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Everything posted by mixeduppup

  1. eh? I suggest you do your research. If I'm out with my dogs, bull breeds are one of the main breeds I am wary of and I have a Stafford myself. If you keep reading you'll see I discovered the truth.
  2. a sign of Cushings is high cholesterol. Have they ruled out auto immune diseases?
  3. Oh, it appears normal on my screen. :laugh:
  4. Maybe consider an MRI or CT scan. He may have a brain injury or something neurological.
  5. I thought he meant that was their origin. I suppose when you see it from that light then yes it pays to be careful.
  6. I don't get the spiderpig reference? I've seen the movie but how is she spiderpig? I'm missing something :laugh:
  7. Are you serious? The type started bull baiting and when that was banned they went into the fighting pits against one another. The courage and tenacity prized by breed fanciers today was selectively bred to make them better fighters. Any human aggression was rigorously culled because such a dog was unmanageable in a fighting pit. Go ask any reputable SBT breeder about the breed's tendency for dog aggression and you'll get a far more realistic answer that isn't "they are no more dog aggressive than any other breed". I was told by a pedigree stafford breeder years ago that they were originally bred to be nanny dogs?
  8. You might want to do some more reading on that one and what the hell is a "staffy type" dogs that look like staffies but with no paperwork to back it up
  9. I guess we all have our opinions. A well raised staffy type dog is a wonderful dog imho. Staffies were not bred for aggression, they were bred to be family dogs. Their breed has been sullied by gamers but that was not their original purpose.
  10. Yesterday I was walking my bullarab girl through town on my way to work. I passed this mother and her little boy that kept stopping and turning around to watch my dog. I recognised his look and stopped and asked his mother if he'd like to pat her. She said "Oh he's very afraid and has never touched a dog before, we've tried." Without a word he goes "yes!" and walks up to Bronte and gently reaches out and touches her nose. Bronte adores kids and knows she has to sit whenever she meets a child but wanted to be close so dragged her butt along until she was right next to him and he continued to pat and hug her for a long time. His mother just stood there with the biggest smile and repeating "This is a miracle. He's never touched a dog before, he's always terrified". Eventually he stopped said "Bye doggy" and walked off and sat in the car without another word. His mother thanked me profusely and was beside herself. I'm so proud of my girl as when i got her a few months ago she was so scared, not leash trained, everything made her fall on her belly, didn't even know basic commands and she's just a different dog now. You couldn't wipe the proud smile off my face if you tried. Here's my beautiful baby girl.
  11. I've seen dogs die after being attacked by dogs half their size. I've seen a border collie rip a staffy type dog apart (needing intensive care for weeks). there is no breed that you should be wary of. My bullarab is a sweet love pie and everyone's best friend. My youngest kelpie is reactive and I definitely don't trust her around strange dogs. My bullarab girl had a stray dog run up to her the other day and she sat down and calmly waited for me to grab him by the collar and call the ranger. My kelpie can react aggressively if a strange dog comes up to her. There is no rhyme or reason and no specific breed. Best to find well socialised and behaved dogs of AS MANY BREEDS AS YOU CAN and introduce your dog under controlled circumstances. I know it;s scary being attacked but it's best to bounce and not peg a certain breed as aggressive because of one isolated incident.
  12. It's not the breed at all and as the owner of a bull breed and seeing people yank their dogs away or walk to the other side of the road when they see my gorgeous dog but not do the same when I walk my kelpie makes me sad. Please don't make sweeping generalizations. Bull breeds are no more prone to aggression than any other breed of dog.
  13. Greyhounds are put down all the time, if they can save another life by being put to sleep then why is that a bad thing? If the racing industry doesn't stop then this is probably the best outcome for dogs that don't/can't get rehomed.
  14. Yeah I saw that. They need to be targeting the racing industry itself. Because in reality it's probably the best thing to do, as there is a surplus and not enough homes. I hate greyhound racing for the 'wastage' it creates.
  15. I'm allergic to labs saliva but no other breeds so unless he tests with greys then there's no way to know for sure.
  16. I'm a glutton for punishment, all my dogs are under 7 and I have 7 of them. It can be done but they need to be managed correctly and it's a lot different than having a single dog.
  17. With all the pounds i visit i could be labelled the crazy dog woman quite easily...visiting rescue sites would be a very bad idea :laugh:
  18. Try again, June is when she first started trying to buy the house, she has probably just forgotten.
  19. Mina said she'd list him but never did (unless I missed it). Can you link me some good buy-sell-swaps on Facebook? I'm on some but feel like I'm not that savvy. :/ Also Mina is pretty distracted with moving right now so maybe shoot her off a reminder email as I wouldn't be surprised if she's just forgotten.
  20. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Adelaide-SWAP-Buy-N-Sell/219657248067590?fref=ts https://www.facebook.com/Adelaidebuysellswap?fref=ts Those have the largest numbers on them in your general area
  21. Big Dog rescue may be able to list him for you. Also don't be afraid of listing him on buy swap and sells, that's how I rehomed one of our long time residents and she is very happy.
  22. Depending on what breed it is other larger rescues may be able to do a courtesy listing for you.
  23. A dog with high prey drive and a small child twitching and/or making noises in her sleep could have been a recipe for disaster. Of course that is pure conjecture.
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