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Cutting Down To 1 Meal A Day


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Hi CB...

I continued to feed Zoe 2 meals up until recently and she is nearly 2... I just didnt like her having one big meal (chance of bloat and all) but during summer she wasnt interested in breakfast so we dropped her back to one meal at night and she certainly became alot more interested in her dinner time meal :whiteflag:

We have since begun to give her a tin of sardines (her fav food ever!) for breakfast and at night she gets kibble or raw...

It really depends on the dog I think and what their weight seems to be doing....

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We did what Jed suggests; we watched how much Henschke was eating in the morning - not much. He now gets 1 complete meal a night and the morning he has access to food if he needs it in the form of chicken wings (frozen in a kong), a bone, a biscuit ball, treats hidden in the sand pit. It keeps him occupied as well as feeding him throughout the day. Considering it's usually only the small treats and chicken that is always eaten tells us that he's not really that hungry during the day. As he's getting older, he's eating less at night as well. He's not a guts so it's easy for us to guage how much to feed him.

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Just remember if you do decide to cut out a meal reduce it slowly over 2 weeks or so.

Would not nice to be getting a big breaky every day to then get nothing the next (nor would be good for their metabolism).

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