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Shylez Is Limping :(


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Poor Shyla spent the evening playing with Bindii's Hugo and Fletcher tonight and later in the evening I noticed her limping on her back left leg :thumbsup: She doesn't seem phased and still was jumping on and off the couch and doing this and that, and when we touched and handled the leg she didn't do anything, but I am a bit worried!! Hopefully it's just a sprain or strain.. poor girl. She will put pressure on it but then often tries not to. She's resting now and mums really worrying it's something terrible like cruciate damage but I hope not!

Edited by ~ShelleAndShyla~
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Poor baby. I would restrict her excercise for a few days and see if that makes any difference.

No playing with other doggie friends, no ball chasing, games of tug etc.

Let her mooch around quietly and restrict any hard physical excercise. In short, keep her as quiet as possible, even if you have to crate her and take her out on lead to stop her from running, jumping.

A lot of the time, things like this will resolve themselves, if they are allowed to heal without further aggravation.

If things are not improved after a few days, then a trip to the Vet would be in order.

I hope she is back to her old self soon.


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We went to the vet and she shows pain when he manipulates the knee area :thumbsup: BUT He said because she is so young it shouldn't be a cruciate, and if it is she'll be the youngest in the clinic to have a cruciate tear! He said if she was older than 2 or 3 he'd say it was the cruciate based on the way she reacted to her leg being manipulated. She has to have two anti inflammatory tablets today, and if she is not better in the morning she's off for x-rays and spending the day there tomorrow :thumbsup: BUT if she shows less lameness it means it was just tissue damage and I can cancel the appointment!

If it's her cruciate I am so unlucky she isn't even a year old :thumbsup: And all that crate time after, how do you do that when you work fulltime! Blah.

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Hope it's not her cruciate. :banghead:

Zoe did her cruciate at quite a young age (I think 1 or 2). She limped but didn't show ANY other signs of discomfort. Even when manipulated she didn't cry or complain. She had the ligament replaced and has never had issues with it. These days, she's a little slow when she gets up if she's been lying down for a long time but she is 11 years old.

Let us know how you go Shelle, hopefully it's just a sprain and will heal in a couple of days. :banghead:

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Well she showed improvement when I took her on leash to toilet before but not getting my hopes up! If she is that improved in the morning I may cancel the xray for now, will see how we go. The main fear I have is not the cruciate op... but the fact that they almost always tear the other one once a cruciate is gone! Then u have to go through it all over again!

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Good luck, hope its not the cruciate. One of my girls done this and it was repaired and she was mending really well.

She passed away from liver failure a week after the op, her liver never recovered from being put under from the op. I didnt know about the tests they do before being going into an operation, i do now :grouphug: Sorry to put a downer on your post.

Edited by ShepherdAngels
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OOoooh poor poppet!

Remember rest longer then you think necessary and ease her back into any exercise. Leg damage does take a while and dogs are always keem to get back into it even if there is a little pain left. Oh and anti inflams always give them a false sense of bravado which means they can damage it further without realising! Pain is the bodys mechanism of letting them know to settle down, dont push the point but take that away and you could end up with a cruciate done.

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Well I cancelled the x ray cos she was barely limping last night and this morning she seemed heaps better! But this evening she is favouring it a little when getting up from a lay down :) Mum couldn't tell she even had a limp when she visited to give her a lunch pee break this arvo.

Maybe the leg is just tired from today ;) She had her third anti inflammatory tablet at dinner

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I would prolly take her off the anti flams so you can see excatly how she's improving. that's just me, she doesn't sound like she's in extreme pain and really needs them, i owuld be worried about her 'feeling good' and making it worse. Hope its just a strain. Kaylah was sore in her back leg last week, OH couldn't tell but i could and with rest she has gotten better.

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Hi Shelle, it sounds a little bit more positive. It actually sounds like exactly like what Bronte did when she was very little, about three months old. She slipped on tiles and twisted her knee. We had some anti inflams, a week of rest and then a week of ever so gently increasing her exercise back to normal. She recovered very well and quite fast.

Basically what Nekhbet said though. One of my greatest frustrations with anti inflams in horses is that the damn things think they are feeling great and tear off and be nut bags when you are trying to rest them. And yep, they even do this when they are stabled.

More hugs and tummy tickles to Shyla!

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Well its definitely just lameness upon getting up from laying down, then the more she walks or starts to run (while i try to stop her!) it goes almost back to no lameness at all. The first few steps from laying down are limpy though. We have 2 more inflamm tablets (tomorrow and wed)

She even scratches herself with that leg now, good sign? lol

Edited by ~ShelleAndShyla~
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Well its definitely just lameness upon getting up from laying down, then the more she walks or starts to run (while i try to stop her!) it goes almost back to no lameness at all. The first few steps from laying down are limpy though. We have 2 more inflamm tablets (tomorrow and wed)

She even scratches herself with that leg now, good sign? lol

Sounds like she is on the mend :eek:

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Looking the same today, more use of the leg (definitely better than the day we took her to the vet) but still holds weight off it slightly when standing sometimes (habit?) when walking though she uses it normally most of the time, hm!

Still doing onleash toilet stops and she has been locked in our big familyroom/kitchen while we worked the last 2 days, probably wondered why her dog door was shut poor girl

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  • 2 weeks later...

FEB 13th:

Well it's been two weeks, we just went and saw our usual favorite vet and he manipulated the leg and even though she was very tense (cos she gets scared at the clinic) he was able to perform the 'drawer test' on her leg and said the joint is stable, meaning there is no FULL rupture of the cruciate ligament. She whined a bit when he was probing her leg but he said he was manipulating it a lot so it wasn't very very tender.

He said it doesn't mean the cruciate may not be partially torn though, and that sometimes the surgery is needed for that anyway :D So we are home with more anti inflammatories for 2 weeks (Previcox - anyone had that one before?) and he said to wait another 2 weeks with rest and see how she goes. He said just keep her indoors but not totally confined, just not playing with other dogs with chasing and frisbee and other running activities.

So another 2 weeks here we come!

We are at the stage now where she walks, runs and zoomies fine on the leg (zoomies when she decides to randomly and I have to stop her) so the leg gets used fine, but when standing still she has a habit of holding a bit of weight off it, and when getting up from laying on it she limps for 3 or 4 steps. Otherwise you wouldn't know she has a sore leg!

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Yes, sometimes surgery is still needed for partial tears (HuskyHeaven's boy had surgery for a partial tear not long ago) - but hoping that you guys get to avoid that and it heals nicely on it's own. Surgery is NOT fun, but our results were fantastic I must say :laugh:

Chloe has been on Previcox for MANY years now... it's one of the new gen meds, and is very effective with much less side effects. We have a constant supply on hand for Chloe's bad days when her arthritis is playing up, and it works wonders really quickly. Previcox would be my preference to use.

I do hope that Shyla recovers well and surgery isn't necessary. Just ensure she doesn't do anything that will impact the injury (jumping on/off things, quick turns while running and I'd cut out ball games for a while if possible) - although zoomies are NEVER easy to contain unfortunately :D

Have you started her on any joint supplements? That may help a little also.

Best of luck with the next check up - hope Shyla gets the all clear :laugh:

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