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Roo Mince


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Does roo mince commonly cause the runs?

Our pup gets roo mince (human grade from woolies) with veges once a week, and every other day his dinner includes bones (chicken wings, carcass, lamp flap, lamb neck, roo tail). Normally his poos are firm and not smelly at all, but he had the roo mince last night, and all his poos today have been wet and smelly. I have also been changing over his dry food to a new brand over the last week, but i think it's the roo mice that is causing the runs and not the new dry. He is having chicken wings tonight, so i should have a fair idea by tomorrow.

The roo tail didn't seem to upset his tummy, but 250g of roo mince may be too rich?

I want him to have a meaty meal at least once a week to balance out the bones from every other day, so what would be the best alternative to the roo mince?

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Roo mince has always given my dogs the trots. I find if they have it in smaller amounts more regularly (every other day) then they are fine - but once a week would give my dogs the runs.

I offered it to my three Persians the other day and ended up spending half the next day washing cat butt :)

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As it is so low in fat, about 3% it would not be rich.

3% of what?

Bl%%#y Fat of course, LOL. :)

If you want to get weight off use Roo, if you want to get weight on use a rich fatty meat like Lamb.

Ok, that makes sense, i thought you were talking about feeding 3%... He is an ideal weight at the moment, so no need to put on or lose weight. i might try pork, lamb or beef mince with a tablespoon or two of roo.

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So instead of 250g of roo mince, should i do say 50g roo/200g beef or lamb mince and slowly increase the amount of roo?

Yes that would be a good way of introducing him to new foods - but since you say he already eats roo tails with no effect I wouldn't think it's the roo he is reacting to, but anything is possible :)

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I've had Kei on roo for the past 3-4 weeks or so. I've found that he does really well on it but was a bit wary at first so I introduced it slowly.

He was already having 1 cup of beef mince per night so I started off by adding a little roo at a time starting at around a tablespoon and working it up gradually each night over a week until he was eating full roo meat. I didn't have any problems at all but I do find that if Kei eats too much roo bone he gets the runs. Other bones are fine though so it may just be a matter of him getting used to them :)

Why don't you try giving your dog a very small amount every other night rather than a larger amount once per week and see how you go :cheer:

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I have had two dogs that just could not tolerate Roo, and now I don't even bother buying it!

I use lamb, chicken, turkey and Beef.

Roo is good for getting weight off, and good if you need to introduce a novel protein and your dog hasn't had it before.

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One of mine cannot eat roo, the poor boy got the runs the first and last time he ate it. I have my BC bitch on it at the moment though and she is doing fine, losing weight, nice shiney coat, active (er hyperactive) etc. I would gradually re introduce it and see how you go, it may have been a bit much feeding a whole meal at once.

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i just had another thought, could it be the sardines giving him the runs? He gets sardines twice a week, at first i was giving half serve (60g), but he now gets the full 120g tin just to avoid storing smelly sardines in the fridge.

is a full tin too much for a 14 week old pup, and does sardines cause the runs or is definitely the roo?

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