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Puppy Whining


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Mishka has been in the backyard since I got home. He has chooks to chase and kittens to be clingy with, but he's sitting at the door whining! He ran in the house to greet the kittens as soon as we got home, I opened the back door and he 'barreled' through the doorway. There are 2 full waterbowls out there, he has a half full food bowl out there too...

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He has everything a dog could want...I thought he'd be sick of the big mean thing that made him stop having fun and took him on a big noisy thing where he wasn't allowed to say hello to everything.

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He keeps secret pooping and leaving trails to big puddles of pee. I put him outside to play and do his 'stuff'.

He's inside now, in his open crate, and he's still whining. What am I doing wrong?

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Before we can help you what breed and age ?

Puppies need love and human attention.

With pups remember what goes in the tummy comes out very fast so lead toilet training is a must about 15 to 30 min after eating/drinking.

Kind Regards


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Yep, he'll keep pooping and leaving puddles inside until you house train him and BTW I wouldn't be encouraging him to chase the chooks unless of course you want to be rid of them :rolleyes: I guess it won't be long before we read a post that the pup has been killing the chooks. Keep the chooks safely confined where the dog can't get to them.

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He's 8 weeks old and he's a JRTx.

There won't be much trouble with the chooks after Friday. They'll have their chook pen fixed (stray cat stuck his head in and couldn't get it out without help)

ATM I don't think he'll bother the chooks, they're twice his size! He's happier bothering the cats :rolleyes:

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JRT's are great dogs but they like to be near you....you need to start a training regimes soon.....once he has finished eating take him out side and stay with him....give plenty of praise when he does his thing then bring him back in with you...8 wks is a bit young to be chasing chooks and playing with kittens....he is just a baby and need to be treated with love and care....he is probably whining because he is lonley...he misses his mum and his litter....i would try a warm soft toy, a cuddly blanket and some gentle noise, put the radio on softly or the tv, hopefully that will help him settle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is now getting on my nerves. Mishka whines, like all the time. It does vary in the volume though.

I've tried the alarm clock under a blanket, I've tried the wheat bag, I've tried both under a blanket, but it just isn't helping, and my sleep pattern's suffering. Any suggestions?

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Yes i have a couple of suggestions.

Crate train. Use a crate at night, it will help with toileting also.

Have the crat ein your room next to your bed. Have an article of your clothing in there so he can smell you

My jack cried too. We ignored and itr stopped. OR with our other pups, after a few nights of ignoring and growling 'quiet', we used the spray water bottle.

It stopped the whining immediately. If they are quiet for a while then start, we took them out to the loo. Waited till they toileted then put them back in the crate.

After the first 2 nights with Mitchi we had no whining unless she needed to go to the loo.

I had her inside when i was at home as much as possibloe and only took her out for wee stops and playing.

She is now 18mo and have no issues at all.

Daire my gsd pup is 10weeks tomorrow.

We have had a few nights of crying, tried growling - didn;t really work. 2 nights ago i used the water bottle. No whining unless he needs to wee.

Perservere and spend more time with the pup.

Edited by Kristie
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Cazz..try a couplf zshort obedience sessions, and a HUGE bone... the combination of both should take the edge off, and relax him.

What is his daily routine?

Re housetraining...from where did he come?

Was he inside? Was he in a kennel situation with others?

was he a backyard dweller?

Pssstt...he more than likely WILL chase the chooks :D he is a terrier, a pup and a boy :laugh:

Our little witchetty is the same age..and weighjs just under 2 kg SHE chases the chooks!And the goats !! She is a Koolie, and we HOPE she chases things, that's the difference :(

What are you feeding, and how often?

Does he have playtime with YOU or other humans?

just so we know what sort of day he has? :confused:

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In the morning, usually about 6am, I get up, go to the loo then go back in my bedroom and scoop him out of the crate, and take him out. He does his poops in two lots. Then he's left out with Curly while I go back to bed and snooze (Curly's the dopey cat, she'll sleep curled up with him.)

When I get up, I grab an old MX (normally scooped out of a bin at the station the day before) and my hot coffee. I put the stuff on an empty cage and go looking for Mishka, who's normally snoozing with curly in the empty rabbit hutch. I put his harness on while he's whining in his sleep. I let Curly in the house for her brekky (I have no idea why it doesn't bother Curly.) walk Mish to his approved pooping spot then attach the harness to the leash on his 'hitching tree' and park next to the old cage and read my MX.

He tries to chase everything in sight. He doesn't even dribble while we're out there, he continues crying to himself. 1 1/2-2hrs later, I take his harness off. He dribbles on the way to his water/foodbowl but, boys will be boys. If it's cold and wet, I put his jumper on him and his harness (he gets stressed if he can't see his 'pink' paw and his harness keeps the jumper where it is until he grows into it) over the top. I put him down, and his whining volume increases until Kink lets Mish chew his ear.

He gets the choice of staying out or coming in. He plays with the cat for 2 hours, in which I can do housework. He comes in with Kink, Mish's pretty tired by then so he bullies the cats away from the bowl, and snoozes in the cat bed whining quietly, what the bowl has to do with anything is beyond me. I leave him to snooze for 45mins, then I run him out to his pooping spot for a pee. 1/2 an hour later, if he hasn't peed, I'll walk him for a while, normally we head towards the water bowl for a drink. If he still won't pee, I take the harness off and leave him barking at the dog next door. I'm lucky if he leaves me alone for 1/2 an hour, he comes in and wrestles with Curly and has a snooze while whining quietly.

If I catch him before he leaves puddles, (if after, I clean them)I take him for a slow walk to the station (most of the walk he's cuddled on my lap) when we get to the bin, I snatch a few MXs, while Mish's tail goes a mile a minute and his whining volume goes up because I'm careful in case someone steps on him. He's admired by 2 train loads of people, by which time I've had to scoop him up and hold him over the bin to pee twice. When the threat of being stepped on has passed, I walk him around the building(not the platform) to calm him, I pick him up and take him home. After he's slept all the way home, I take his harness off and tell him 'out'. 10 mins later when I go out to fill his bowl, he's sleeping in the hutch whining. He stays out for about an hour, by which time his bowl is empty. He comes in, chases the cats a bit, then finds me parked on my beanbag, climbs me and licks my face (he occasionally nips my nose), and is hugged cuddled and rubbed until he goes back to the cat bed to sleep. He's put out the back for ten minutes, if he chooses to go toilet in the pooping spot, it's like I've hit the jackpot, if not, I just clean it. He's then brought in and goes to sleep in his crate in my bedroom.

The choks are at a friend's place, they both pecked at Mish, which made him howl. He has a few bones in various places in the yard to keep him happy.

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It sounds like a separation issue a little.

I am no expert but since he whining unless he is with you that is what it seems like to me.

Either that or he is still not sure about his place in your pack.

Mitchi never whined like that.

Neither did Hunts

Daire has whined like that but he is over it now.

Do you growl at him to stop it?

Is it a ful on whine or just like under his breath so it comforts him?

Are you in Melbourne? Do you want a jrt for him to have a play with? Maybe he is missing his family.

How long have you had him?

ETA You say he is only 8 weeks old so i guess you have only had him a few days? maybe a week.

If so he is still settling in.

Edited by Kristie
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I'd say I got him WAY too young, the breeder'd obviously abused him (I'm still trying to get him to understand that I'm not going to hurt him) and leaving him and his sister on railway tracks to be run over was just disgraceful.

It's not whining for me, I think he's missing his littermates. Look at what he does to my cats! I don't think they'll be that patient with him forever.

Most of the time it's under his breath, but in his sleep it's loud and at the station I've been told off by people because he whines and whimpers really loudly and they tell me I'm torturing him.

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When you took him for his health check..did the vet give him the all-clear?

I am still thinking on the constant whining....

being a rescue,,it could well be that he has problems, and you may need someone experienced to talk to..a professional behaviourist, maybe?

it could be just that everything is VERY alien to him, too. jumpers, harnesses, being tied up...all sorts of things are stressors for such a young baby.

ermmm..until he is fully vaccinated, walking him has a big risk of him becoming a victim of parvo or something, too :thumbsup:


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If the vet has ruled out anything physical then he may just be a whiner.

I had a BC like that, he whined all the time for no reason when he was young and I don't think he even knew that he did it. I stopped it by every time he whinged I whinged back and he would stop and look at me. Eventually he lost the habit. The whine in his sleep could be because he is dreaming.

You could take him to see a behaviouralist to see what they think.

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