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Everything posted by ILK

  1. My first thoughts - There has to be a reason she is getting rid of them. They are all 4 to 9 years old :D I would say "less than good intentions".
  2. I know - one of my closest girlfriends has a cav.... There is no way she could forget it's quite a sight
  3. Just bones no teeth cleaning here.
  4. brain has gone on holiday To where? I must agree with alot of you as I am often one of the posters who complains about the negative comments. I guess it just isn't necessary to give your negative opinion in a situation where someone is asking for help. Yes it is a public forum and yes we all have different views on things. There are many threads that have call for debate and it is even fun sometimes, but there is such a thing as being toooooooo opinionated.
  5. Gotta love that kelpie way of nudging you with their nose to get their way
  6. I don't mean to throw a spanner, in the works here, coz you all seem to find it so amuzing, but I would be terrified if my dog wanted to attack or even play with cars like that
  7. Wow it appears that so many of us didn't know that there was a report button. Watch all the reports happen now
  8. I forgot to feed my dog one day last week. First time ever I promise. It was last Tuesday night when I got home from work. I let him inside like I do every night. He lays at my feet while I sit on the lounge watching t.v. In the morning I woke up and realised I had forgotten to feed him so I went outside straight away and gave him some food thinking that he would be really hungry. Every night now he lets out a bark every now & again to let me know he is hungry. He is not going to let me forget again. He has never done that before. Has anyone else forgotten to feed their dog or does your dog let you know when it is hungry?
  9. I know all of this has been said before, but by reading this thread it needs to be said again. It doesn't matter the breed or the size of the dog. If the dog is not fulfilled then it may misbehave. A toy dog may chew off a childs finger where a larger breed may chew off an adults arm. The breed is not of consequence except by what the media portrays.
  10. Happy Birthday :birthday T: Yummmmmm Cake!
  11. My 45kg Deerhound needed extensive surgery to reattach his thigh muscle after an aggressive 5kg Jack Russell grabbed hold of him. Four years later, he still has a 20cm scar down his leg, and some muscle weakness there. I don't thinks that's very funny. An aggressive dog is an aggressive dog. I don't care about it's size. And for the record, my dog never even TOUCHED the JRT as it attacked him. He was running away from the little turd and it latched onto my boy's thigh. Being dog aggressive is very different to what we are talking about here, which is attacking a human.
  12. Maybe not , but I've read some pretty idiotic things in my time on here, when it comes to dog ownership. Some have been down right stupid, dangerous and I think quite a few people here are damn lucky they have not made the news. It's been down to the power of good luck, more so than good management. I consider myself to be an educated and responsible dog owner, I carefully manage my pack and my mind is open when it comes to learning more. Even so, we've had some near misses in this house. One involved my child and dog who was subsequently PTS, we were lucky that my daughter didn't become another bite stat. I watch the dogs and kids like a hawk, I can read a dog and to this day I still don't know what happened. Out of curiosity SBT123, were you watching what happened just prior to the attack or was it out of the blue? The reason I ask is because and I have mentioned this before on DOL, when I was a small child my parents Irish Setter bit my face. I rode on his back he followed me everywhere. The family were laying in the loungeroom watching tv, I was laying on the floor with the dog. He suddenly turned and bit my eyebrow (drew blood bigtime) as far as mum and dad were concerned, but I had been secretly blowing in his ear. He must of given me at least three warnings before he actually bit. My parents were talking about pts until I told them what actually happened.
  13. Yes woofnhoof getting education into schools is a fab idea. They should start in primary schools, all youngters are interested in the wellbeing of animals. It is a relevant part of life and would be a very useful subject for society in the curriculum. LOVE THAT IDEA!!
  14. I can remember a case like this one quite a few years ago. If I can remember correctly (& I could be wrong with the suburb), but I definately remember the article. It occurred in Fairfield or Wakeley NSW and they discovered that alot of the pets were missing from peoples yards being used as dinner. I guess the big difference is that in Fairfield they were taking any cat or dog with no preference of breed.
  15. That is a good point puggerup. We should all be educated on our breed of choice and people quite often mistreat their pets unintentionally just by not providing them with their physical or emotional needs.
  16. I haven't read the entire thread, but I was involved in the beginning and I have read the last couple of pages. Huski mentioned something about the breed being a product of it's environment and I think that most of us were saying exactly that in the beginning. Of course we don't know the breeding background of this particular dog, but again, does a family pet really continue to attack till the death removing human limbs and whatever else without having been mistreated in some way? It is one thing to bite, but another to kill. When I say mistreated it could be anything like e.g, not walking the dog, locking the dog in confined spaces, smacking, grabbing, living on a chain, etc, not necessarilly attack or bite train. This could be any breed, it is just unfortunate that again this dog happens to be a pitbull x so is sensationalised by the media.
  17. I can see where you are coming from chocolatelover, I hope all the animals get loving homes too.
  18. Yes she broke the law, but don't you consider this to be an extreme circumstance. Why couldn't they just help all concerned woman and animals alike? When a small boy steals a loaf of bread because his family is starving - is it fair to cut off his arm? edit cause I can't spell today
  19. No-one here is talking about the right to "own" an animal at all. Yes the animals have a "right" to a decent life, but so does the lady. What is the point of kicking anyone while they are already down?
  20. I think you mean "Sorry to be using" or "Sorry to use"
  21. My sentiments exactly .Its an unfortunate set of circumstances but children should always come first. I am sure a home can be found for him without children where he will be taken care of.I have been confronted with the same situation unfortunately dog was not rehomeable and pains me greatly to have to pts the dog but children always come first.You can buy another dog but you cant buy another child. Disposable statements are easy to make from your armchair but children deserve a second chance and a loving home more so than a lot of dogs do. Our prisons are full of people that didnt have the opportunity of a loving home or foster care and left to fend for themselves.If people like Brooke didnt foster children there would be a lot more.Just think about that. And a disposable statement it is. Thoughtless harsh words are not required in a thread like this. There is no debate here only assistance required. edit to add: well said bullgogz4eva.
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