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Waiting For A Puppy This Thread Is For You

jess live die

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Hi guys,

I lurked in here awhile ago because I was possibly getting a new pup... It wasnt certain and I wasnt going to jinx it, so didnt say anything to anyone.. not even close friends (I must admit - that was hard!!!)

Well now he is home, let me introduce 'Hemi' my gorgeous 12 week old Westie pup


He had a 5 hour flight from Brissy to perth on Monday, and handled it great!! Considering he was loaded at 1.30pm brisbane time, and we picked him up at 6.10pm perth time (6hrs and 40 mins in his crate), he didnt make a mess once! He is fairly good at night, he gets put to bed about 11pm, and he wakes me up around 4ish am to go out (I guess he still is on brissy time).

He is everything I could ask for and more. after my boy passing suddenly at 18 months old earlier this year, I didnt know what to expect bringing a new puppy home, especially of the same breed, but he has just brought so much joy into our lives, he has mended a very broken heart, although Cruise will never be forgotten and I still miss him, I have a new puppy to bring me joy and help us move forward..I have my dear friends in qld to thank, for making a dream come true!!!


Oh what a cutie pie :D :cry: :D :D ;)

Congratulations on your new best bud! :rofl:

Dont puppies have a wonderful way of healing your heart, my Merlin did the same for me. First time we had ever flown an animal, he came from NSW, handled the flight better than I would have!! And he has been a complete dream ever since, I still miss my Holly every minute of every day but I look at Merlin and I just melt :rofl:

Hope you bring him to a Perth meet!

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Hi guys,

I lurked in here awhile ago because I was possibly getting a new pup... It wasnt certain and I wasnt going to jinx it, so didnt say anything to anyone.. not even close friends (I must admit - that was hard!!!)

Well now he is home, let me introduce 'Hemi' my gorgeous 12 week old Westie pup


He had a 5 hour flight from Brissy to perth on Monday, and handled it great!! Considering he was loaded at 1.30pm brisbane time, and we picked him up at 6.10pm perth time (6hrs and 40 mins in his crate), he didnt make a mess once! He is fairly good at night, he gets put to bed about 11pm, and he wakes me up around 4ish am to go out (I guess he still is on brissy time).

He is everything I could ask for and more. after my boy passing suddenly at 18 months old earlier this year, I didnt know what to expect bringing a new puppy home, especially of the same breed, but he has just brought so much joy into our lives, he has mended a very broken heart, although Cruise will never be forgotten and I still miss him, I have a new puppy to bring me joy and help us move forward..I have my dear friends in qld to thank, for making a dream come true!!!

Hi CruiseNRoxy,

Hemi is gorgeous. Congratulations. I know exactly what you are going through with loosing your Cruise this year. We lost our 14 year old Labrador Jake on 31 December. Started looking at puppies on DOL the next week just to see where all the breeders were located. One thing lead to another and we found our gorgeous Jangels (J for Jake and angel = Jakes angel + an s) and put the deposit down. We both weren't sure if we were ready but went ahead anyway as was the exact colour we wanted and that Jake was. My poor husband has been grieving terribly over our darling Jake almost to the point of depression I suspect. We have had Jangels for nearly 2 weeks & has been wonderful for us both. As you too said he is helping mend 2 very broken hearts and helping us move forward. We are in love again. Jangels has so many of Jake's traits which is amazing and makes us smile. Can I ask what happened to Cruise?

Best wishes to you & Hemi

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He is just lovely, CruiseNRoxy!

Great to here he travelled so well. Which company did he travel through?

I've got 2 weeks to go, these weeks are passing so slowly!

Costas Mum

Hi guys,

I lurked in here awhile ago because I was possibly getting a new pup... It wasnt certain and I wasnt going to jinx it, so didnt say anything to anyone.. not even close friends (I must admit - that was hard!!!)

Well now he is home, let me introduce 'Hemi' my gorgeous 12 week old Westie pup


He had a 5 hour flight from Brissy to perth on Monday, and handled it great!! Considering he was loaded at 1.30pm brisbane time, and we picked him up at 6.10pm perth time (6hrs and 40 mins in his crate), he didnt make a mess once! He is fairly good at night, he gets put to bed about 11pm, and he wakes me up around 4ish am to go out (I guess he still is on brissy time).

He is everything I could ask for and more. after my boy passing suddenly at 18 months old earlier this year, I didnt know what to expect bringing a new puppy home, especially of the same breed, but he has just brought so much joy into our lives, he has mended a very broken heart, although Cruise will never be forgotten and I still miss him, I have a new puppy to bring me joy and help us move forward..I have my dear friends in qld to thank, for making a dream come true!!!

Edited by Costa's Mum
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I'm back after being admitted to hospital yesterday :rofl: the last time I was admitted to that hospital I lost our son at 21 weeks, so its not a nice place to be stuck in. I have been poked and prodded all day. I had to have my heart monitored, I also had heaps of blood tests. That was at 9am and they sent me to the ICU room, then all the tests they did that morning had to be repeated again, but because of taking the Nitro spray my blood pressure dropped and they couldn't find a vein in my arms to take blood, but after 7 attempts they did it. Needless to say I'm black and blue. But all the tests came back negative, so it wasn't a heart attack, which was very reassuring. So I had to go to my oldest daughters place and pick up both my girls, get some dinner and get home. So after a very boring and exhausting day, I flaked it instead of coming on here. Today is another day and washing has to be done.....so nothing changes. But everything is better now. I hate having a bad heart, you just never know what might happen....I'll be glad when OH gets his retirement, then I don't have to organise everything myself.

Awwww Hemi is gorgeous. He's just so sweet. I agree a pup can heal the heartbreak when your best friend passes. I lost my pup at 11 months old in January this year. We weren't going to get another dog, but its so lonely without one, and its like theirs something missing....that only another pup can fill.

Ok thats it for me.


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So glad to hear everything's okay, Bluefairy! Now take it easy and don't overdo it!

CruiseNRoxy... Hemi is a real sweetie-pie!

Badger went to his first puppy class last night.. He LOVED it! So heartwarming to see him playing with a whole lot of pups and having such a good time.. Pee'd and poo'd on my son's lap in the car coming home though.. (which luckily we all thought was hysterically funny! :dancingelephant: My son's 7 so you can imagine the response... :thumbsup: ) but then Badger walked straight into his bed and collapsed unconscious - It was a very busy night for my little man... Then this morning, I picked up his lead to move it off the counter and Badger rushed through to the garage and sat by the car.. Think he wanted to go back!

Hope all the other pups are doing well...

Here's my latest pic of Badger.. (Just for Saxonpup!)


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Yay, puppy pictures! Thanks JaxD :thumbsup: They're all soooo cute.

Bluefairy, how sad for you to have to go back to the hospital where you lost your son :dancingelephant: I'm glad things are ok with your heart.

Keep the stories and pics coming, even those of us not getting a new puppy in the near future love to hear it!

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Hollys mum, - Thanks, I will try to bring him to a meet

Jakeyjangels - Sorry to hear about Jake, and glad you hae experienced the same thing as me. We are unsure of what caused Cruises passing.

Costasmum - I flew over and brought him back with me, I think thats the only way I would do it.

BF - Glad you are on the mend.

Jaxd - Badger is a cutie :dancingelephant:

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CruiseNRoxy - Hemi is a total cutie - wishing you lots of love and laughter together.

Blue Fairy - it must be very difficult to go to that hospital - so sorry for your loss (hugs). Your heart issues sound serious - I hope you've got a good cardiologist to look after you. Take care of yourself - don't forget, you need to be well to cope with the gorgeous pug you'll soon have in your life!!

JaxD - Badger has the most beautiful face - he is adorable. Sounds like he loved puppy class and was definitely keen to go back again - that was so cute. I laughed out loud at what he did on your poor son on the way home - lucky he thought it was funny!!

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CruiseNRoxy, Hemi's adorable! Look at that fuzzy fur! I'm happy for you that you've been able to find a new companion after your loss.

JaxD, Badger has the sweetest face. He look so knowledgable, haha. His puppy preschool story is hilarious! Glad to hear he had a ball.

Bluefairy, good to hear that you're okay!!

I finally got the excited "Oh, you're home, you're home!" reaction for James yesterday. I was gone all day, poor chap, and he was so thrilled to get out and have a chase; he could not keep his tail still!

In other news, I have to stop thinking about his toilet training progress! Everytime I have the thought, "gee, he's been doing well lately", he'll go and have an accident two minutes later.

Also have to get him out meeting new people. We had a run-in with the neighbour's dog yesterday when she ran away from him coming home from the walk. She was lovely and just gave James a sniff before trying to investigate our house, but James got so excited when the neighbour came up to give him a rub. I think we've been a bit lax with people exposure.

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CruiseNRoxy - :laugh: Hemi is adorable!

BlueFairy - I'm sorry to hear about your son, but I'm glad that everything with you is ok ;)

Ooooooooo I was trying to keep it a secret until I got pics, but I just can't hold it anymore...

WE GOT A PUPPY!!!!!!!!!! ;)

It isn't our Newfoundland, but we are glad to have her. She is one of those 'suprise' puppies that just happen.

My partners dad was killed in a car accident last Wednesday and we went down to Townsville for his funeral the Wednesday just passed, and their Border Collie dogs had pups. They were all gone except for 1 little brown girl. She had no interest in her and my partners dads wife wasn't up to advertising her just yet, so she offered her to us when we left. The day before, I just knew she would be coming home with us, and she did!

It was a 4hr drive back home and she was GREAT! She didn't wee, poo or even cry in the car! She only did her wee wee's when we stopped.

I love her to bits and can't wait to post some pics, but my camera crapped itself and I have gotten a friend to take some pics. She won't be able to upload and send them to me until tonight though, but I start work at 7 so I prob won't be able to post them until tomorrow.

I tried to keep it a secret, I really did and I think I did pretty well hiding it for 2 days.


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Yeah, I was thinking about dog names when I first saw her and had the 'feeling' that she would be coming home with us.

I want to tell everyone now, but I think I'll wait until I post a pic :laugh:

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Wow, MAD! What a surprise!! Sorry to hear about the sad circumstances surrounding her acquisition but that's fab news for you! Can't wait to see the pics and hear more about her...

Niques, glad to hear you've finally got the welcome you were hoping for.. :) Badger also attacks our visitors with love! He gets so wriggly and nippy and squirmy with excitement.. I'm trying to teach him the "sit to get affection" technique but we are SO far away from that one... :laugh:

Does anyone else have as much difficulty as me taking good pics of their new puppies? Badger is IMPOSSIBLE!

I seriously need a SLR camera with a 'speed of light' shutter speed option... There's only so many pictures of a sleeping puppy one can take! :)

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Thank you for the the condolences about my son :)

Niques ~ Glad your getting the welcome home greeting you were hoping for....lol

MAD ~ That is fantastic news, a huge congrats. And a brown girl too, ok not the Newfoundland you wanted but sometimes when we wish for something it may not be exactly what we wanted, but you got your brown girl as you wished. I can't wait to see pics and hear what you have called her :)

JaxD ~ I have an SLR 450D and every time I got it out take pictures of Annie she would sit at my feet and not move, just looking up at me. She loved having her picture taken. I have tons of action shots and some good ones.....hold on...


She was running and she looked so funny, like she was crazy. When ever I go to take one of my cat she hides, she hates the camera. I love the SLR it takes fantastic pics and well worth the money.

I contacted 9 breeders of Pugs last night, 2 came back as wrong email addy's. And 4 replied, there is one 5wk old fawn female available if I want her.....not sure what to do. I have my sons wedding to go to on the 27th March and we are staying overnight.....so I can't get the pup before this. I'd love this one as the dates are perfect....but...2 things.

1. OH got a large Bonus from work....YAH that pays for the puppy....

2. We don't know when he will get it....ARGHHHHHH

So when we get a pup now rides on when OH gets this Bonus....so days, a week I reckon at most. Might get him to ask when the Bonus comes in....then we can make definite plans....wish us luck :laugh:


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MAD - Welcome to the BC club. :laugh::) Cant wait to see photos and find out what her name is.

Bluefairy - Glad you are ok. So exciting about puppy. Fingers crossed for you

JAXD - I got a Fujifilm S2000 recently - it has continuous shots and can take up to 13 shots per second. I thought of an SLR but if you dont have the right lens etc then they dont turn out that great. This one was $400 and is fantastic - another dog breeder friend of mine has one as well as she thinks it is great. It is just being superceded though by another which will probably be even better.


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Great photo, Bluefairy! I'm with Jax, action shots are impossible for me. Hell, even stills are hard with a black dog - it is so hard to try and position him in relation to the light so he doesn't look like a big black blob with no details. But you've captured the action really well, Bluefairy!

That's very exciting about the pup, BF! Congratulations to your husband on his bonus and fingers crossed he receives it in time!

JaxD, they're so cute when they wriggly and excited, aren't they? :laugh: We make James sit for attention within the family (he'll be so big in no time it's a sort of necessity to stop him bowling us over), but sitting for visitors, I imagine, will take a long time for us.

Speaking of which, he's getting really quite good with his "stay" as well. I can now go into the fridge about three quarters of the time without worrying that a puppy's trying to crawl in at the same time :)

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