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King Charles Cavalier


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What did the breeder feed,have you talked too them,did the pup not eat from day 1 or more recently.

What is your feeding routine??

Is the pup badly underweight.

Cavies can be notorious fussy eaters BUT you dont pander to them

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Actually you will find the greater majority of people refer to them as King charles cavailier why i have no idea why except that many refer to the original roots of the " king charles spaniel"

Edited by settrlvr
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It's not surprising you can't feed the dog properly, you don't even know the correct breed name. :rofl: Suggest you do some research which you should have done before you bought the dog.

I do believe this person has come here to seek out advice and find an answer to his/her problem. Surely that qualfies as trying to find info ie: researching?

Noone can forsee every problem that may occur when they buy a pup, that is why this thread "puppy problems" is here, so that people can ask questions and get help when they are stuck for ideas.

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Hi Tommy :)

When we first got Joey, ( he was a lot older than yours), he fretted for a while and didn't eat much. We had to hand feed him quite a few times..

We remained in contact with his breeder, to be reassured about our concerns..

I remember we were like first time parents, and we were at the vets nearly every couple days in the beginning :D

Some Cavs can have sensitive stomachs ( Joey is one of them, altho he hasn't had any problems for ages now) :)

Both my Cavs arn't fussy eaters, quite the opposite actually ! LOL (altho Joey picks at his food slowly. Renae inhales hers in seconds! )

If you are concerned ( which you are ), speak to his breeder again( she/he should be the best one to advise you), or take him to another vet, or a holistic one ..

Hope he starts picking up soon!

It can take time to settle into a new environment ...

By the way Joey is quite small, but it's just his build and we love him just the way he is !

In fact his show name was 'Just As I Am' :vomit:

Edited by JulesLuvsCavs
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Thanks for all that.

I had kept up breeder routine but changed it with some of the Forum advice & it is working.

I think maybe too that i was giving in to its demands too - thanks for that advice.

You just don,t want them to miss out but really they know what they are doing.

The sub - Forum is great.

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We have a Shih Tzu and some days he just doesn't eat that much at all. I used to get all worked up about him not eating enough for what he was doing. But he eats when he feels hungry. He's more of a grazer..

I guess you just have to learn their routine and try not to stress too much. I was at the vets a few times a week because of this lol..

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As others here on DOL have said to me in the past, no dog will starve itself if there is food available.

As long as you are making the food available to him, he will eat if he needs to. Maybe you could just half what you are giving him and feed an extra meal in the course of the day?

Or maybe he's just had enough, my girl was going off her food for a little while and someone here suggested I was feeding her too much on each sitting so I cut her meals in half and she started eating again. Turns out she was just still full from the last meal.

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