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Everything posted by Mas1981

  1. You may well laugh RS, I have been walking Dougal at 6am lately and it is hom=nestly the nicest part of the year to walk in the monrings - not too cold and not too warm. I do NOT enjoy getting out of my bed no matter the time of day so I figure I have to drag my sorry *rse out sometime, may as well be 6am! I'll be forced to do it anyway in a few weeks time ... So Riverside - say 9.30? Joelle - can you still come??!! 09h30 it is, I will be there....
  2. Ok cool I will be there this saturday morning, any other takers for saturday?? Amypie I was there around 2 weekends back and I must say it was actually quite quiet at that time
  3. I also wont be able to make sunday 3 October as I have a obedience clinic on that morning and I am not sure what time it will end... Edited to add, I am a bit worried now seeing as there have been a few snake sightings, there are loads of places for snakes to hide at Yellogonga!!! Anyone want to meet up this saturday morning to do something doggy related??
  4. I found that the yoghurt did nothing to help Mason's stomach but I found Protexin really helped him, I have also heard good things about the one PAWS makes. As a pup Mason never went red or had rashes from his allergies but as he gets older he goes redder and he now has nasty hot spots etc.
  5. I would be too scared to even go a shovel's distance near a snake There are loads of snakes where I am from but only a few really poisonous species, here they just about all seem really dangerous...
  6. Blackboy Kennels always has pups or knows of pups that are being born soon, they have a website just google it. Chocs are very hard to come by though and there will be quite a wait unless she can get one from over east.
  7. Oh I want They had them at Big W at one stage but only in small dog sizes None would fit Mason Did you order your cool coats yet?
  8. Lol I like those shirts RS - best doggy coat I have seen had written on it ' No YOU sit" :p
  9. Thanks Ptolomy - I am really very very proud of him - I think G was happy too! I am terrified of snakes and I think Mason would be inquisitive and probably try play with one which scares me, although saying that he is terrified of the blue tongue lizzard that visits in the summer
  10. I ordered a coat off the Clean Run site.
  11. I know, its Nutro Lamb and Rice, he could eat it but I see that it has chicken fat in... will give it to his best mate
  12. Mirawee the new addition is just so lovely, I am really missing having a horse - been almost 2 years now... Here are some photo's from today, Mason took second place in our group, i was very very chuffed, was just looking for a pass to move up a class but he focused well and did sit stay perfectly Utube link..
  13. We have a small brag, we took part in our club obedience comp today and we took second place in our group I am very very happy with my boy, I was just hoping for a pass to move onto the next class but he was very focused AND most importantly he never lay down in his sit stay
  14. Way to go ;) I've got good news, Sophie has a sprain not a tear although she may tear it yet because like George(Vet) said of the way she walks (she has funny bandy legs), but I'm resting her for another week at least and she's going back for another cartrophen injection in a week so fingers crossed she'll be fine, she ended up having her anal glands done he said they were really blocked up and that's why her back end was up funny . yay george is great guessing swan vet lol. knows his stuff ifa monday ticket goes begging again i will snap it up plz i need one for my photographer kelari and i are entered sunday i got my stuff today too put in the dog box before i lose it rofl Good old George gotta love him, when he said to me "How much did you apy for your dogs" I said " have a guess" he said " Nothing!!!" Bloody George!! Only vet I know that could get away with it bless him! I must remember him if my vet is ever away, I am very very happy with my new vet though, he is the only vet that understands Masons allergies and works with the derm to make his life more comfortable. We have our club comp tomorrow, not too confident as he is on cortisone and antibiotics at the moment as he has had a nasty flare and has hotspots and really bad itching
  15. Mason also used to eat kitty crunchies as a pup - I groused him so badly that he does not do it anymore, my ridgebacks never outgrew that habit unfortunatly!
  16. I would have loved to come down and see this but my club is having an obedience competition tomorrow that we are taking part in!
  17. You know, the many times I had gone to the show before I got into obedience, I never once stumbled across the dog events!! No wonder I found the show completely boooooring!! Had I found the dog stuff, I might have not only enjoyed the show, but I may have gotten into obedience much sooner! Mas, if you can get at ticket or buy a ticket for Monday, Amy and I might be there. I am going Sunday to compete but may go Monday to do the show-goer thing and buy a couple of way ovepriced showbags. Refuse to pay $50 for a 90 second ride on something that could fall apart if they missed a bolt or something!! ok, slight exaggeration of price, but it used to be $10 many years ago so I would hate to see the prices now Yeah I went last year and I could not see the doggy events at all! I will have a look and see what day hubby is not working ( think it might be the saturday) and maybe I can go with him and just see what dog events are on that day :D
  18. We have our club comp on sunday - not quite sure what to expect as we have had a major flare and he is on a whole lot of new meds so I am not too confident about how he will work Edited to add that we have worked so hard this week and I am really disappointed, think i need a non- broken dog to train and try and compete with
  19. ST its on Rach's facebook page I wam wanting to go to Royal but I am scared to go alone as I think I will probably get horribly lost
  20. We will be thinking of Sophie. We had our derm check up today, Mason has 2 hot spots on his jaw/neck area and he is having a really bad flare, so bad that he has to get some cortisone for 2 days, I hate cortisone but will do anything to get him some relief.
  21. Must be the season, Mason has one either side of his neck, was at the derm today.
  22. Sas, my aunt's dog has major immunity issues that started not long after a yearly heartworm injection. My older kelpie has major muscle issues that also started soon after the yearly injection. Now in both cases there is no proof that the injection caused any problems and there is a good chance it had nothing to do with their problems but due to the timing I am not willing to risk any of my dogs further. If any of them do have a reaction they also have to put up with the chemicals in their system for a minimum of 12 months as apposed to monthly/daily treatments which are in their system for such a lot less time. I was am very unsure regarding the yearly heartworm injection as I have heard a number of dogs having issues after receiving it, dont think I would take a chance to be honest, like Mirawee says if they do have a reaction to the injection it will be a year of misery.
  23. Its Yellogonga National Park, off Ocean Reef Rd, its up North. Lovely and quite, even on the weekends it not too bad. I am free most days but ave a wedding on Sunday 10 October so I wont be able to make it that day.
  24. I treat for it but not every 30 days, we were told by a specialist that the products actually cover them for 45-55 days so I only give Mason his Revolution around every 45 days, we use Revolution as it causes the least reactions in allergic dogs - told to me by the dermatologists.
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