Is this the one you were having second thoughts about after putting the $1500 deposit on her?
  18. Brilliant news - so glad to come on here and read this
  19. Flocked, Facebooked and Tweeted - and all fingers and paws crossed here
  20. OMG - I have seen that look so often What great photos
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