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Everything posted by sllebasi

  1. There seem to be very few dog items available on wholesale. Am looking for basic items such as tattoos, stickers, cards, fluffy toys etc. some items can be produced eg photos on coffee cups, but am looking for some starter items i guess. Have also looked in the commercial marketplace, but does anyone know where to buy such items.
  2. Thankyou for that, it is what I was looking for
  3. Have tried doing a search but am looking for the topic which related to rats and I am pretty sure that a dog died in the Mackay region. There is apparantly a vaccination against (and I cant remember which virus it was) lyptospiridium or lyssavirus, but its not widely known but Mackay was a hotspot for it.
  4. I have ordered two pairs of pjs as well from meg, very impressed with the service and speed. Now i just need my baby to wear them, which i am sure will not be a problem at all.
  5. i in no way intended my post re the glue traps to make me appear as if i was a sociopath and object to being called one. i had tried humanely to catch the animal for three weeks, it was continueing to be quite a problem as it was getting in everywhere, (baby nappy wipes, disposable nappies, tubes of cream as well as food and dog food). The glue trap was only used for 20 mins before i caught it and it was humanely destroyed quickly. I used the glue trap as it was my only other option as i didnt want to use bait as i have other animals here and also look after children. the health and safety of all of these were put in front of the rat, however i did not enjoy killing it or catching it. if glue traps end up being banned then i will find some other way of trapping the animal and humanely killing it. i was merely only offering a suggestion as i had only just had to deal with this problem.
  6. i can highly recommend a glue trap, i had a 'rat' sized mouse that i had been trying to catch for three weeks that found its way inside and made a huge mess. bought glue traps 6 for $30 from my pest man, you place them along a wall with some food on top and it took an hour after laying them down to get it. mice are apparantly blind so whereever you put the traps it needs to be approx 3 - 5 cm from a wall or line of cupboards.
  7. WOW, WOW AND WOW have just seen that I am the new student of the year winner. That is a huge surprise and has made my day. Thanks to all involved, and congratulations to all the nominees and winners on the night. Will definitely be able to make it to Brissy for next years awards.
  8. I havent had any luck yet in finding a person to collect on my behalf if needed. Is there anyone that would be able to do it for me please????? It would be very much appreciated.
  9. my dog was slightly upset prior to yasi hitting, but that could be attributed to furniture being moved, and lots of general activity. when the first rainband and windband hit, i put the thundershirt on, and she pretty much went to sleep. a couple of times she went into her crate but then came back out to see what was going on. my dog is usually the biggest sook and would do anything to crawl inside you at the slightest bump so am thinking that the thundershirt had something to do with it. it was on for approx 12 hours and even after i took it off, she was pretty good for a couple of hours. did have to put it back on her later as branches were dropping from the tree but all in all,dog made it through pretty well which was a relief as we didnt really want a super upset dog during the event while we were trying to be calm without power and radio stations.
  10. im moving out tonight (live in tsville) and not sure when and if i will get back on. schools are closed for next three days, and there is a ban on driving after 8 am tomorrow morning. expecting 125 km an hour winds here tomorrow morning and expected to take 16 hours to cross the coast so that is going to mean some MAJOR destruction everywhere. looking at a 5 metre storm surge. edited to add: not leaving townsville, just moving in with family as i dont want to be a sooky la la by myself (not that you can get a plane ticket or train ticket if you tried)
  11. might have plenty of opportunity to use mine this week, we are expecting two cyclones, one at the moment is expected to be category 2 or 3, the other one they have nicknamed the monster - at the moment they are saying category 4 or 5 and both are expected within four days to cross in the same spot so i not only fingers crossed for our town but also for the thundershirt to at least help
  12. is there anyone missing??? Jed how is she??? i think she is in lockyer valley isnt she???
  13. i used a halti for approx 2 months as my dog went through a stage of every dog that was nearby she would stand there and stare at them which i thought could be seen as a dominant or aggressive stance, and no amount of encouraging or moving the lead would dislodge her. With the halti at least i could break the habit and now we are back onto the flat collar and leash.
  14. how did you go at the vets??? my dog got an infection once from sand being left in paw area. walking on it then caused some abrasions which got infected.
  15. my dog is sensitive to beef products I now give proheart which doesnt seem to affect her, but i would be checking with the vets first as to what the problem actually is.
  16. i ended up taking my dog off the anti inflammatories, she appeared to get much worse on them, and she was on them for a week with no results. just lots of rest, no activity and fish oil did the trick after about four days. edited to add: would an ice pack/cold pack or a heat pack help at all, maybe a blanket or even some gentle swimming
  17. my thundershirt is able to be exchanged for a smaller size so am hoping that by monday I may have it.
  18. have had a successful few days so far.The trick seemed to be giving her a little bit more to eat than what i was giving her for her second meal. I am also cutting the fish oil capsule to release the oil (cannot tolerate red meat and thought the gelatine in the capsules might be affecting her with a sensitive stomach). when i get back into routine after christmas i want to do things properly by measuring meat, veges, and pasta, and working out a proper balanced meal over the week with fish three times a week, and chicken the other three to four times, and with a variety of veges. have been looking into processed and raw foods with things like all bran that already have the flaxseed or vit e added, so far i have only really come up with eggs for the vit E
  19. Got mine today, does anyone know what pets providores refund policy is like - my dog was in between two sizes and I went for the bigger size which I dont think is going to work. it fits the dog, but the flaps overhang and bit. i like the concept and idea and think it will really help my dog, so am disappointed that i didnt choose the right size for her Am really hoping that i can exchange it for a size smaller, but If they dont exchange I may have an xtra large one to sell on if someone wants it.
  20. have been giving her two small meals a day since last saturday, gave her fish oil (cut the capsule though this time and just gave her the oil) and she was fine last night so it may have just been a coincidence. really do like the results of the fish oil with her arthritis, so maybe i just need to give her a little bit more to eat each time as i have been trying to be careful and also trying to get some weight off her.
  21. am still waiting for mine, hoping early this week it will arrive
  22. well, we have just been sick again, so maybe it wasnt the fish oil after all. (did think that maybe i need to either cut the capsule and pour oil on food or move to oil only as the gelatin in the capsules is meat based and my dog cannot tolerate red meat at all) will limit food again today and take it slower when adding new foods. She only had 100 g chicken breast yesterday and 1/2 cup veges, so not sure what is upsetting her at the moment. have tried feeding her twice a day as recommended by vet, fed at 9 am and 4 pm and not sure why she is being sick at 6 am, seems to be a long time.????
  23. thankyou, will look into both those products and talk to my vet i think about what to do next.
  24. was a huge fan of fish oil until this week. my baby was vomiting last thursday night and friday night, was taken to vets on saturday with suspected pancreatitis, was given injection and antibiotics for the week and limited diet. has done well all week, until yesterday when i gave her a fish oil capsule (first time since last friday) and have been up all night (again!) with her being sick, so no more fish oil for us. not sure what to do now with regards to the arthritis and being stiff and sore, sashas blend and those sorts of powders didnt work, cartrophen didnt work, and now it appears i cant use fish oil
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