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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. visitors are most welcome. i may be there sat too as my photographer has been requested to attend the show that is on but it depends if she can make it i will see if she wants to come down and get some pics for everyone will definately be there sun though and again visitors are welcome, bacon and egg burgers or pancakes for breakfast and then fr lunch marinated garlic steak with salad ;) Oh geez I'm almost tempted to come down and watch the agility on Sunday just so I can come to your camp for lunch I bet your gazebo is the envy of all the other showers If your friend and her camera are floating around on Saturday, I would LOVE some photos taken of my girls and I in the obedience ring Which reminds me, I'm going to have to hire me a videographer, can't trust my mum to film these days What time is the obedience on saturday? I might come down and watch for awhile as I dont have anything planned.
  2. I'd be interested in trying goat.....who is A+D? I would like to try Mason on goat seeing as roo is his only option for now I am trying lamb on friday so lets hope that it goes well. I believe A & D are not doing camel at this stage due to the disease dogs can get from eating it? Not sure what its called etc but its caused by the camels eating some plant or the other. I also have to get real brave and try Mason on horse meat if lamb doesnt work out... I am also keen to try turkey and pork, dont think A + D have these 2 though??
  3. That's interesting, re the oral papillomas, as I'm pretty sure that's one of the side effects of Cyclosporin, an immune suppressant. But the fact your dog has allergies, would signify his immune system is working! The reason Cyclosporin works is because it suppresses the immune system so the body no longer sends out the antibodies against the allergen. Weird!! Yip the vet said it could be a side effects of cyclosporin but my dog has not been on it at all - he still asked me to make sure as he had not seen it in the notes. Aussielover Mason was only on cortisone for a week in the beginning of may, he does not cope with it well which is why we took him off and switched vets.
  4. My dog has allergies and we are dealing with those through immunotherapy and washes etc, my dog is cortisone intolerant. He now has oral papilloma's and everything I read ( and it was in the vets book too) it says only animals with a weak or immature immune system get these, the vet sees them very rarely. I am bothered by this and I feel like I should have him on vitamins or something to help him. He is on fish oils and Evening Primrose for his allergies and they seem to help so there must be something for immune systems.
  5. We cant get that honey in WA ( you are the second person to mention it to me today) , is Jarrah honey similar?? Edited to add, how much honey do you give and is it a daily dose?
  6. I have also seen horses grazing together suddenly start attacking a sick old mare... must be something to do with survival of the herd/pack.
  7. Perrys Paddock will be great, the dogs can have a play in the big open meadow that they have there, we sat under the tree the last time I went and the 2 labs played like mad.
  8. I was wondering if it is possible to strengthen a dogs immune system and what products or suppliments are good for this sort of thing?
  9. I think immune issues and allergies are all genetically based, but then again I do have to wonder why the percentages of cancer and allergies in dogs and humans has gone up, is it environment??, is it the chemicals we are spraying in the environment and on our foods??
  10. Thats exactly what he has - vet said to leave them and wait and see...
  11. I picked up my dog today from the clinic where he had RUSH immunotherapy - they noticed when checking his gum color that he had one big wart and 2 small ones in his mouth, they advised me to take him to my vet as soon as possible, we have an appointment in the morning. What could it be and is it contagious to other dogs and cats?
  12. Yep mine was similar, but I was billed for both cats at that rate !! And I know my little cat, 10 mins of the vet examining her and she goes psycho and they have to put her back in the box....
  13. That is a classic! "Hey Man, this music is reaaally cooool!!" Bop bop bop (I can just see the head bobbing back and forth! I also love this pic!! House is soo quiet without Mason today - fetching him at 5 from the dermatologists. I had picked out his name like 2 or 3 weeks before he came home, once I had picked him at 7 weeks I knew it was the perfect name for him I am really starting to like english setters now - the show ones
  14. My lab has food allergic and is atopic, so far we have worked out that beef and chicken are triggers, still busy with the diet changes so it may turn out to be more than just those 2 which bother him. On the atopic side pollens, dust mites and storage mites are a problem. Other than that he has nothing else wrong.
  15. We get itchy skin and lots of bottom scooting on foods that dont suit him, it will be interesting to see how Mason is on the turkey, I am hoping that he is fine with it to at least give me some alternative to roo.
  16. My dog cant eat chicken or beef ( still to try lamb) but he is 100% in kangaroo - he has allergies.
  17. Stormie is right, go and see a dermatologist it saves you money in the long run - vet had put us on a few kibble based elimination diets, they showed us nothing, we did roo and sweet potato and have since found out that our dog is so far allergic to chicken and beef as well as pollens , storage mites and dust mites - we have a few more things to try foodwise before I can tell whether he is allergic to them or not. My previous vet said to use Malaseb - derm told us it is too drying and now we use QV wash and QV oil.
  18. He only had eyes for his mum!! Didn't stop him wanting to give me kisses Where were my tips on Tuesday RS? Or were me and Toby just so hopeless you didn't even know where to start. :p Does this mean Banjo will be in some agility trials coming up Mirawee? Valley you and Toby cannot be worse than Mason and I at the moment, he is just hopeless at obedience lately, he is so in LOVE with his agility classes though. I am even thinking of letting him do a jump as a reward for sit stays as he is so into jumping its his favorite.
  19. Ooohh I am also looking for private lessons, just for our sit stay as its very very broken and I am not experienced enough to fix it on my own, Mason is the first dogI have trained. He was very very difficult to teach the heel to as well but I had help from one of the instructors at the club and he picked it up after that, even though its not a great heel, I would like it to be better....
  20. I am not going to make this one either as i forgot that i had something else on.....
  21. Catherine B thanks for your reply - with food treats its a bit hard to alternate as he is basicallly allergic to everything besides roo meat and veggies and he is not really interested in tugs or toys as a reward, I find food is the biggest motivating factor for him. I will give your suggestions a try though
  22. I was thinking about this, he does what they call ' a slack sit" so I thought that it may be his hips - his hips are fine so maybe it is his back?
  23. If you want a second opinion my vet here in Ellenbrook is very nice and its not too far for you. Hope Lilly gets well soon.
  24. PM Zayder Asher I know she does dog training and behaviour consultations.
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