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Everything posted by sandra64

  1. so now we live in fear for our beautiful dog
  2. Our boy is loved no matter what people think he is...On paper it says he is an amstaff, as long as laws let him live peacefully in our yard without drama, i'll be happy. I also have bench kelpies, one who does as much work as working kelpie if she were allowed...
  4. Since paying 3 lots of school fees from kindy till grade 12,then the carnage after that , my dogs dont seem too bad. At least if they go on an excursion its not a 5 week trip to the northern hemisphere.
  5. Look at freddy and daisy, just beautiful, will freddy have star status at training 2moz:-)......Megs boyfriend is a star
  6. I would not know how much mine cost, dont wanna know it would scare me:-),
  7. Bronte's still in the wars with her allergies, but otherwise doing ok. She qualified for her Herding Test title last week, so she ain't doing too badly. Unfortunately I'll be o/s at that time in June, but its something to keep in mind for next year. congrats on your HT. megs is doing hers this month coming
  9. this is how our yard is fenced. dog meshed screwed into timber every square and tention wired, so any of you out there being judgmental on being truthful about dogs being in or out of yard what more would you like me to do , really i dont think we would go to all that hard work not mentioning the thousands and thousands of dollars to secure the yard, so the dogs could run wild. This is the verandah they sleep on 2nd story of a queenslander, with the entry to downstairs closed. Oh and i would like to add that the time frame in question (night time) there is no waythat these dogs are out of the yard fencing or no fencing. They are either in the house or when bed time on the back verandah, so unless they have mastered the technic of skydiving and then scaling up a wall to get back upstairs they are not going anywhere.
  10. ] Im sure you have crisovar, but in saying that have you seen our yard, i dont think so?. It is a totally 5 acre property fully and i mean fully dog meshed into 3 sections. Not one section of house yard dog meshed, but the whole 5 acres. it is tention wired down the bottom and top so nothing can lift it, fully reinforced for cattle to push on it, the only way they would get out is for some ignorant prick to let them out, which wouldnt surprise me thankyou wazzat.
  11. Im sure you have crisovar, but in saying that have you seen our yard, i dont think so?. It is a totally 5 acre property fully and i mean fully dog meshed into 3 sections. Not one section of house yard dog meshed, but the whole 5 acres. it is tention wired down the bottom and top so nothing can lift it, fully reinforced for cattle to push on it, the only way they would get out is for some ignorant prick to let them out, which wouldnt surprise me
  12. Yes and I agree that he should and was right to do so. But reading the OP, his responses of "Is that so?" sounds (if I take what I imagine the tone would have been correctly) goading to me. That's not something I expect of anyone, let alone an officially appointed office of government or council. No erny it was my OH that said is that so to the officers question, thats when the OH said that they dont wander conversation conversation as in they are locked on back verandah, and thats when the officer said are you sure about that, meaning are you making this up. As i have said all along i have no problem with him checking on a complaint, the front paddock is 2 1/2 acres the house gate was open at the time, as the other half was working on the cattle pen which is attatched to the house fence , the dogs were with him and the officer even had a go about them being in the front paddock next to the other half and not behind the fence, they were still on the property. why is that wrong can someone answer that one for me cause i have no idea. They cannot get out of the front paddock cause they will not cross the cattle grid, i carry them acroos that, and they are never allowed out there without us.erny the "is that so" was in reply to the officer saying we have a complaint about your dogs, so he didnt indicate there was a problem in the street with some dogs it was our dogs. p.s. quite frankly i never thought i would let pedigree show dogs run a muck at night, thanks mita glad you understand my frustation, i wasnt really feeling like sh#t until after i posted. Can i just add as well to everyone who seems to think the "IS THAT SO" is so important, context of it is not in the rude way but in the "oh is that so, sorry what have they done" it was never said rudely to him.
  13. Well....without wanting to offend you....if the tone was similar to that which you are using in this thread, I can probably understand why you got him offside. When dealing with situations like this, the old saying "you catch more flies with honey, than you do with vinegar" really does hold true! You could never offend my ellz......the tone im using in here is probably similar to alot of threads on these forums.....Im sure not many in here would take kindly to anyone coming on to your property, you politely telling them that your dogs dont leave the yard day or night, and then them telling you are you sure about that. The question was answered POLITELY. Take it how ever you want to read it.
  14. no complaints mate, just cant understand how dogs can be unfenced next door, if the council had followed up wouldnt they be in a fenced area....well!!!!!!!!! look i dont have a problem coming to our place asking, that not the issue, the issue is we said no they dont get out, and he wasnt happy with that answer, he basically said we were covering up, and that i dont take kindly to, and frankly neither would you
  15. I absolutely agree, im glad he was doing his job, but when i have asked them to check twice why the 2 dogs that live next to me are not fenced or registered, and have attacked my livestock, and that was over 12months ago and i have also asked andrew antonoilli the councillor for ipswich, and still nothing has been done, you get a little annoyed. Yes he came in to our yard and wanted to know if our dogs were out at night, the OH said no they are locked up ,instead of asking ok can you show me, he said well ive had a complaint about a black dog and a brown dog, you have a black and a brown, are you sure they dont get out. I think if he has no other questions, and the person in question has said no they dont get out, that should be the end it, you have answered his question, dont make the person out to be a liar, and thats the way the officer was heading. I do not have a problem with questions being asked ,not at all, but follow up ALL complaints. Oh and by the way if i were home, i wouldnt be pointing him in any direction, cause i personally havent seen the dogs out at night, cause im never up there in the dark.
  16. Get this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are on 5 acres and the dogs are secured in the yard...Today we get a visit from the council officer saying he has had a complaint of our dogs roaming at night(i was at work) and the OH says is that so. The officer goes yep, a brown dog and a black dog. isnt that what you have, and OH says yes but they dont wander. He says are you sure about that, OH says oh im sure, and i know the tone he would have used. (Our dogs are locked on the back verandah all night, a walls distance from our bedroom so i know its not them). The next property is a rental and the guy has moved in with 3 border collies and no fence, 2 black and one tan(or whatever colour they call it). now this guyfrom council has come straight to us, who are the only ones with registered fenced dogs, and did nothing about the neighbours either side of me with unfenced dogs. I just lost more faith in the Ipswich Council. He said to OH are these dogs registered and OH said yep, and officer said are you sure about that in a smartass manner, OH said, is there a law that says they have to have their collars on in their yard, and he said, umm no. I am so angry that i get accused of having unruly dogs, when either side of me have unfenced unregistered, and to top it off some entire dogs...gotta love it
  17. thats fine. we are running about 12k cross country of a morning and that take us bout an hour, so he's going ok, just gotta get him used to being beside the bike more. and to drop that weight he put on when he was desexed. He did great sprint training this morning after a kangaroo:-)
  18. hey guys, whats the time frame for this event its like 2hrs or something isnt it. when running 1/2 marathons, we used to do like around the 1hr 35-40 min, im just trying to work out pace for myself on the bike
  19. yes i saw the add on channel 2 last night as well we are in briz
  20. have you tried good ol flaxseed oil on the food.? its worth a try. and a bit of apple cider vinegar, and the hot spot issue, my dogs got them once when they used to be able to jump in the river that runs at the back of our property(theres were caused by moist skin not food allergies) never had one since.
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