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Incontinence Problem


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Hi everyone,

I'm hoping someone can give me some advice about my Border Collie who is almost 9 months old as I'm really worried about her.

Since Friday night she has been wetting herself when she's asleep, there isn't any blood in it however it is quite a lot. I've been told that having her spayed could cause this however this is our 3rd dog and this hasn't happened before. She was spayed at 6 months old as we were advised by our vets that this is the best time to get it done.

It's really upsetting seeing her go through this :rofl: My vet isn't opened till Monday so I'm not sure whether I should take to to a vet hospital now or if it's ok to wait till then.

Has anyone else been through this before? Also do you know if there is there any medication which will help her?

I REALLY appreciate any advice I can get about this. Thanks

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If it were my dog I would feel this can wait until Monday (unless she deterioates).

It could be spay incontinence but it could be other things like a UTI. Spay incontinence usually requires drugs for life, dogs I know on them take around 1 tablet a fortnight now it's under control. Your vet will go through all this and give you more information when he sees your dog.

In the meantime some apple cider vinegar on her dinner or in the water bowl is good for the urinary tract.


ETA: There are other topics here if you search for them, they can give you more stuff to read.

Edited by molasseslass
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Although I've had experience with incontinence, it has been with older females and my male dog that had a brain tumour. I feel for you though, as I know it is disconcerting and upsetting, particularly with such a young dog.

Are you sure she is wetting herself when she's asleep? Do you have any other dogs? I've had a dominant female here who wee'd in my other dogs' beds.

I'm wondering if it is an infection? Best to get to the vets first thing Monday morning.

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get some cranberry tablets... try kids dose... or 1/2 adult dose...

sounds as if it may be an infection.... IF it is..cranberry helps by not allowing bacteria to cling to the bladder wall...

Hopefully the vet will tell you more on Monday.

Thank you all (molasseslass, dogmad and persephone) for your advice - and so quickly too. You guys are amazing and have helped put my mind at rest (well as much as it can be).

I'll definately try everything you suggested to help her and will discuss things further with my vet first thing Monday morning.

Thanks again,


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Although I've had experience with incontinence, it has been with older females and my male dog that had a brain tumour. I feel for you though, as I know it is disconcerting and upsetting, particularly with such a young dog.

Are you sure she is wetting herself when she's asleep? Do you have any other dogs? I've had a dominant female here who wee'd in my other dogs' beds.

I'm wondering if it is an infection? Best to get to the vets first thing Monday morning.

Thanks "dogmad". Yes she is definately wetting herself as we do not have any other dogs. I will definately take her to the vet first thing Monday.

Thanks again

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Sounds a bit like what has been happening with my girl . I took her to the vet today and she was diagnosed with a UTI.

How is your girl otherwise is she weeing normallly apart from when she is sleeping? My girl is having trouble passing urine and then seems to really have to go only to be doing as small amount.

Good luck with the vet hope it all works out for you :rofl:

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Sounds a bit like what has been happening with my girl . I took her to the vet today and she was diagnosed with a UTI.

How is your girl otherwise is she weeing normallly apart from when she is sleeping? My girl is having trouble passing urine and then seems to really have to go only to be doing as small amount.

Good luck with the vet hope it all works out for you :rofl:

That does sound similar to my girl too. She does wee outstide but it only seems to be a small amount at a time so she's definately not emptying her bladder like she should. Did you take a urine sample down to the vet?

Thanks :cool:

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I wasn't able to get a urine sample from her (boy did I try! :rofl: )

My vet was ok with that and used a needle to try and get urine straight from her bladder but wasn't able to get anything at all which made him more confident in diagnosing a UTI. She is on antibiotics and we will see how she responds to them and go from there.

Also have you noticed if she is drinking more/less? My girl is hardly drinking much at all and I am having to try and encourage her to drink more.

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The dribbling of urine is usually because there is irritation... they NEED to go...but there is not the quantity in the bladder...it isn't that they are having difficulty urinating....but because of frequency.. the bladder is nearly empty all the time.... ( I think)

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I wasn't able to get a urine sample from her (boy did I try! :rofl: )

My vet was ok with that and used a needle to try and get urine straight from her bladder but wasn't able to get anything at all which made him more confident in diagnosing a UTI. She is on antibiotics and we will see how she responds to them and go from there.

Also have you noticed if she is drinking more/less? My girl is hardly drinking much at all and I am having to try and encourage her to drink more.

Oh I bet, I will try and get a sample too but I doubt I will be able to either. I'm glad to hear there's another way they can check if it's a UTI. This may sound silly but in some ways I hope it is a UTI as the thought of her being on medication her whole life is scary & upsetting but at the same time I'll do whatever I have to for my little girl. It's just sad with her being so young :cool:

She doesn't seem to be drinking as much as we thought she would as it's really hot weather here in Perth. However, when she does wet herself in her sleep it is quite alot.

Now that I know more about this (thanks to the support of my DOL friends) I will be able to keep a closer eye on her to check for these symptoms.

Thanks ever so much :love:

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My girl wet the bed twice last night, the second time AFTER I'd changed everything. She sleeps on my bed, so that meant washing sheets, doonas everything. I have a folded mattress protector and a second (old) doona cover under her, but it wasn't enough to stem the tide. I managed to get a sample and took her to the vet today, but there's no evidence of UTI in the sample, so she's been prescribed Stilboestrel (it's official! It's now cheaper than Sudafed!). Hopefully that will do the trick, but if it doesn't, the vet will have to look into it further. Tonight, a plastic layer will be added. :rofl: Hopefully, I won't spend all day tomorrow washing too.

Sorry for hijacking the thread, but I'd like to know how much apple cider vinegar do people put into their dog's water?

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Sophie just did a wee on the lounge and my arm :) . It looked clear and it didn't smell. She's never done this before. I haven't noticed her having trouble urinating or not drinking. Have to keep an eye on her. Whats with these girls :):dunce: .

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Our girl suffered with recurring UTIs from about 6 months to 18 months old. At about 12 months she also became incontinent - same as your girl, wetting while sleeping.

Apart from antibiotics for the UTIs, our then vet also put her on HRT for about 6 months (our girl is a rescue dog and was desexed at 8 weeks) to see if that would help as he thought she was missing hormones due to early desexing.

She's off all meds now and is 2 years and three months old. She hasn't wet herself since June.

Good luck.

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All the studies I have read found that if a bitch is going to become hormonally incontinent it will happen no matter what age they are desexed at.

The bitch I have who is incontinent was spayed at 2 years. Her mother was done at 5 with no problem and she has 6 sisters done at 7 weeks and one at 18 months and none of them are incontinent either.

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