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Frothy Bile In The Morning...


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For the past week Gomez has been puking up a bit of frothy bile in the morning - it's only every other day, like clockwork -

Took him to the vet on Sunday and he is just fine in general - she suggested boiled chicken for a few days, it's been 2 days of boiled chicken now...

He usually eats twice a day, but since this started I have been giving him a little snack just before bed, so he's not on an empty stomach...

This morning, again with the bile...

His poos are darker than usual also...

What else to do?

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Gomez is on a kibble diet isn't he? Have you fed him anything out of the oridinary lately which may be upsetting his belly? What's the last thing he eats before he vomits?

Might be worthwhile reading this

Have you considered switching Gomez to a BARF diet?

Edited by westielover
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WL, yep, he eats Eagle Pack Holistic, sometimes we add a bone here and there, but nothing strange lately... he eats twice a day, 7am and 7pm, 40gr of kibble each time - so that's the last he eats, he's been onthis schedule for years now, and he's been fine...

Maybe he swallowed too much harbour water last week and it had a parasite? He hasn't been swimming since the puking started though...

I have considered BARF, but I'm not totally convinced by it for many reasons, the least of them being the convenience issue...

But I may have to reconsider, if it's the EPH causing this, I have run out of kibble options I would feed him...

He's being funny, not lethargic or anything, but stuck to me like glue, even if I go to the loo, he follows me, and he's a bit jumpy at regular everyday house noises...

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Hmmm..... poor Gomez - he does sound a littl out of sorts doesn't he.

Are his bowel movements solid or soft/runny? Are they smellier than usual? Are they regular?

How's he holding his stomach - slightly arched or normal?

What about his appetite - pretty normal or do you think the boiled chicken entices him to eat whether he feels like eating or not?

Read this - I don't want to make you paranoid or anything - but I am just trying to think of things which are related to some of Gomez's symptoms.

If Gomez is vomiting bile on a regular basis - there must be something not quite right inside - especially if you have noticed changes in his behaviour too.

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Does Gomez have atopic allergies out of curiosity? My boy has atopic dermatits, inflammatory bowel disease and food intolerances. I can control his problems most of the year through diet and antihistamines but when the pollen season goes into overdrive he will vomit a yellow sticky bile first thing in the morning just after he wakes up. Poos also change consistency.

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Eeeepp! I hope he doesn't have IBD...

His bm's are the same as usual, just a bit darker, and smaller, of course, after 2 days on just chicken... I haven't noticed his stomach, I'll have to study him this afternoon - but he still wants belly rubs, and the vet palpated pretty firmly and he didn't even wince - his appetite has not changed one bit, he is still a hoover with his food, and he's scavenging even more on his walks, which he does when he's very hungry - the day this boy goes off his food is when I fly to the emergency vet!!

Maybe he picked up something nasty (ier than usual) on one of his walks...

The only other think I can think of is he has been gnawing on a Nylabone and some small chunks are missing, so maybe one of those chunks is irritating his belly...**

Peigirl, he's never had allergies before, but he also has never had the pleasure of an Australian summer before, so who knows what his reactions will be...

We just went for a long walk and a game of fetch and he was being perfectly normal, his usual playful self...

**Can you tell I have been racking my brains trying to think of possible causes for this?!

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If he doesn't improve perhaps it might be an idea to get the Vet to do some blood tests. I had a Gordon Setter who started doing the bile throw-up in the mornings and her faeces were dark. Her appetite was fine, coat shiny, but just not quite herself. After a few trips to the Vet and nothing really showing up but me insisting that something wasn't right, Vet did blood tests and her cell counts were all out of whack.

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Pebbles, dare I ask what was wrong? 1 more episode of froth and I plan on going straight back to the vet, not to worry...

Peigirl, he's not really itchy anymore, he had a bout of dermatitis a few months ago, but that all cleared up - he scratches here and there, but even with the dermatitis, it wasn't obsessive or damaging...

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You may also find his last meal is sitting heavy in his stomach overnight.

Bile is usually a sign of gut ache ,maybe floramx tabs from the chemist to assist in restabilizing the gut from bugs etc.We use this when any of our dogs get stomch upsets or the runs

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Bile is very common for my Lhasa's....not sure why, they just do it, and its not just mine, most I have met do it. I just put it down to 'one of those things'. Never seems to worry them, or affect their health. My current 3 are 12, 7 and 3.

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Gomez, there's probably a number of things which could cause those symptoms and sometimes you have to put a bit of pressure on the Vet. You know your dog and can tell when there's something not quite right. Don't panic it will most likely clear up, just one of those things but if it keeps up then get the Vet to run tests. My Vet ended up doing blood tests 3 times in a week and the red cell count was dropping each time. He did an exploratory op. and Jodie had cancer through her intestines so I didn't bring her home :thumbsup: It was about a month from when I'd first taken her to the Vet. and she was still eating, coat like satin, got a bit lethargic but still ready for a walk, Vet couldn't believe she was sick.

I was heartbroken losing her but she could have gone on for quite some time suffering if I hadn't insisted on tests. My dogs will ocassionally throw up bile, eating grass or some nasty, but after Jodie I'm always a bit on edge for a few days and track them around outside watching. Oh boy, these furry kids can be a worry!

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showdog, thanks, I'll get some tabs tomorrow, I'm thinking he's not going to puke tomorrow morning, as it has been every other day, but who knows, I will be ready for Thursday, just in case...

pebbles, I'm so sorry to hear about your Jodie, something similar happened with my Marilyn cat several years ago, but it was oral cancer, poor little girls...

off for our walkies now...

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  • 5 weeks later...

By way of an update, the pukies have stopped -

A couple of weeks ago he puked up a woodchip, and since then, no more!

The vet had done some blood tests that showed low white blood cells, and then repeated them after the woodchip and he was back to normal...

So, he's doing fine now all back to normal! :coffee:

Thanks for all the help!

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