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Everything posted by Fatsofatsoman

  1. What park do you go to? I think I'd remember a yellow and black duo - we divide our time between a few parks and runs and swims so it's possible we could be just missing each other.
  2. I need to get my wife rushed by a couple of dogs - perhaps then i wouldn't hear the nagging this was in no way meant to down play the bad situation you found yourself in.
  3. I couldn't believe her - she was seeking an audience and was really pushy. "Now you must do this every time before entering this park" "ooh this one is very anxious and upset isn't he" To which the owner should have said "No not really - he was just fine before you came in and tried manhandling him"
  4. yeah desexed for both. although i sometimes when joking call it the snip for our boy.
  5. we had a fruit loop in the park last night - self appointed dog whisperer going up to everyone and giving advice and 'handling' peoples dogs. Pinning them by their necks and patting/calming them. i was surprised at everyone's patience with this woman - my boy was playing with a staffy and they were both loving it. She sees this and heads over "now lets stop this before it escalates" I politely pointed out (well maybe not) that if she so much as touched my dog I'd be pinning her on the floor by her neck and patting the busy body out of her. Was I too harsh? she left, others laughed.
  6. I'm from Dagenham - so that is pretty much what i grew up in - I am so glad that I now live in Australia.
  7. He wasn't making the most of anything - he was on the social - thinking a labouring job was beneath him. Him and people like him are the reason England is in crisis.
  8. Become the doggy santa of your street - hand out excess frames to neighbours dogs.
  9. Isn't that a little like buying a DVD when you only have a VHS? ;)
  10. I'm guessing you're exactly the type of person this survey is trying to reach and get to fill out. So as to see the results of your 'inklings' as to what they are.
  11. Which is why I said I should have put I don't know - but in taking the test honestly I could see SBT in alot of the crosses so put it. I couldn't see APBT so didn't put that. I don't think the survey is being done to demonize any dogs I think it is in fact being done with a pro-APBT agenda - so as to say "Look people can't even identify a Pit Bull - they've said this, this and this are APBT and they are such and such" to try and educate people that not all Bull breeds are Pit Bulls. But that's just my take on it. So hopefully my answering honestly and possibly incorrectly will lead to some education schemes. Whereas I could quite easily have said dunno dunno dunno and what purpose would that serve?
  12. This interests me - I was born and raised in the area this doco is filmed. I don't once remember seeing a SBT or SBT cross when living there - I also spent about 8yrs back there as recently as 5yrs ago. I can confirm though that the area is indeed a crap hole and full of morons like the bloke in the first clip.
  13. nearly all the crossbreeds I included SBT - whereas I should've just put I don't know. It's incredibly hard to say when it comes to cross bull breeds what exactly is the cross. I thought I'd err on the side of SBT rather than what I think this survey is hoping for and everyone to say Pit Bull or Pit Bull cross
  14. Er - how about measuring it i know i know lol but im at work working hard haha If in doubt just say 8 inches - even if you know that isn't true ;)
  15. That has quite literally blown my mind - how did I get to 30yrs old without knowing that.
  16. If two males mate a bitch at a similar time, then both can father pups within the same litter. "Dual sire litter." That's nuts - did not know that could happen. And what a tart the bitch would be ;)
  17. I may be misunderstanding the birds and the bees here - but I'm pretty certain all dogs in a litter have the same father.
  18. before even discussing bans I'd like to ask; Are some breeds - when brought up and trained in the same enviroment as others more inclined to be people aggressive? If the answer is yes then the actual OWNERSHIP of these breeds needs to be legislated. Don't ban the dog but perhaps only allow certain people to own them. For e.g. a training course of some nature needs to be undertaken to get a licence to own one of these dogs. Maybe this really can only be enforced at Breeder level - Breeder's cant sell to someone who hasn't undertaken this course. Of course people will still breed illegally and find ways around - but if the media spent as much money and time promoting this sort of plan as they do denouncing the breed - and making it hard for the illegal breeders to get away with it then surely that will reduce bad owners owning badly bred dogs.
  19. On the same theme - I got this done for my wife - it's her fav photo of Boonie. DOL's very own indi_dog did it. I love it.
  20. I can't wait for him to start having his play days. He's been on this food for 2 weeks now and he loves it - we fasted him for 24hrs before swapping from the kibble to raw and it did the trick. Haven't seen any real differences appearance wise but our vet said to give it 6 weeks before any dietry pros or cons would appear. Didn't get to go to the Lab show - really wanted to but we were in Stanthorpe for a bit of a romantic weekend away (vomit) and didn't get back in time. I will definitely try and get to the next show that's near.
  21. Was with Boonie down the dog park last night and we run in to his half brother (1mth younger) and get chatting to his owners. Seems that both are near identical in behaviour and that we both have the same concerns/guilts at leaving them at home when we go to work. So now 2 or 3 times a week we are going to have stay overs during the day whilst we are at work. Now to me that's a result - 3 days a week Boonie gets to play with his brother from another mother.
  22. It's a simple as this "If you are coming into my yard you will adhere to my rules - we currently have a pup, he is being trained not to jump but still may as he isn't fully trained yet. Please don't hit my dog, by all means remove the dog and use a stern NO! if you feel this isn't to your liking - don't come over, and if I ever see/hear of you smacking my dog you are going to be picking yourself up from the floor"
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