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Litters Due In December 2009

Bilbo Baggins

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My sincerest condolances for all of those who have had their special ones taken from them this month, it hasn't been the kindest of times for many.

Kelpiesrule & Yarrowfell, those pics are just delightful, love the little fat bellies..

My guys are doing well, weighed them yesterday at 10days and am pleased to say they have at least doubled their birth weights, the wee little girl has almost trippled, although still alot smaller than her litter mates, she seems to be catching up at a great speed.

Here is a pic of them all, "the puppy pile" taken this morning.


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Congrats Cowanbree on your Sheltie babies. Hope everything is going well with mum and bubs.

Kelpiesrules, Yarrowfella and Dhana your babies are looking gorgeous.

Kelpiesrule it is good to hear that your wee ones are doing better, fingers crossed that they thrive from here.

Yarrowfella so glad that your remaining babies are doing so well.

Dhana it is getting harder to spot your wee girl, so glad that she is thriving.

LMWS I am so happy to read that your 2 little boys have found a mum to love them.

I hope everything works out for you in the end and that your heart can heal.

Wishing those with impending births the best of luck.


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Ohhhh Leanne,

I know you have been through hell and back with Scarlet, but oh my god, those babies are just beautiful :p ,

lovely big fat squishy babies... make you just wanna grab 'em and :laugh:


Love the pics, look like they are ready to be Santas Little Helpers :rofl:, and they are all getting so big!!!!

Edited by Chopperlodge
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:p Just a short message (trust me, it could be a lot longer!) as my eyes are filled with tears after reading everyone's heartfelt words. I thank each & every one of you. BB, Aziah, Fanuilos, WG, and more, thank you for your calls, your support, and just for listening to me blubbering down the line.

I am not coping well, and finding it hard to accept my losses, my beautiful girl Sugar & her 12 babies. :rolleyes:

13 lives were stolen from me & my heart is broken, I'm confused, and angry... shattered & broken. I will be taking the matter further. Long story that I don't really feel like going into right now, I'm sure you all understand.

One positive, is that I have 2 little boy puppies, who are absolutely thriving.

I owe huge thanks to Laurelle from Andacht GSD's, who attempted to introduce my babies into her litter of GSD puppies, this was unfortunately unsuccessful.

Her sister Carolyn, Firdrak Mini Schnauzers, so kindly tried with one of her girls who had a single pup & lots of milk to spare, and she lovingly accepted my babies as her own without hesitation. :eek: I was so happy I cried.

Breeders, give all your girls a hug from me tonight, and your pups. You are all blessed with life.

Hugs to everyone else who had losses, my heart goes out to you.

What I have gone through IS a breeders worst nightmare, but when I wake up, it's not a dream, my girl is gone :p ;)

LMWS I just do not know what to say, I am just numb by the thought of what you must be going through - I can not begin to think of what devastation you must be feeling right now - to loose puppies is one thing and is just as devastating, but it is something we all expect bringing pups into the world and it passes easier as you have yet to grow attached to them and bond, but to loose a girl who you have had for 'x' amount of time and watched grow and you yourself bond with it is just the worse kind of thing to happen to anyone - and so unexpected is even more terrible as you are just unprepared for it!

Put these two scenarios together to loose pups and mum, I really do not know how I would cope - I really feel for you and I say that in all honestly!!!

Again I just can not bring words out of my mouth - all I can say is that I am thinking of you, your girl and her babies, and I hope that with all that has happened that the last surviving bubs thrive and grow to be beautiful happy healthy adults and may they be a legacy to your girl and those that did not make it!

I am so sorry for your loss! We will all be thinking of you.

Kindest Regards,

Jessica :confused:

R.I.P Sugar and her babies

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We have babies. My shelties were born today by c-section. I have 4 boys and 1 girl, all doing well so far touch wood.

Congratulations, hope they are all doing well. It is nice to read some good news after such devastating news recently!

:eek: Ditto

Congratulations Cowanbree

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Beautiful pictures of some very cute and adorable babies.

:eek: Just gorgeous :rofl:

We still have the 4 here. The 2 chocolate ones have just started to open their eyes.

Our 2 little black girls are still hanging in there, but have now resorted to just bottle topping them up as they cannot compete with the chockies when they are on the milk bar. We try to feed them both seperately on their mother as much as possible.

Our chock girl weighs as much as the 2 black pups together. :thanks:

Another visit to the vets today for the little ones. A course of antibiotics for both as one has a bit of an infection from a puppy nail scratch on the side of her face. :thanks:

We think that there immune systems are just not coping at the moment, so we really dont know if they will make it or not, but we're trying hard.

I tried a small bowl of formula for one of them and she actually lapped at it but not enough to get a good feed, but it was a start and at least she showed some interest.

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I am so sorry LMWS and th eothers who have lost pups,i know when i lost the 4 of Millies how heartbreaking it is to lose one after the other,despite doing the 2 hr feeds,AB'S just sitting there holding them trying to will them to pull through.

Cant imagine the pain of losing a whelping girl either,so sorry,i am thinking of you.

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