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Everything posted by dogfan

  1. Woah... pretty amazing how much damage has been done.
  2. CrazyCresties: Eww spiders *shudders* But it's a lovely shot
  3. Day 17 Bjelkier: Gorgeous shot! Colliepaws: Yum! DSO: Lovely shot! :D Shell: Your kitty could be a prime hunter with those teeth :D LuvLottie: Love your shot! TerraNik: You are so creative! :D I wish I was as creative as you! Lovely shots everyone!
  4. Day 16 Nectarines from the tree. They came late this year from the horrific weather we've had... lucky Abbey hasn't noticed them yet
  5. He is gorgeous! Happy belated birthday Bronson!
  6. That's awful. Though they should use common sense, why would they let a guinea pig into a backyard with dogs? Dogs + guinea pig = disaster.
  7. Live and learn Don't judge small dogs, they have personality too
  8. WA: *drooooooool* Kirislin: Won't comment on all the photos, sorry I've lost track Nothing special from me today Day 15, OMG sun!
  9. :D:o:D:rofl::D Lucky Abbey hasn't attempted anything like that so far And very cute puppers molasseslass, are you sure it was them?
  10. I went into your old topics to follow the whole story That's great! Go Chloe!
  11. It's been raining here all day so I had to take a pic indoors today. Day 14
  12. Sorry to hear that, hope he gets a forever home soon
  13. Horrible photo from me today, it's been raining here non-stop.... Went to check the chooks and found this fella, a bebbeh pigeon. He got out but he was very wet. Day 13
  14. Oh, you did the right thing... hugs to you And this may seem odd, but I had a similar dream about this last night, where wild cats got to the chickens. I remember shooing them off but I never had a gun. Fortunately the chickens were ok but just had some scratches.
  15. Alert Playful Dunno what this means, but I love her expression Happy I know, HORRIBLE photos They're all old ones
  16. Day 12, going with the theme of droplets... It's been raining here all week and is expected to all week so get ready for boring overload :D I found a very pretty spider web which had been rained on so I took a couple of photos... can't decide which I like better. Both have been edited in PS. And will comment on photos later, sorry
  17. Rubbish, puppies need access to the outside from the very first day you bring them home, even more so if they're a large breed. Surely you're not suggesting that, apart from toilet breaks, a puppy should be confined to the house until it's 14 weeks old? Puppies need fresh air and sunshine and room to run and explore. Although I agree that puppies should be kept away from dog parks and unvaccinated dogs, not allowing them to leave the house during the peak socialisation period is setting the dog up for major problems in adulthood. I'm sorry this is what I meant (the bolded part), I do agree that puppies should be outside in the backyard, not "out" and about eg. dog parks.
  18. I love yours Evolving ;) I love the focus in yours Bellatrix :D I also love the colours in yours DA. Maverick, yours is I'm surprised your cat doesn't eat you guinea pig! Lovely photos everyone
  19. ;) Hope everyone near the fires stay safe ;)
  20. Day 11 Feeling uninspired today, not feeling the best. Gonna be lazy and not comment on everyones, sorry :D But they're all awesome
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