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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. I am now entirely convinced that all this thread was thrown as a "bait" in order to promote, yet again, the wonders of the tools K9force promotes! I actually get paid every time i promote K9 force might go start another few threads about him now She is still doing it, but not as much as she was before. We WILL get there (if i tell myself that a few 100 times i might believe it!)
  2. he still has a touch of it in there lol - hasnt had a bath, been too cold!!
  3. Teebs

    Jumping Staffys

    It must only be staffy owners who have this problem! Kaos is a shit for jumping, i did the above method (ignoring her till she had 4 paws on the ground) she is pretty good.... most of the time!! good luck!
  4. HELP!! I have never had a problem with either dog biting the lead - but now, when ever Kaos in on the prong - she starts to bite it! No idea how to stop this - as i never had the problem before!! Ta guys cin
  5. Kaos just got a jacket on layby - little sook she is
  6. My old Staffy and My current one always did the shaking thing - if they want attention they would start to shake so we would think they are cold :D Good like with the pup - you have to post photos for us!!
  7. you really want to know? Where do i start? i had a list in general somewhere Ats best would have to have been the futon, the beanbag (2 years later i still find beans) countless shoes, both review mirrors of my car Kaos has had one mobile phone and 2 house phones, my work bag with all my work stuff in it - ALL her bedding, and plenty more!! ahh, gotta love them!
  8. Atlas loves lambs wool, and anything fluffy - he ate my flatmates slippers, i cant wear anything wooley or fluffy around him - he drives me mad!!
  9. Forever!! Mine LOVE their crates!! Kaos is in hers alseep right now (Atlas is on my bed lol) If they are playing with a toy they usually take it into their crates, if they dont feel well, or if its cold - they go to their crates. They make things so much easier for car trips and also if the dog has to stay at the vets for some reason. For the toilet training - when i first got Atlas, i set my alarm every 2 hours (he was 8 weeks) I would take him out, wait until he went to the loo, then put him back to bed - no play time. After a week i put it up to 3 hours - and so on until he slept the whole night. I tried the same thing with kaos, but as she was older i Put the time to about 4 hours - she woke me up at 3 hours to go. Then every other time she needed to go out she learnt to bark and i would take her out!! Now they both let me know when its pee time (woke up with kaos sitting o nmy head last night - i didnt hear her barking and she broke out of the crate to get me!) Good luck with the puppies!! Glad im not training 2 at once !!
  10. Kaos had the same sort of thing - a week after her needle a massive lump appeared on her!! Please take the dog to the vet - it could be something simple - but better to be safe then sorry!
  11. ok, i wil be first in line - you can be behind me ;)
  12. Will fight you for him?? Dad loves the area - told me he wouldnt mind me getting married and moving there so he could come visit :D
  13. Well, have to say, today was the first time Atlas actually looked at me without me having to say his name to get attention!! Kaos sits and looks at me from the moment i walk out with the food - but i am keeping her on a tie out because she normally hates being tied up - so it might help her later on if she needs to be tied! She is now sitting for EVERYTHING - started bringing the drop into it - and because she is such a talky dog, i am also teaching her to speak, and shake hands. Had a visitor the other night - instead of jumping all over them like normal, she went and sat infront of them for a pat!! She also used to go and annoy my flatmate when i wasnt playing with her -she will now just sit with me without needing to be all over me i love you steve :D
  14. Great program been doing it with kaos, and just started Atlas with it kaos will NEVER let me tie her up - at obedience if i need to leave her for a few mins, she goes off her head!! She was like this the first few times - but is slowly stoping! (steve, does NILIF make her sook more? She crys all the time now when she doenst get what she wants!! how long till it stops??)
  15. Atlas is healthy, vet checked, and still eats his own poo from time to time i just dont let him lick me anymore
  16. My friend just rung me, her 13 year old boxer went to sleep last night She had cancer, they had her at the vets yesterday to try some new medication - they said she stopped walking at about 8 last night - stopped eating at about 9. 2.30 this morning they held her in their arms as she left them She was a great dog - such a sweet girl RIP Jess Run Free
  17. I agree - my dogs get a mix of food and they are health and happy!! Atlas has never looked better then he does at the moment!! Each to their own - this thread is just going to go downhill.
  18. you never know, the few time my dogs sleep with me, i end up with both dogs and both cats on my bed!
  19. My old Staffy would back into anyone who walked into the yard! he loved getting the base of his back, near his tail, scratched - We gave up any hope of him meeting new people with the front end!!
  20. Oh no.... *runs from this thread now it has turned into another bloody dyson one!!!*
  21. Kaos burps and farts - LOUD ones At farts but you can hardly hear or smell them - Kaos can clear a room out!!
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