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Everything posted by kaywoman68

  1. Shelby was a beautiful dog. Sorry for your loss
  2. I'm sorry your groomer passed away My groomer moved away and she did such a good job. It was a shame but then I decided to learn how to groom them myself. Anyway, I just bought some clippers and scissors yesterday and I'm going to call the lady my breeder recommended to see if she is still able to teach me how to groom them. Hope things will work out for you!
  3. We usually listen to CDs when I'm at work so I didn't get to hear this ;) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope Lilly is feeling better!!!!
  4. :D I hope he's alright. Maybe it's just me but I can't seem to find his name anywhere. What's your gorgeous boy's name? ETA: OK, so i'm completely blind!!!! Sorry!
  5. I only wash them when they're smelly. Most recently was just after Mother's Day weekend when Orson started having diarrhea. I left them with my mum's dogs and he must have been really nosy and started eating their food after eating theirs and it upset his tummy *sigh* For some reason, only his front legs were smelly but I chucked both of them in the shower and washed them with Aloveen. They now smell devine
  6. Poor Lilly Please let us know how she goes at the Vet's tomorrow! I'll be hoping things will work out for Lilly.
  7. You read and replied the LDH thread Melbourne Lost Dogs Homeon the rescue forum a little while ago. No doubt you would have read some of the posts on that thread. Try reading it again. Very few dogs actually make it to the adoption pens due after the LDH's assessment. I know very well how LDH is like, and that is why I have been calling them everyday, emailing them everyday and going there in person every week to see if Ginger is there. But what shocked me is why are you DOUBTING that Ginger will pass the test?? In my opinion, dogs that did not pass the test will be PTS. Do you even know Ginger? She is the friendliest dog ever. I have not ever heard her bark at strangers at all. Throughout the 1.5 years that I have had her, I only heard her bark a loud "woof" TWICE and that is because we left her in the garden alone. She's also very healthy, very pretty, housetrained and obedient. I just dont understand you, kaywoman. Here I am just getting all calmed down and pick myself again after your previous replies and then you hit me right again. BAM!!!! Why do you have to be even so negative?? Why are you even DOUBTING? I really am trying to ignore you, but how can I when you post such comments? PLEASE, I BEG YOU. GO AWAY. I HATE YOU. I REALLY DO. PLEASE DONT MAKE THINGS WORSE FOR ME. :D :D YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO ME NOW.
  8. My little boy Orson was (and still is) a very dominant puppy with me. He would growl at me when he didnt' like what I was doing (ie. taking a toy away) and would nip at my feet. It was horrible :D It's taken heaps and heaps of effort. He still growls but not as much anymore. It's certainly helped me more since I started obedience training with him. We have 2 dogs and OH decided that I would take Orson because I need to assert the fact i'm the boss, not him. It's turned out to be a good idea and he's learnt so much since then. We are graduating from Beginners B and going to Intermediate!!!
  9. You read and replied the LDH thread Melbourne Lost Dogs Homeon the rescue forum a little while ago. No doubt you would have read some of the posts on that thread. Try reading it again. Very few dogs actually make it to the adoption pens due after the LDH's assessment.
  10. We sell pet mince where I work. It's JUST minced up chicken leg bones, nothing else. Hard to say just how much crap the chicken has had though before they were plucked and drained...... I feed my 2 chicken mince (usually from breast). I dont feed them much red meat because one of them tends to throw up after having too much....
  11. This is slightly but it is related How many dogs are you ALLOWED in the western surburbs, Victoria (where i'm assuming ViVien is living)???? ETA: Labsmum, we can only hope that Ginger doesn't end up at LDH. I doubt she would pass the temp test like most dogs that go in.
  12. kaywoman68


    Most people suggest crate training. Try searching threads in the training forum and general dog forum. I have never done crate training so I can't offer any advice. I got my 1st 'kid' Orson (got him at 7 weeks) a polar fleece blanket because it's not heavy and it's warm. I had my spare bathroom transformed into a sleeping area for Orson. I had newspaper all over the floor so wherever he does his business, he would do it on the paper. Eventually he started doing it in one spot (near the bathtub) and it's turned out well for us. I'm sure your breeder can give you pointers on a suitable diet for your baby. I didn't get any diet sheets or anything when I got my 2nd 'kid' Oi but they've been very helpful and have answered any questions I've had which is fantastic. I got both my 'kids' desexed when they were around 6 months. That's what my vet suggested. Try searching the Health forum, there's bound to be an abundance of information about desexing. He should be alright to be desexed at 6 months tho. I think females have more of a problem because they do go on heat. I managed to get Oi desexed in time (she was just starting to go on heat but the vet said it was alright). Good luck with your puppy!!!!! Make sure to post pics when you get him! Have you got a name decided yet?
  13. Maybe you should try looking at your topic title! I read through a lot of threads on DOL when i first joined and came to the conclusion I wouldn't be able to handle having 2 puppies at once, no matter how cute or that they would have a playmate when no-one is at home. I have no doubt that people more competent than I can handle 2 at once and I'm sure that with heaps of hard work and commitment you are able to do it too. This is merely my opinion. I really like poodlefan's advice Good luck on your training with Whiskey and Shayla and I hope Ginger does come home to you soon
  14. I'm sorry if I've offended you but from your other posts, you're saying you can't handle 2 puppies. I'm just wondering if you can handle having 3 dogs (all so young) in the one house.
  15. Is there any way you can return one of them? I know it sounds really mean to separate them cos they seem to be attached to eachother but from what your topic title says, you can't handle 2 at once. I'm not sure it was a good idea to get 2 puppies and leave them by themselves while you're not home, especially the fact they're so young. They seem inseparable from what you've mentioned so it's likely they've bonded as a pack which will make it REALLY HARD to train them. ETA: I got my 2 dogs at different times even though they're similar in age. I got my 1st 'kid' when he was 7 weeks old and my 2nd 'kid' when she was 5 months. By then, I've had some time with my little boy (1st one) and he knew some basic commands. My circumstances changed and that's when I decided to get another dog. I knew I couldn't handle 2 at once.
  16. Don't be too hard on yourself!!! You're doing the best you can for Cody and I'm sure he appreciates your effort! I've seen how happy he is when he's with you! Don't give up and don't feel bad! SMILE!
  17. I personally wouldn't have bought a new dog/puppy so soon (2 weeks)...especially TWO puppies. I hope OH contributes to the training of them, otherwise it's mayhem trying to do it by yourself. Just a question....If Ginger does show up, will you take her back? I mean, you'll have 3 dogs then Good luck with your training though.
  18. I've had no trouble with Royal Canin. It *may* be the food. Just because RC is considered a premium dog food doesn't necessarily mean it's good for your dog too. You can try giving him fish oil tablets. Also, maybe it's best to give him boiled eggs. A few people have suggested raw egg white is not good for dogs....I dont know if it's true tho....I do find it's a lot LESS messier when it's boiled and I can feed them the egg inside. Why do you wash him once a fortnight? because he's dirty? I dont wash mine until they are really smelly because washing them too frequently will strip all the natural oils from their coats. Maybe you can try a BARF diet? I'm sure a lot of DOLers can give you suggestions. I feed cooked chicken mince, raw chicken wings, pasta, rice, vegetables and RC.
  19. Im glad I'm not the only one having trouble. Orson has a talent for spitting it out the worming tablet even if I put it between pieces of chicken, sardines, steak etc etc. It's a struggle every month!!! *sigh* Putting it down her throat does work but you have to make sure it's low enough that she cant spit it out. Orson's done it a few times cos I didn't put it down far enough (I haven't choked him at all yet).
  20. Im just curious to where you can get Ziwipeak from... I dont really feed my 2 canned food unless I have to. I prefer them to get eggs, mince, rice, pasta and fish. They do get dry food too.
  21. I've got a foster dog I got yesterday. She was collected from the pound yesterday morning. She seemed to be coughing yesterday but didnt' think too much of it. This morning, she was sneezing a bit when I saw her just before I came to work. The lady who I talked to before I took Penny home said she may have a mild kennel cough. I took her outside as soon as I heard her coughing yesterday and she stopped. Im going to monitor her and see how she goes. If not, i'll have to go to the vet. She's only been doing it inside. I've got 2 of my own at home. How can I isolate them so, if she does have it, that they dont get it? My mum has 4 dogs at work. Is it possible for me to interact with them? Can I give them kennel cough? (from touching the infected dogs then travelling to work)
  22. I fed Orson 3 meals till he was around 5 months (I think) before starting to introduce him to 2 meals a day. It wasnt' like he was getting strict 2 meals though because he got lots of treats too in between. He's still a healthy weight at 1yo (he's a heavy bum compared to when we first got him. he was like 1.5kg, now he's 14kg). ephereal, You might want to contact your breeder to advise on the meals. I'm sure it would be different for every dog. Some dogs are still classified as puppies until they're nearly 2 years old I think due to their growth patterns etc. I was reading the RC brochure for the recommended dog food and it's mentioned medium dog breeds are adults when they're 12 months.
  23. It's definitely a good idea to take a week or 2 off so you can spend time with the pup and try to establish a routine. Try to find a dog that suits your lifestyle. I must say I first chose a cocker spaniel because I liked their look but I did consider things like the size because I knew OH and I wouldnt' have time for a big dog. I didn't do too much research but it turned out great in the end because now their lifestyle is just like mine (my 2 like to sleep like me :rolleyes: ) When I first got Orson, I didn't take any time off work (I work 2 jobs). I was allowed to take him to my job in the mornings which was . I would take him home when I finished my morning job and feed him his lunch before heading off to my afternoon work. My afternoon job is only 3 hours and I was close which meant I could get home quickly. I left him in the bathroom with blankets and toys. Most days I'll come home and he'll still be sleeping. He's now 1 year old and a menace but I would never trade him for anyone else.
  24. Definitely research the breed first. Can I ask what are the reasons that have led you to wanting a Husky? I'm sure a lot of DOLers can tell you a Husky is a LOT of work....
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