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Dog + Pool (inground) - Fencing/safety


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Im about to move into a new house which has an inground pool.

Obviously this opens up a whole new can of worms owning doggies and a pool.

I have decided I will set a rule of no dogs able to access the pool area unless under my immediate supervision. This is great in theory, but I have 1 chihuahua which is fully grown at 3.5kg. This worries me because with pool fencing with the vertical bars, she can easily just walk through them being only 8cm shoulder width (fence width is almost 10cm) and 17cm shoulder height. I need to be 200% sure that they can't get through the fence and go for a swim when no one is home, the other dogs are too fat to fit through the bars but the chihuahua can fit. It doesn't help she can jump a good 50+ cm either (springy back legs!).

At first I was thinking of getting that euro-reed/bamboo screening and attach that to the pool fence so the dog can't get through to the pool, but I don't know if this then causes an issue that the pool fence can be climbed over by a kid easier than just vertical bars. I don't have any kids but the neighbours might.

The only other idea I had was on the pool side of the fence, place a row of bricks and go to about 3-4 high, to try and block access thru the bars, or weave shade cloth through the bars and cable tie but the dogs could get bored and rip it up.

Was wondering if anyone had experienced this and had any ideas?

Also does anyone have any tips for safely having a dog in the pool, I have read about skamper ramps which look like a good idea, I was thinking that the dogs would only be allowed in the pool area if they are wearing a doggy life jacket? Does anyone have any experience with them/are they a good investment or junk? http://www.lovemypet.com.au/shopexd.asp?id=2391

Thanks all :(

Edited by dammit
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We have always had a pool, no dogs in the pool area without an adult, no different to children. One of ours was a SWF (in my pic here) so we wove gutterguard through the pool fence, about a metre high and in and out of the palings. This worked and we had him for 15 years without anything going wrong. It was cheap and easy and effective. :( ;)

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Is it a rental or do you own the house? We have a cover on ours, that attaches to dynabolts around the edge of the pool so nothing can get under it. My min pin is never going to be big enough to keep out of there, and he trots across the top of the pool cover with no worries now!

Please remember, whatever alterations you make to a pool fence, that the fence is there for a reason. Putting a row of bricks around the outside, or plastic netting tied on, could give little humans a leg-up to get in and drown. Even if you don't have your own kids, just be aware of it if people visit. Perspex on the inside is a sensible and safe idea as there are no toe-holds for littlies! :rainbowbridge:

Deb :cry:

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When I lived in a place where the main house had a pool, I knew it was inevitable that my water obsessed JRT would find his way into it at some time. As it was, both me and the dogs were allowed to swim!

Anyway, I took Maxi into the pool and made sure he was confident in finding the steps and getting his way out, that is the most important thing.

Having a place where animals can climb their way out, then doing some practice sessions with them so they become competent in finding and using it, is crucial.

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  • 7 years later...
3 hours ago, tdierikx said:

You could invest in a pool cover...


... or chicken wire around the inside/outside of the fence to a height the dog can't jump/climb over... cheap, but effective.



Thread resurrected from 2010. :grimace:


Incidentally I recently learned of a case where a dog with dementia slipped under a pool cover and drowned. :cry:

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