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Everything posted by dandybrush

  1. can i ask pple finding ticks on their dogs are they using tick prevention also?
  2. i have to say lovemyrottie you do want to wait until your dog is a bit older, my age gap is about 2 years between my pair, and prob in all honesty isnt big enough a gap, i still want to put heaps of work into my older boy, now i have to divide my time to another dog. but that said they get on famously, play all the time (when im to lazy to play with them ) and i do love my baby girl to bits and its quite fun learning to train a different natured dog now red dirt dobe. only get another dog like everyone has said if YOU want one, not for a friend for your current one. my boy was quite content on his own and very well behaved (im having barking complaints from my neighbours because of my pup atm) you will face different challenges to the ones you faced with your first pet, are you ready to put in more time and effort into another pup? good luck whatever you decide, i bet your girl is just happy being at home knowing you will return every day to her
  3. well willow has had the collar on for about 3 days, and i drove up the drive today and she just stood there, no barking...raz on the other hand was maybe he needs a day or 2 with it on seems to be working for me and i even bought a scentless spray as i wasnt a big fan on doing it at all i guess time will tell, seems to be working atm if it doesnt work covering the fences will prob be our next plan
  4. man i so should not read these things when im at work!! i just cant comprehend that, at all, it kills me inside when i think about leaving my pair ANYWHERE i love them with all my heart and just could not be so cruel, i cannot understand what makes pple think thats the right thing to do
  5. im not in your situation with any skinkids atm, but my dogs will always be part of the family and i know im gonna be stretched pretty tight for time whenever a skinkid comes along... that said my dogs get on fabulously and i guess entertain each other when i am unavailable or cannot do it
  6. i have to admit im a solo dog person..even though i have 2...i prob wouldnt do it again i love my alone time with one dog at a time too much...
  7. sorry for your loss RIP beautiful Tara
  8. i wanna get in with those iggies too weasels i do put sunscreen on raz's nose which he does however lick off we tend to go out in the arvos, days we are out in the middle i will notice his nose gets pinker...hopefully the zinc i put on is doing something...
  9. Ok here are some of mine my pack, Koolies, Razzle 3 yrs fawn merle, Willow 8 months Dilute Blue Tri Merle my 2 playing with a 3rd koolie Razzle BW (before Willow) playing with other koolies and here are my 2 playing with an Amstaff friend
  10. i have 2 dogs, i do some agility with my older boy, will prob do it with my girl to, however i really struggle to train both dogs and fit everything in so i dont think i can/will ever have a 3rd dog, or at least not for the next 10 years...
  11. wow some of you have heaps of dogs!! I have 2 x koolies wouldnt be without them now, Razzle (my dog) is 3 yrs and Willow my baby girl is nearly 9 months can i ask if you all train your dogs? how often and how much time does each get? (feel free to answer or not, just a curiosity question)
  12. thanx saf well my citronella collar has arrived, and trust me i will be putting heaps of kibble out for the doggies to look for among other things, so hopefully we can change her behaviour as well as deter the barking with the collar
  13. spyke, i could do that, but someone has to be doing something outside my house maybe i should hide and get my neighbour to wander out then when they carry on appear and rouse on her/them, maybe she will start to think i could pop up anytime to go mad at her... wuffles i'll talk to OH about the webcam idea... ons if the citronella collar doesnt work then i will talk to OH about buying one of those dog penns or even making the garage into a pen for them for when we are out OH did say if the collar doesnt work i'll have to crate willow until we can afford a colourbond fence on the front, and i will cover all the side fences with weed matting i taught raz to bark on command which then taught him to be quiet...i cant get willow to bark at me
  14. im pretty sure u could go to the police not just the council regarding this as the policeman i spoke to said they handle when a dog attacks a person not when a dog attacks a dog. I would take the photos and go to the police if as you say its going to be a long drawn out process by the council...
  15. thanx guys im feeling sooo stressed the citronella collar is on its way, hoping to get that soon, im want to put some weed matting down on all my neighbours fences, cant afford colourbond unfortunately apparently willow is crying in her crate during the day when raz barks im so scared someone is going to throw something in our yard and raz (my heart dog) will eat it cause he is outside.... the thing is BC, that willow doesnt bark at all when im at home!! she is too damn perfect... yet a terror apparently when im not home
  16. thanx bc crazy sounds like a similar situation, hope the collar does the trick for me like it did for you wish i could leave them both in the house but my razzle is my destructo puppy
  17. thanx sandra no collar chewing fetish dogs here, might just do the trick to keep her quiet then might be worth a try
  18. ok so the issue is her barking, i was right what are pples experiences with a citronella collar? I'm thinking it might be the way to go
  19. sending positive thoughts your way, come on Earl you can do it
  20. weasels they are allowed in the laundry there is no other room for them but its a very small laundry. i also worry about the tarp being a short fence it might encourage them to jump to look over it so maybe i would have to heighten it first
  21. Ok so i have to talk to my neighbour today, she is having issues with my dogs, i will know more when i see her we only have chain link fences the dogs can see through, and i know my older boy raz has always sat at that side fence and watched and ran up and back, now he is teaching my pup to do it (they have a small dog) though i think my pup is noiser and becoming a yapper when im not home. now should i look at putting a tarp on the fence so they cant see through?? im not a very handy person that way though... should i consider a citronella collar for willow? or should i be crating her when im not home (which i do atm now) where do you put you're dogs when you are at work or going out? and can you please attach pics, i need to come up with a solution ideally i want her in the yard, but i dont want her learning raz's bad habits and he wont take to being crated as well as willow does.. i will attach a pic of that side fence when i get home
  22. nothing can describe how much i love this boy. It's like we get each other, he is awesome fun to train, knows when im being serious on a command, and not so serious, is just the love of my life, my soul mate
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