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Sue Hogben Obedience Seminar Adelaide


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and I have just got so many games I want to play with Zig


I am going to do a Pauline Hanson...please explain?

More games?? For what focus, momentum, proofing, generalising?

Sorry LL - only just got home late last night. Lots of games for all of those things - not sure where to begin....for example the steady feet is a simple "cause-effect". I have noticed that a number of dogs don't seem to understand that stand for examination means "keep your feet still". Sue's approach is to initially work in the sit....and keep your mouth firmly closed!!! Have some really yummy treats and move the treat towards the dog's nose. The instant the dog moves it's feet the food "flies away". When the dog is balanced and still the food is delivered rapidly to the dog. The most important thing is to not say a word and let the dog work it out for himself. You can use a squeaky toy or a tug toy etc - whatever works for the dog. Then progress to the stand and build in all sorts of distractions. Sounds simple enough but it was just one small part of the whole approach!

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Well both my girls have had two sessions on the figure 8 cone game :thumbsup: . Ness thinks it a blast being fed for doing nothing and in fact Kenzie took around after the postie so I continued with Ness and Ness didn't even try and go around the front to bark. Why go bark when there is so much reinforcement happening for doing not very much :laugh: Kenzie was doing well at it as well.

Also did some more 2x2 weaving with Miss K. Bugger of a dog has decided she can do 6 poles on the Left but only 4 on the Right.

I also tried the steady feet game with both of them last night. Ness was great in a sit and Kenzie was getting the hang of it pretty quickly.

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I had a go at getting Zamba to hold the dumbbell steady last night - i.e. click only when steady then take the dumbbell quickly and reward. She has always mouthed it impatiently - way too keen to get it out of her mouth and get to that treat she knows is coming or to the next retrieve.

She caught on straight away. I was getting some nice, firm holds with intent looks into my eyes. I'll keep training for that but I could tell she had worked it out. There was this 'aha!' look in her eyes.

Heeling going okay. Still lots of work to do but having fun doing it. Wet grass still a bit distracting at times as is rolling over and trying to rub that raincoat off her back. Far better at end of session than at beginning. I keep forgetting to take her over for a wee before we start!

Bichon moving slowly - but he's still the perfect dog to have up on the bed when you're sick.

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I sure did :rofl: . Well Kenzie just had her first go at duration heelwork in ages and it was a huge success. Think she is pretty buggered now though from all that ball throwing :thumbsup: . Sue pointed out to me had I ever paired the clicker with anything other than food - hmm nope I hadn't but we were about to find out what happened when I clicked and offered her a tuggy. She accepted and suffice to say her toy drive is higher then her food drive. Decided tonight I'd use her ball to work on duration heelwork instead of food. Found a conveniently sized circle at the school oval, well started working on a bit of the arc of the oval and then spotted the circle in the middle and thought that would work better :rofl: . Certainly stopped her dictating the line :laugh: . Although man its tiring training properly. Not sure think I am as exhausted as she is. Then finished up with a bit of work on drops so I'd click and then toss the ball.

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I used an i-squeak ball with Ruby this arvo during duration heelwork and I think I found something that she is more enthusiastic over than treats! :rofl: This is a Lab we're talking about :rofl: She forged a little when I used the ball which at this stage I am not too worried about because this is a dog who usually lags! So if I start throwing the ball behind me as well as in front of me to keep her guessing, she hopefully won't forge in preparation to launch after the ball :eek:

Millie on the other hand, is way OTT if I try train her duration heelwork with food or an i-squeak, she can't concentrate on the task at hand when something great is on offer! She does her best work with praise and mediocre treats, then gets rewarded with her precious i-squeak after!

i-squeaks are DEFINITELY a hit in this household!! They hold their attention beautifully :)

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They just need to learn self control RubyStar. I will say when I did Kenzie's session I started off with chuckit and ball on the ground but that blew her mind totally so I left the chuckit on the ground but placed the ball in my pocket. She was very very up. Ptolomy or Sue at some point said to me if that is the case then work it in slow pace and if the dog pops forward stop, ask them to set up at heel again and continue. They can learn to be OTT and still remain in proper position. Sue very quickly picked up on Sunday that when I did left circles Kenzie was pushing me to walk a straight line. Now I just plant my foot and stay strong and if she loses position - too bad so sad we start again and she gets C/Td for being back in position. The other advantage I found using a ball reward was that as the session progressed she had would lose some of the OTT and hold a very up position but a much more accurate position. I tried a small bit more at club tonight and her focus was out of this world.

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I can't believe what a difference tightening up some handling, keeping my mouth shut and not being such a tight @r$e in the treat department has made to Zig's duration heeling :rofl: My expectations of him have now gone up! No wonder no-one likes to do obedience with Dalmatians - little buggers are too smart :rofl:

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Well I just played duration heelwork with both my kids for tea (well Ness did hers for tea, Kenzie did it for her ball).

Worked Kenzie first and OMG I set my expectations way way way to low. I was going to go for 5 then 10 then 7 steps on both of them.

Hmmm well we ended up doing 10, 20, 30 (but then a lunging barking fluffy walked past and some scary people so she looked away but straight back but I considered it a reset), then we got the 30 easily at the next attempt and then finished off with 25. There were also another strange people with their greyhound wandering past and kids playing soccer 25m away.

Ness well I did 10, 20, 15 with her and she nailed it with ease as well. Finished up with a signals drop and sit.

God I am pretty pleased with the baby considering the distractions. When we restarted the 30 the medium fluffy was still lunging and growling and Ness was going off at it but Kenzie didn't miss a beat.

Off to agility tonight - flatwork for little miss and weavers and contacts for Ness.

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and I have just got so many games I want to play with Zig


I am going to do a Pauline Hanson...please explain?

More games?? For what focus, momentum, proofing, generalising?

Sorry LL - only just got home late last night.

Busy you, as per usual.

(BTW Yo won restricted last weekend).

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:thumbsup: I heard about you and your i-squeaks. Well Kenzie killed a small kong wubba tonight but we had an awesome hold on her metal article. Just hope we don't go through to many of them till we have our problem sorted :rofl: .

And yes Kenzie failed her homework she decided she would pretend to eat the treat so that when I offered her the tuggy she nearly choked to death cos she had her mouth full of treats :love: .

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hehehe I spy another I-squeak convert :rofl::love::rofl:

I-squeaks are GREAT!! :thumbsup: Good for training, great for keeping 2 social Labs' attention on you in a crowded park!

....and good for distraction work :sleep:

yes thank you Caffy - nothing like throwing an I-Squeak through the UD ring as I send Scoota to the box and then sending Alex to get it when I tell Moo which jump to go over. You can't beat this sort of distraction work.

I actually didn't realise it was an i-squeak you were using - no wonder he was sooooo tempted. :)

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