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Swiss Girl

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Everything posted by Swiss Girl

  1. Lamina Farm I love these sort of questions and can get really involved in them, and this name occured to me half way through dinner and its my favourite from my suggestions. Its easy to say and spell, and if you haven't worked it out, its animal spelt backwards. an aboriginal name would also be nice Eleebana = quiet, peaceful place; or sweet, fragrant; or beauty. Bunderra - amongst the hills Glaginye = welcome Karinya = peaceful home Malaka - dog Omaroo = beautiful view Orana = welcome Yuranga = extensive view
  2. You could use the scottish world croft, which is for small farms with a bit of everything, would suit your situation 'Este Lugar de Suenos', which translates to 'This Place of Dreams'. Summersend Acres Sweetfolly Croft or farm Four Seasons Farm Menagerie Manor, which is a book name by Gerald Durrell Ark Park Acres Long Eared Acres Freehaven Farm Critters Croft Critterville Croft Crittervale Croft Dunrovin Croft (done roving) Liberty Acres Longears & Spotted Rears Paradise Pastures Its often easier to find a name you like, then paint the gate or plant the tree to make it match, such as red gate farm Lone pine Croft White Willow Farm.
  3. Yes, I also like the idea of her being behind bars to see how she likes it. It would be justice. The weird thing is that the new dog would have cost more than $150, so she gained nothing from this.
  4. I have read that you shouldn't get a puppy till your other dog is 2 years of age, and then only get a second dog if you have trained the original dog. The older dog teaches the younger dog, so if your not careful you will end up with 2 uncontrolable dogs, not just one. Also, many dogs sleep during the day when we work, if you have 2 dogs they may keep each other awake, which means more mischief.
  5. This was just what I was going to say. There is an older GSD breeder and this is one of his complaints about GSD, if the ears don't stand up by themselves, then its a pet quality dog, no cheating allowed.
  6. I just remembered someone taught there dog to play patty cake. Their dog had a bad operation and had to be kept quite for a couple of months, so while lying on the ground that played patty cake with her. Its an interesting idea and if you google it you may find the internet site I read it on. High 5 was taught at the agility club, and the instructor was so quick with her dog, he was a BC and loved it. I did google for instrucitons, but most of them are just plain high 5. Our instuctor got her dog to touch the dogs nose on the palm of her hand, used both hands, up high, down low, right and left. When the dog gets fast you can most both hands really quickly and the dog spins around, jumps up or lunges sidewards, great game for rainy days.
  7. I agree, I was taught at puppy school years ago to start practicing early to throw treats down their throat, with the attitude if you don't make it they get the treat. When our last dog was sick it make it much easier to get all those tablets down as she was used to it. Like everything, if you do it regularly the dog thinks nothing of it. You could try to insert it into a small raw piece of beef, my experience is most dogs just swallow it down if you hold the second piece in front of them.
  8. I also like the Swedish Lapphund, very intelligent, loyal and a nice size. Don't let their coat put you off, these coats are really quite easy to look after. Also, I notice nobody recommended the West Highland White Terrier, which are actually one of the friendlier terriers. Also a nice size, can be a bit stubborn but there are a couple in the park that seem really nice dogs.
  9. The ubilical method can work really well, and helps you and the dog bond as well. I just wanted to mention that you have to get all the smell out of your floors/carpets, because if the dog can smell where it has gone before they often go there again.
  10. I taught my GSD to play catchy with a ball, but she used to throw it back. I started by sitting her down about 3 feet away from me, threw the ball to her and said catch the ball, then I held my hand near her and said throw the ball. Eventually she learnt to stick her tongue behind it and sort of toss it back to me. she loved balls and learnt to love this game. There is also high 5. the game I was taught was to teach the dog to touch her nose to your palm, you play with both hands and once the dog gets good you can do it really quickly and they can really love it. You first have to start teaching them to touch their nose to your palm with a food treat, then you make the game of it. Hope these help
  11. If you pull a deep sea fish up too fash it blows its bladder and you have to kill it, even if its undersize as it will die anyway (kinder to kill it), then you have to chuck it overboard as its undersize and illegal to catch it!! so, it can actually be worse to catch it quickly, maybe they need some fishing experts involved
  12. I rushed out the front door with our GSD running late for a vet appointment, unfortunately my dog stopped to say goodbye to my husband and I didn't realize, the leash tangled round my ankle and I fell down 2 steps and damaged by knee. Still made it to the vet who kindly put iodine on the knee, but it took a long time to recover.
  13. I think that is fantastic. I feel dumped by our last dogs breeder. I knew they were moving state, but thought that they would have kept the same email address and webpage, but its all been closed down. So even if I had a problem I couldn't contact them. Its such a shame because I loved providing emails and photos of our other dog.
  14. My kids would always winge that I loved my dog more than them and that she got more toys. But, I always assured them that if it came down to it, they would win. My family will always be more important to me and I would never endanger them to save my dogs life. I may love my dogs, but I LOVE my family.
  15. People are weird, especially non doggy people who want a cute dog. I'm expecting to hear that they went ahead and purchased this puppy anyway, sadly it happends all the time.
  16. so sad for the cat, but certainly not your fault. Dogs look at cats and birds as trespassers, which they are when they come into our yards. Hope your neighbour calms down and realize that it was their responsibility to look after their own pet.
  17. Have you thought of trying desensitization, take him back to the basics and slowly build back up again. If he is happy walking to the car, just start with that, in the car, a couple of treats and out again, Then start the engine, but not moving. Then back down the drive and back up again, Finally, around the block If something did happn and upset him this may help. Just remember to ignore any stress behaviour and reward calm behaviour.
  18. Personally if the dog is not returned due to a health or medical problem, then no I don't think they should. I know some breeders offer half of the original purchase price and up, to encourage people to get in contact with them. I would no expect any money back, especially since the reason would be my problem, not one with the dog, and secondly they would need to feed and care for a probably adult dog until they could find another home. Yes I agree, why the puppy's owners expected to get the full price back before giving the pup back, I don't know. The person I know offered to help rehome the dog or take it back. I'm not sure how old it was, but would have been over 6 months.
  19. If you give your dog back to the breeder, do any of the breeders give any money back or is it more of a service? Just wondering as this happened to someone I know and they refused to give the pup back unless they got a complete refund from the breeder, which I think is rude.
  20. I want to recommend steilizing people like this, why let them have children that grow up like then, any chance we could promote an idiot law - To stupid to be a parent.
  21. Our dogs were always desexed, my parents first dog was the same age as me so 50 years ago and dexed at about 6 months of age. They got her from a chow breeder and she was a great dog We didn't have a fence, very few people did back then in Perth, but the dogs were not as territorial and you didn't have problems with children being bitten or dogs running out and attacking you And these were the days the rubbish men came into your backyard to get your rubbish bin and dogs always slept outside. I have though about this quite a bit lately, why do there seem to be more dog attacks these days, is it the breedings, do we own different dog breeds or is it the way we treat them. When I was a child dogs were really ignored, I took mine for a walk about one a week, and she was one of the few on the street that were actually walked. Our neighbours dog used to come onto the road and lay on it in winter, people would just slow down and beep the horn to make him move. We didn't think anything of it, that was just our life at the time.
  22. Thankyou so much I had no idea there were so many places to get cheap meat in Perth
  23. I used to feed raw but then meat jumped in price and I went back to kibble, but my boy just had to have his glands done today by the vet so I'm feeling guilty and thinking of going raw again. I read somewhere else that you can feed your dogs chicken wings (raw), I always thought they would be too brittle for dogs. Does anyone else feed them or heard of anyone who did and had problems? Also, I'm in Perth so does anyone know of a good place to purchase cheap meat either human or pet grade?
  24. empty 2L coke bottles which can be anything, noisy toy, food treat toy, ball etc Aussie Dog Hanging Ball Toy Leash
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