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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. I'll have to second that Pandii, KOVU ALL THE WAY!!!!!!! GIVE ME A K GIVE ME A O GIVE ME A V GIVE ME A U What does that spell??!!!!! KOVU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p Yup, what they said :D
  2. can we have some photos??
  3. http://critterweb.com/btneuro/portrait_ofa_spinner.htm
  4. Yep, i would put something that tastes bad on the end of it
  5. IT can be a big problem in bull Terriers, take the advice and try to stop it NOW! she is very cute!
  6. how you holding up Boxa?
  7. OMG I am so sorry Boxer :rolleyes: ;) Im here if you need to talk
  8. I have a cup for the dry food, they each get one of those a day - mince and bones etc are just thrown on top, will cut back the dry a little depending on what meat they get
  9. My old boy was 14 when he went to the bridge last year, i can only remember him cocking his leg once or twice in his life, he was a squatter Atlas will cock 99% of the time, unless is he BUSTING to go, then its on the gras and squat!
  10. Thank god!! I was sitting here thinking i was a bad mother!! Have to say i am the same a pix - i refil the water every morning, bowls dont get washed, inside water bowl washed once a week - and most of the time the food goes on the ground
  11. Glad to hear he is doing a bit better Give him a kiss from me!
  12. He was sleeping inside and you kicked him to outside? No way i would do that! Where does the othe dog sleep? Why dont you start crate training him, that way he will have his own bed, and if he gets too much you can put him away if needed?
  13. I am in a unit with a small back yard, dogs are outside with access to the garage (only shelter out there) during the day - night time or when i am home, they are inside with me and the cats We all cope fine, just remember in a strata there are rules you have to follow, if you are thinking of getting a dog please write to the comittie before you go out and get one!!
  14. I have been at the same club, atlast is 3 in August, and i have been training him since he was 4 months, i also did puppy preschool before that Kaos i have been training for nearly a year now (its just a little over 12 months since i got her) At the moment both dogs are on a break, i am thinking of taking Kaos back tomorrow, Atlas just got very sick of it, and is happier staying at home with a bone! I still go when i dont have a dog I either steal someone elses dog (rastus froggie!) of instruct a class. I love going, even without my dogs! It is nice to hang around with crazy people like me from time to time! I also used to go and watch every week when i was 7, at the same club, while my brothers trained our dogs (was too young to train back then!)
  15. I think that our club needs to up its prices!! We were going 15 years ago, and it was still only $3 a lesson!!
  16. Dogs get fed outside, cats inside - in the laundry with only access a cat flap that dogs can NOT get through (not from lack of trying ) I love the cat!! i want a BB one day!
  17. I tried to use the spray bottle with kaos - she LOVES it, sits there looking at it to get me to play with her The only time i use it with Atlas (he HATES IT) is when he is in the kitchen - he knows he isnt allowed in there, and i can never get him out - i just pick the bottle up and he leaves. He isnt scared of any other spray bottles
  18. Teebs

    Sooky Girl

    Also, to add to what everyone has said... Can we have some more photos?? PLEASE?!?!?!
  19. Teebs

    Sooky Girl

    OMG What a cutie!!
  20. good luck - Atlas is almost 3 and still eats his - i just learnt not to kiss him!
  21. Thanks K9 - will be watching the mail for it!
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