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Congratulations to all for their weekend efforts and passes!

Well done LP :rofl: Trialling in the heat is not easy, on dog or human!

I was being soft and decided not to enter Croydon cause I thought it would be hot - I'm a big baby in the heat and become very cranky and I had a wedding on Sat night and Obedeince Chriisy party Sunday night! You guys will beat me and Kiz out of Open! Although I must warn all to look out when Denny hits the ring next year - he's such a super trooper.

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Although I must warn all to look out when Denny hits the ring next year - he's such a super trooper.

I can't wait to meet Denny - I don't think I've seen him yet - just Blush and Kiz!

He can compete against Kinta - also coming out to play with the big kids next year :rofl: :rofl:

Edited by leopuppy04
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WOO HOO!!!! Xena's first Trial was on the weekend.

We only entered jumpers and agility.

Got Eliminated for a wrong direction in jumpers (that tunnel just looked WAAAAAAAAY to good not to run through), but other than that it was an AWESOME run for her.

Agility was first off and she did the run with two faults (weavers - her fault, decided to go and say hello to her new friend the judge :rofl: (OK, I have to proof her more with people standing on the course) and dog walk - my fault - I ran through the end of it too quickly and she followed me instead of stopping/contacting).

I just found out she came second in the starters agility. :rofl: (went home early with a headache!)

My only two goals on the night were that she hold her stay on the start line and I didn't end up chasing her round the course and that she didn't run off and explore the other side of the field. Both achieved and then more.

I think I'm hooked!

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Although I must warn all to look out when Denny hits the ring next year - he's such a super trooper.

I can't wait to meet Denny - I don't think I've seen him yet - just Blush and Kiz!

He can compete against Kinta - also coming out to play with the big kids next year :rofl: :rofl:

Yay!!! How's Kinta coming along? I'm finding training Denny really different cause he's such a sooky la la :rofl: A big change from in ya face Kiz and Blush the fairy! He tries so hard at everything and I feel just awful when he does an oops. We did a inter club trial earlier (I just entered him for fun) and he did really well, just one wonky drop on heel pattern and that was it!

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Well I have a mindless brag to add from a training session tonight. Ptolomy and I went to K9 this afternoon and Ptolomy put me through a UD round. OMG did Ness do so much better than I expected. She goofed one article but did a pretty good seekback and a brilliant sendaway/directed jumping. Her heelwork wasn't aweful and she even managed a directed retrieve - very pleased with what we have managed to achieve so far with her UD work and to think I have trained it all by myself with the only real assistance I get being from Ptolomy and a few others via email :laugh: .

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You should be proud Sal Ness did very well at training today and what you forgot to mention was that she had come from the vet where she had been needled and pummelled and put into positions she never dreamed of reaching. :rofl:

You have only been here 3 days and already you have lifted the bar and are aiming higher that you ever would have dreamed 12 months ago.

Well done mate!

PS - Sal actually has another brag Ness is whinging only half as much as when she arrived. We are aiming for a 100% improvement over the next 2 weeks :laugh:

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PS - Sal actually has another brag Ness is whinging only half as much as when she arrived. We are aiming for a 100% improvement over the next 2 weeks :laugh:

Well done Sal - where are the Vids?! :rofl:

Hmm... it really does sound like boot camp! Do we make bookings or just show up :rofl: :rofl:

How is Ness?! I take it the Chiro visit went well then :rofl:

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Goodonya Ptolomy - she is still NOT very good. Although I think she was just too buggered to whinge. She tells me that Ptolomy will beat her if she doesn't quit it.

Yep its totally boot camp Leopuppy. Geez Ptolomy can be a bitch when it comes to making you train properly (and taking your dog to the chiro ROFL) :rofl: .

Must be something about WA and lifting the bar - cos thats what happened when we came here last year :rofl: .

Failing that Ptolomy better check my bags for my favourite Lexi toller (sorry Scoota Lexi is my favourite today).

Hmm LP Ness was SORE to put it lightly. More sore now though :laugh: . Got another appointment on Thursday.

ETA. That would also be the first seekback session in a while which I haven't bribed her heelwork :rofl: . (Oops yes Ptolomy its the truth!!!)

Edited by ness
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Some of your are amazing. Mine isnt that amazing but i was very proud.

My beagle was about 6mnths old (now 6yrs) and we where at the shops. She had always been hit on the nose by the cat when ever she got too close to the cat (never cut her or anything just a dominace thing). Anyway walking back from the shop there was a much larger dog walking with a guy, without a leash thay came running towards coby. Like any owner my hard went into my mouth. Any way so this do runs up to my pup. Then my pup just sat down and wouldnt move. Then when the other dog got to her, WHACK, Coby just hit her right over the face with her paw, just like the cat always does. This fully grown much larger dog has turned and ran. The owner is then chasing after him going "My dog, my bloody dog". I couldnt help but laugh. Lesson have your dog on the leash or control it. I have never seen coby do it again. But it is the proudest i have ever been of her. Needless to say she got an extra special treat when she go home.

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Ok - last mindless brag for the year... I promise ;)

Busy weekend this weekend! Agility trial on Sat and Obedience trial today.

Agility didn't start so well with some terrible runs in the morning and one distracted doggy - Ex Jumping was pretty bad, he just wasn't paying attention. Novice Agility was better, but we knocked 2 bars :rofl:.

PM was a much better run. Mum got lost in Ex Jumping and turned to late, thereby causing dog to go wide and miss the jumps ;). But we did get a pass in Novice Agility (#2) and 30 sec under time :D! It's been like extracting teeth getting these Nov Agility passes so i'm thrilled. We came 3rd in around 8 qualies, with some really good dogs there!

Today Obedience was organised by our home club and my first time as Trial Secretary (I hope all the DOlers who went had a good time!). Was very hot today with it hovering around 30deg! Leo worked brilliantly. Our 2nd ever trial in Open and we pulled of another pass - 189, great comments from the judge, 1st place and Highest scoring Croydon Member in trial :rofl: :rofl:! I've always wanted to pull off a 190 +, but I guess next time eh?! LOL! Couldn't be prouder with him considering the conditions!

Was the first weekend I've used my cool coat too - and needless to say - I'm very impressed with them.... they really work!!!!

Here's the photo with the loot! Go the DOL doggies!


Beautiful photo LP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And huge congrats for the day. He is such a STAR! And a great score. I can tell you everyone, it was trying conditions. Hot and windy. Leo did you both extremely proud and He is going to sail through next year. The thing I can't wait to see is KINTA trialling too! I am so pleased I got to finally meet her too. She is such a sweetie :rock: If she works better than Leo LOOK OUT everyone cos it is hard to work better than Leo, that's all I can say!

I must say huge congrats about the trial too. The grounds were lovely, everything was so well organised, beaut barbecue, started bang on time, everything just great and so friendly. A lovely day in spite of the trying conditions. I will be back next year whatever the weather :love:

As for my girl, poor girl she had a bit of a regression and bombed out big time. Dont actually know why but she wasn't keen to chew her kong with food beforehand and thinking about it, I should hve withdrawn her as I could tell she wasn't right. She startedher old behaviours again but not unexpected. Then went out of the ring and was champion of the day at the back of the rings lol. All okay though, we are slowly getting there.

All Vic triallers, go to Croydon next year and support the club. They do a great job!!!

Super congrats to everyone else with their successes too. So nice to hear everyones happy brags :eek:

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Well Done LP and Leo, roll on 2008

Sorry I opted to stay home due to the weather.

Smart lady! I didn't have that option and since I was there, thought I better support the club :laugh::confused:

Not so smart as I was trialling at Werribee's trial in similar conditions ( and a couple of other hot trials) Whilst Tux is willing to work in the heat, I am not so keen.

And yes Aussie Sheps are addictive. I have 3 as LP knows. As for my brag, my oldest aussie (aged 11yrs) remembered how to retrieve the dumbell and do a short heel pattern for me. Not like when I was in the Veterans class back in Augusts ( the Fundraiser Trial) where she did the pattern once and then when asked to do it again, laid down and crossed her legs and said I've done it once, go and do it on your own. What a hoot and a good sense of humour.

Edited by kallistar
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God another brag from me................

Geez I am thrilled with how Ness is working at the moment. Went out again tonight for another bootcamp session and Ness didn't disapoint. We did a session with a mix of open and utility exercises and she really worked an absolute treat. God maybe she isn't half as bad as I think she is sometimes.

Sessions like this don't come along very often for us. Everything is just falling into place and its really funny as usually I get nervous when I have "gurus" helping but Ptolomy is absolutely brilliant. She is a great handler herself and just watching her work her kids gives you lots of hints. Funnily enough all of it works as well :confused: .

Really having a great time here and learning heaps. Will have lots to take away with when I go home and just maybe my little girl can get her UD title :laugh: .

Thanks so much Ptolomy your a legend and I really appreciate the fact you kindly offered up your home to Ness and I (funny thing is we have only been here 4 days and still have lots of our holiday left to go as we aren't even half way through :love: ).

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Aw shucks now I am embarrassed :)

Glad you are enjoying your stay and as I said to you last night in 4 days you have already raised the bar so much higher. Ness can do it - you just have to believe it :thumbsup:

Now off to get that big stick out........ :laugh::rofl::rofl:

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Aw shucks now I am embarrassed :rofl:

Glad you are enjoying your stay and as I said to you last night in 4 days you have already raised the bar so much higher. Ness can do it - you just have to believe it :thumbsup:

Now off to get that big stick out........ :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Good one Ptolomy - embarrassed why!!!!! I think Ness is picking up some of that red dog drive as honestly we haven't had that sort of work two sessions in a row EVER hehehehehe. And she is learning to be quiet sort of. Jealously works wonders. Might make half a Lexi out of her yet :laugh: .

Yep I know Ness can do it and I have had a hugely bad habit of not accepting a high enough standard from her. Never again.

Oh yes Ptolomy the big stick hmmmmmm geez your a hard task master :) .

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