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Everything posted by dezzyno.1

  1. thanks Ruthless....Sandra 777 and Tiggy for ur congrats....it is a great result considering that Jessie was dumped because according to her previous owner was untrainable....she has been always trained by Tamika who is only 11 years old and never had a dog before Dezzy and Jessie
  2. thanks Tassie...I am a bit nervous but hopefully it will pass once out there tracking....unfortunately it rained here today and weather is meant to be much the same as today but Dezzy is alright as long as there is no wind...lol
  3. thats okay tlc u didn't railroad at all....all these are fantastic acheivements by our special dogs...lol....thanks for the congrats everyone my daughter is ecstatic with the comments
  4. thanks to everyone i am sooooo proud of them both consider that Jessie was dumped at 18 months of age because her previous owner said she was untrainable and yet an 11 year old girl has achieved so much and trained Jessie herself.....hi tlc Dezzy is doing great at both nursing homes....there is a resident there that cannot eat or speak and can't do anything for himself but when Dezzy goes in Dezzy gives him a lick to say hello and he starts laughing so hard he ends up crying he is also calling out Dez when Dezzy leaves his room and then Dezzy barks back.....the nurses love it.....if we are about 5 mins late we are always told off and because we are doing tracking Dezzy has muscled up they always tell me he has lost too much weight and needs fattening up so u can imagine what he gets to eat....lol.....hope things are great for you and how are ur guys doing at the hospital....it is such a rewarding thing....again thanks everyone for ur kind wishes and I will update when I have news from Monday be it good or bad...lol
  5. I am sooooo happy....my daughter Tamika and her gorgeous girl Zforce Sweet Surrender aka Jessie got a very good pass in Test One in tracking yesterday.....there were only 3 people who passed in a group of 12 dogs....we also believe she is the youngest person in Australia to have gained a pass in a tracking trial.....both of them are loving tracking and I am sure there will be many more achievements from this great team (I now just have to get a pass on Monday with Dezzy otherwise I wont live it down....lol) Below are some pics of them with their qualifying certificate and ribbon
  6. We started to learn about tracking this season and was told at the start of the season that we were expected to attend our first trial by September...I am sooo very proud to say that today my daughter Tamika and our gorgeous girl Zforce Sweet Surrender aka Jessie attended their first tracking trial at Ballarat.....they got a Very Good Pass.....we also believe that Tamika being 11 years old is the youngest person in Australia to obtain a pass in tracking.....it has been such an exciting day today and I now have to get a pass with my boy Dezzy on Monday so that it doesn't get rubbed in that I failed...lol....below are some pics of the two of them together with their qualifying card and ribbon
  7. that is just sooo sad how anyone could do that to an animal.....it also makes me wonder what do they feed their kids?
  8. i have taken Dezzy to the local Specialist School for show and tell (as my son is a student)...the kids were taught how to approach a dog and to ask the owner.....after the show and tell we were leaving and it took us two hours to get out of the school because every class room we walked past we had to go in so the kids could say hi....I have no worries about Dezzy and kids as he loves them (he is also a Delta Pet Therapy dog). I take both my dogs to pick up the kids and just recently an autistic boy who doesn't talk walked up to Jessie and said hi jessie and started patting her.....going into nursing homes u see great things with the residents especially the ones who wont talk and they talk to the dogs...i also know of dogs who go into the classrooms around this area for kids to read to....many benefits of having a pet in a classroom
  9. Congratulations on your two beautful dogs becoming Delta dogs....my dog Dezzy has been a therapy dog since September last year and our little girl Jessie will become one this year.....I know Dezzy looks forward to the visits because as soon as my red polo top goes on and I get out his bandanna he sits in front of me and cries....it is very rewarding and you will have heaps of fun with your two Here is a pic of Dezzy waiting to go on a visit:-
  10. i am sure Lacy will be fine and will look forward to her next visit
  11. great pics tlc.....they look very excited and excellent story in the paper....as soon as I drag out the bandanna and the top Dezzy goes absolutely nuts and then starts to cry and cries all the way to the nursing home....it is very rewarding and the residents love Dezzy....I am sure your guys will make a lot of sick people happy and their day in hospital will be a bit better
  12. thanks tlc.....visits are going extremely well....last Monday a lady spoke a few words to him and the daughter told me that she never says anything....it was fantastic and the daughter asked what times we go there and she is going to come when we are there....as soon as Dezzy's bandanna goes on he starts whining to get going he loves it there and the residents all love him.....I bet you cant wait until you start it is so rewarding and hopefully the hospital co-ordinator responds soon so you can start on your visits as well
  13. Hi tlc....sorry this has taken so long but here is a pic of Dezzy with his bandanna on ready to go visiting
  14. congratulations to Dogs QLD....they have done such a fantastic job
  15. Gumnut the photographers are Rudie and Rea van Zelst and Donna Hamilton....both are on facebook and if u need a contact phone number I can PM you
  16. that sounds fantastic....it is great when the local papers can do a story....we also are just waiting for Dezzy to do a few visits and then the local paper will probably do a story on Dezzy as well
  17. tlc....i hope you get to the hospital soon....I will get a pic of Dezzy with his bandanna on but when the weather clears up a bit....too stormy at the moment.....he has big shoes to fill as the residents love the other girls dog as she has been going there for about 3 years but only a couple said they will miss her dog so hopefully Dezzy will make a big impact with them all.....they were all impressed with his tricks so that is a good start....can't wait for you to post here that you have got into the hospital....I did have a couple of people say they were scared of Dezzy because he was big but he soon won them over...lol...and thanks everyone for the congrats I am soooo proud of Dezzy...he was a real gentle giant with them all...by the way Dog News Australia is doing a story on him....don't know if it is in the next addition on the 9th of October or the next month
  18. thanks jerojath....we have now just got back from our demonstration and as tired as Dezzy was he still did a great job in OB....I think he is going to be really pooped out tomorrow...lol...we also had a ball at the nursing home and I am sure once Dezzy's uniform goes on he will know exactly where we are going thanks again
  19. Hi tlc...well we have just come back from having our induction to the nursing home where we will be attending.....I think we are going to get lost as the building is huge....everybody loved Dezzy and he performed some tricks for them.....we had a good chat to a lady who doesn't usually say two words.....we are going in once a week and the other girl there will go in once a week on a different day until she goes into a classroom...the dementia ward was good and they absolutely loved Dezzy but I was told everything we spoke about we will probably have to go over again...lol...anyway Dezzy is buggered and asleep on the couch but he has to go again as we have to demonstrate to some people that if they are consistent with their training they can get to Dezzy's level...lol.....he will really sleep well tonight.....will have to catch up some time Cheers Lisa and Dezzy
  20. HUGE congratulations tlc on your girls passing.......I too was up at 6.30 and set off reasonably early anticipating getting lost but with the help of my dad went directly there and was 3/4 of an hour early...lol......Dezzy passed with flying colours and behaved himself beautifully....do not worry I had some doubts myself about Dezzy but he proved me wrong......cannot wait to catch up next week at training day and will be great to speak to you face to face and again huge congratulations on passing....by the way the assessor was very nice and so were the people who ran the day....I was so nervous and they were great
  21. Thanks Gamby, I saw another post from you and thought I had seen you and your gorgeous dog before.....it is Frank who I have been talking to and who got me to put Dezzy through the Delta program...I am excited about it all and hopefully we will pass......I don't think I have seen Kathy before but am sure that I wll get to meet her at some stage....I hope if we do pass that we can bring happy times for people who are sick....Dezzy loves cuddles and kisses and I am sure they will get a kick out of him because if he gets treats he speaks for them which I find most people think is quite funny especiallly when I am using food for training and he starts to speak for the food....lol....will have to catch up and say hello and I will certainly say hello to Vanda for you and get her to give Scooby a cuddle for you thanks again for your kind comments
  22. thanks Rommi n Lewis.....we all love our dogs and love working with them....we have a ball....and am so with you on the bull breeds tlc you don't need to get the police check Delta does it for you that is why when u get the papers just fill it out and send it to Vanda....I dont think it costs them anything but it will cost you that is why they send it for you.....they are not definite with the Sunday but apparently the 18/9 has been booked....they will send it all out to you....even the police check with the appropriate numbers etc my son will alternate with his sister doing OB with Jessie as he has now finished Auskick and wants to go back to do OB.....which is great as I think kids teaching a dog things boost their self confidence and they are proud with what they do
  23. just re-read email and they want the police check and all paperwork in asap and definitely before 18/9...they will send definite dates and times for 18/9 at a later date and they said if you cannot make it for the training day (not confirmed but put in for Sunday 26/9) it be best not to have ur dogs assessed this time...u must be able to attend traning day as well
  24. this email said to send it in before the 18/9 and it is a Federal Police Check....u just fill it out and then send it to the lady where u sent ur other forms and then they send it off for the check to be done, I thought to bring it on the day too but have re-read email and it says they want it before the 18/9....u r not rail roading at all.....will help when I can
  25. thanks tlc I was totally shocked....I also forgot to mention last week my son received the Act Of Kindness award at school (I know is not dog related but he was so happy as it was out of the whole school which is the specialist school).....I was advised by email so maybe they have sent your notification by mail.....they also want the police check in by the 18/9 and I think u have already sent in all ur other paperwork, if not they want it all sent in....it is a Saturday and the training day is hopefully the Sunday
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