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Heart Dog?


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My heart dog was Boo Boo - my everything, my baby, my angel with fur, my bestest friend......I lost him in September last year aged 12 to cancer. Oh my gosh the pain was excruciating (I have tears as I write this). I miss him every minute, I close my eyes and I feel him here, I feel a breeze and I know it's him. It was like losing a family member and I didn't know how I could/would go on. Somehow the days get easier but it takes a while.

I used to say to him - I love you for eternity - so that's what is engraved on his polished wood ashes box.

I never thought I would get a puppy so soon but Humphrey arrived with me 2 weeks ago and honestly he is hilarious and it really has been healthy and wonderful for me to give my love to a new little bundle. It's funny I see some things that Humphrey does and I know there is a little bit of the Boobster (BooBoo) in him for sure! :rofl:

BooBoo I will love you for eternity....

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Aww, what a sweet topic. I hadn't ever really thought of it like this before, but Blue...my old mutt would have been my heart dog. I found him on the road when I was pregnant and he was such a sweetheart. Very protective, and so devoted to me. He used to help me up from the lounge when I was big as a whale in my last few weeks of pregnancy :rofl: and then he'd watch over bubba like a hawk. I ended up going through a messy divorce and had to give him away when he was about 2 :rofl: It was one of the hardest things I've done.

I have a heart cat, too...Machette, who died of nuerological problems he was born with 2 years ago, he was only 8 months old. :rofl: He was the most quirky little thing, though...and I put up with more from him than I reckon I ever have from a cat. :rofl: When he was sick I didn't leave his side for a second, that was really hard.

Edited by FD26
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I love my labs & my cocker pup more than anything in the world, but brode was and always will be my heart dog. He could look into my soul, and he gave everything of himself in love and devotion. I went through so much with him and he knew me through and through. When I lost him it was devastating, it still is. I don't know how to explain it except when he gave cuddles we sort of melted into one and he was always by my side. He made me want to be a better person and showed me the importance of unconditional love. I can still feel his wet nose nudging my cheek when I cried, listen to him howling along with me, feel his head resting on my foot, and just feel peace knowing that he knew I loved him to bits. It makes me so sad still, but so happy that I had the chance to know him, my heart dog x

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I am absolutely terrified of the day that i lose my heart dog- i truly don't know how i will cope and it makes me cry to think about it. Unfortunately i also know Dexter won't have as long a life as what i would hope due to his multiple joint issues. The connection is unexplainable- i feel like he can look right through me.

Do you think you can have multiple heart dogs? Can the connection be different for each heart dog?

Cosmolo i know exactly how you feel... James has HD and despite doing all i can for him, I know he wont have as long a life with me and it breaks my heart whenever i think of it. My heart aches knowing that someday he will no longer be here except in my heart... but i am so grateful that he chose to share his life with me. I think that our heart dogs are chosen for us for a reason... James was meant to come to me, because I needed him as much as he needed me. He restored my faith in the breed and told me that I will never be without an English Setter.

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I have seen people using the term "heart dog" when describing some of their furbabes.

What does this mean exactly? :)

My heart dog is Monte. He is one that I really connect with...most of this I feel is because I have had to care for him so much more than a normal dog though.

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Bronson is my heart dog. He went to the rainbow bridge 14 months ago and he is still very badly missed. He was something special, I would talk to him and he looked at me with such love, I swore he understood every word I said. My daughter had a painting done of him for my first birthday after he went and it is the most precious thing I own. I have since replaced him with 2 new boys but I can't help thinking that they will never compare, I feel guilty but I just can't help it, I love these boys too but they will never be my beautiful Bronson.

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I lost my heart dog 18 Aug last year - she was 13 .

I ( and I think my OH ) always wondered how I would cope when she passed away : she was my little confidante and best friend.

Luckily she passed away quickly without suffering , but those first few days / weeks were hard.

As time goes by, I still think of her every day , but now always with a smile rather than a tear.

We have another little girl whom I love very much, but in a different way to my special heart dog .

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