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Everything posted by korbin13

  1. http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/newshome/17742709/new-laws-to-get-tough-on-dog-attacks/ Without seeing the actual legislation, the key amendments look like a positive step.
  2. Yes, I was threatened by an owner on Christmas Day when I politely asked him to please put his dog's lead on. Dog was huge and had charged me and my little dogs with no attempt from the owner to control it - it was terrifying at the time. This is a whole new ball game when you are talking about someone SED! Not to devalue your experience but I think most people would be extra careful around someone with a SED. I would even cross the road if I saw one and I had my dog!
  3. http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/blind-mans-plea-to-owners-to-curb-menacing-mutts-after-guide-dog-attack/story-fnii5smr-1226668099839 I must admit that I am a bit shocked at the dog owner's response to Mr Franklin when he asked where the dogs lead was
  4. Thanks for sharing, I love hearing positive stories like this!
  5. Two words, Place Training. http://www.clickertraining.com/node/3308 This has been a godsend for my two. It does take a bit of work, the link says 5 steps which is probably about right but the self control takes a bit longer to come.
  6. Well, to be picky and technical, this is NOT a public forum. It is owned by a person who has the ability to set rules about what we can and can't talk about :laugh:
  7. Thanks all. I must admit the thought of surgery is a bit daunting for me especially as we will have to stay in Perth and she is a timid dog. I have a great list of questions for my vet tomorrow, she did also say I could speak to the Perth specialist before making my decision as well. I do like the holistic approach to recovery as well, may have to try and get some exercises from a physio in Perth as I we don't have any animal ones here. I know the chiro here does horses!!
  8. Something else to add to my research list, thanks sas.
  9. Are there just more bull breeds in our community than other breeds? It may also have something to do with this forum. I never knew there was such a dislike to bull breeds until joining this forum And I have two. Most of my friends have a least one and usually a kelpie type dog or a SWF. The last dog attack to make the news in our regional WA town was a SBT being disembowelled by a husky. It went silly on facebook but it was all anger for the husky owner not having his dog secured, breed wasn't brought into it.
  10. Physio sounds like a great idea. Thankfully I have a very understanding vet as I will go back to her with another hundred questions :laugh: Sounds like the TPLO or TTO is the way to go. Coordinating this is going to be a nightmare (and expensive, so much for hybrid vigour , apparently CCL's don't discriminate :D ) Hopefully the vet will be able to do the follow up, without us having to go back, but just another question for the vet. She said that they do have a great relationship with Murdoch Uni/and another vet surgeon that I can't remember, and they are both used to animals coming in from all over WA and are quite accommodating.
  11. Thanks kirty. Lol, I spent most of the night reading up on the different techniques etc. Wish I hadn't!! I am now leaning towards just getting it done. She is a three year old, 35kg, mixed breed (mastiff/bull breed type). And we live a very active lifestyle, lots of camping, hiking, and she was my running buddy (the SBT is a useless running buddy, keeps wanting to sniff everything!!) The thing is as I live regionally, the vet was going to do the surgery using the De Angelis (?) method, which I am now reading isn't exactly the best for large active breeds. My alternative is travelling down to Perth. Vet says that she has had a lot of success with larger breeds with this sort of surgery and they go back to full recovery. Oh boy, wish they could talk!! Well, sometimes....
  12. She does walk on it, with a slight limp. It has been two weeks since she hurt it. First week she was on Metacam, this has been her first week without any medication. Vet did the 'draw'? test on it today and the dog allowed her to do it without fuss, the vet said it was loose. She didn't mention stability. She is very sore though, when she first gets up after lying down.
  13. Thanks. I am leaning towards giving it a go once. She is a large mixed breed and I am currently only taking her outside on a lead and then back inside. Not much of a life for her at the moment Vet is happy for me to give it a whirl but she believes that surgery will be inevitable.
  14. Has anybody had any experience with going down the conservative management path (restriction of movement, no surgery) for a cruciate ligament injury? I have been reading about it on this site: http://tiggerpoz.com/index.html And am interested if anybody on here has tried it? Edit: Sorry title should read CL! Let's me edit it but won't save it.
  15. Wow, how do these threads become so bizarre?
  16. I got some free samples of dentastix once, not a fan, I can't see how they would clean their teeth, my dogs demolished them in about two seconds. They loved them though :laugh: Did absolute backflips for them!
  17. I use it on my SBT, it actually 'deodorizes' her for some reason, she has lot her doggy smell. I give her a teaspoon daily.
  18. yes they had,but only as far as charging the fence at people walking past,but enough to make some people walk the long way round to avoid them,the dogs came from Harrison street and the attack occurred on the corner of Day street which runs between Maxwells Ave and Harrison,ironically Day street is where my mothers 3mth old Gordon Setter was attacked by a large Mastiff cross years ago while she was walking past,it was on lead but the owner didn't have a firm grip and wasnt paying attention to the dog while talking to friends,this is accross the road from the entrance to a primary school so probably fortunate in some ways that it happenned on a week end Plenty of dogs charge at fences, it doesn't make them aggressive to humans. I'm interested to know if these dogs would have shown any sign that they were capable of attacking someone? What makes dogs do this?
  19. About bloody time. I hope the owners of the dogs who attacked the jogger in Ashcroft are charge with attempted murder. Do we have the ability to do this in Australia? I think they can now in Victoria but not in other states. If not, it should be.
  20. Breed aside. What makes dogs do this? Would they have shown aggression towards people before this?
  21. Cars maybe? My old JRTx wasn't a car chaser but I do know a couple of JRT's that are.
  22. I suppose everybody is different but I liked to use a longer, lighter lead when my dogs were puppies. Now being a mastiff x and a SBT, once they got older I changed to a stronger, heavier lead for obvious reasons :laugh: A friends lab was a chewer and chewed through a couple of leads until she learnt to put them up high! Another vote for a nice K9 pro leather lead
  23. I must have completely lost the plot!! I have no idea what people are talking about. To me it appears to be a event exhibiting dogs, both purebred and rescue, as well as plenty of dog products and services. Dogs Victoria are there with different breeds. What am I missing?
  24. Thanks SAS, those links are great. She is looking quite good on the Royal Canin, although I do give her a teaspoon of coconut oil everyday as for some reason it 'deodorizes' her! We are quite active, so exercise has never been a problem, we bush walk and do about 15km twice a month as well the four off lead walks weekly and throwing the ball, training etc on the other days. Previously she was fed VAN with roo meat which my other dog is still on because I really do love it, and she will go back on it. I went with the kibble option, because part of this weight loss process has been about retraining me! Previously she was getting VAN, training treats and plenty of tid bits but kibble is very visual (if that makes sense!!), I measure it out every morning and she gets nothing but the kibble, so the kibble is used as training treats, I have cut out the ad hoc feeding during the day completely. So when I go back to the VAN, I'm hoping to be able to have more self control myself and will probably continue to use the weight loss kibble as training treats, and cut back a bit on the VAN for her main meal. What has really surprised me though is how much she has lost off her waist!! She has quite a tuck after her ribs but is still holding a lot of weight on the chest and ribs. She actually has a six pack of fat on her chest
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