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Snotty Nose


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Ok my male gsd has a snotty nose

its not a coloured discharge - it's not even a discharge really

When he breathes you can hear there is stuff in there

just now I rubbed his nose and snot bubble appeared - EWWW

Aside from his nose he has discharge from one eye - that is just dirty

He has also sneezed a few times today - in fact he just did so so violently it set one of my other dogs barking

Right now he is breathing through his nose - not panting - and is breathing clearly but heavily if that makes sense

On top of his nose he had some scabs - i picked them off and its just healthy skin underneath

he is not vaccinated - hasnt been for 2 years but at 9 and will have his next shots next year

He was at the vets this week for blood tests and a check up etc and everything is normal but the vet was none the wiser about the nose - wasn't too worried either.

All I can think is

1. he has been digging, got dirt up his nose

2. he is suffering from hayfever

3. both of the above

anyone else got any ideas?

Next step is to give him antihistamines - but which one and how much? vet said approx a human dose - gee thanks

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my first thought too but Ive had dogs with KC before and Ive never had snot and no cough.

temp was good - will check it again tonight

its been happening for about 3 weeks on and off - today is the first day he has sneezed

he has been at the vets 3 times - 2 different vets - could they both have missed this?

its seem isolated to his face

but yea it was my first thought too

If it is KC not much to do - he just finished a course of antibiotics but saying that KC is a virus so that wont affect it

Anyway his nose looks swollen to me not bulbus but not normal

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I had a snotty nosed foster dog, she definitely had kennel cough initially but it went on and on. Antihistamines didnt' work and in the end, she had to go under anaesthesia and scrapings done. The vets all believed it would be a fungal infection which is very hard to treat but it actually turned out to be allergies. As I live near the bush, we found her a home in the inner city where she was much better, the new owner didn't mind a bit of snot - luckily - I thought I'd never rehome her but also went thru the distress of thinking she had a fatal illness until it was all resolved.

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Sounds like kennel cough to me............There are so many strains of it not all have the same symptoms........The vaccination doesnt cover all the strains, so is the reason I dont bother vaccinating for it.

Like human flu viruses symptoms can vary. Just boost his immune system with good food & supplements like garlic, EsterC, Apple Cider Vinegar & kelp.......Echinacea is also useful.

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its not like big scabs

theyre tiny ones - like something bit him, he scratched till it scabbed and the scabs come off

thing is i havent seen him scratch AT ALL

he is sleeping peacefully on the couch next to me - no snotty sounds - unlike last night where i had to kick him out of my bed cause he was so loud I couldnt sleep

I gave him some meloxicam which should reduce any swelling there might be

I THINK this is related to him digging in a certain spot so Im going to bar that area but if he isnt clearing up with anti histamines off to the vet AGAIN and if its KC

I checked his temp - 38.2 - normal

he is active but obviously due to his nose his activity isnt last as long - he is getting puffed

are once a day anti histamines better than others?

If its KC not much to do same as with human flu - which im not havin the shot for ever again

if its an allergy which i think it is - anti histamines SHOULD show some improvement

Its been going on for weeks on and off but he has recently started digging and the laws were mowed 3 weeks ago - and its been worse since

if its a fungal infection would something not have shown up on his blood test? white cell count etc?

Foreign body is unlikely - he would be uncomfortable more often though it did cross my mind

bump/injury is very unlikely

he is sleepin soundly, mouth closed, no sound

KC is bad news here as I have a senior that would be my only worry. she might have to go stay with relatives for a while

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Ive had a look over the net the only things that involve sneezing and discharge are

1. allergies

2. respiratory infections

Ill pop into the vet tomorrow if i get a chance cause he seems to be a little listless - much like i am when i get my hay fever

His symptoms are a lot like mine actually except the crust eye which is always full of dirt - but i dont dig in the ground with my nose AND I dont like in the dirt hehe

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vet took a look - not a terrible intensive look - wtf is it with vets these days? theyre becoming like doctors on medicare!!

gave him a shot of anti histamines. some ointment for his eye - third eyelid is infected and some anti histamines to try this week - if all goes well we should be good

thanks for the replies

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vet said it was allergies - gave him a shot of anti histamine and some cream for his eye

poor dog copped a ball in the face from mum - not on purpose - ended up with a blood nose which has stopped thankfully - not a running bloody nose just knocked the crust from his nose and voila blood.

he also has the runs but they all went on vets all natural for their hips and all have the runs so i need to stop it - sashas blend had the same effect

his appetite is fine, he is energetic - well right now he is stuffed as we have been out and about all day

Im keeping an eye on him - will take his temp tonight again

mum is coming over to watch him tomorrow

Im hoping that this has all come to a head and with the antihistamines the sneezing etc go away for good

no sneezing this arvo, even the snotty nose is sounding better

thanks for all the info guys

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A good wash for the eyes is either cool black tea or cool chamomile tea...jsut make it up as you would for a cuppa and let it cool down - then use as an eye wash.

As for the nose...it could be that the grass seeds or pollens are irritating him? But then the antihistamines will make a noticible difference.

As to teh scabs on the nose...perhaps check out where he has been digging eg for ants, or roots in the ground as he could have scratched himself as much as bitten bitten. Could also be flies? they tend to bite the nose and ear tips - so check them for crusty bits. (The best thing i have found for the flies is Advantix - lasts for about 6-8 weeks or so - doesn't make the ear fur go manky like a lot of hte stuff i've tried and you don't have to put stuff on a few times a day to work)

Good luck with finding out the issue!

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