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Not Impressed!

mutt lover

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A male maltese x shihtzu I was given 6 months ago is peeing inside again, he was doing this when he came to me despite fact that he was supposed to be house trained, The last couple of months he's been really good and going outside when my old dog goes out she will bark when she needs to go out and I put him out with her and usually he will go if I continually tell him to go toilet and stand outside with him. I'm hoping it was just because of the wet stormy weather at the weekend but that didn't stop my old dog from going out, I put both their water proof coats on and waited till the worst of the weather had cleared before letting them out but JJ just stood in car port and when he came back inside went and pee'd on the floor rug I was not impressed one bit. Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to maybe fix this problem, He is desexed and is 2 1/2 years old. I did growl at him and he got sulks and went back to bed.

Edited by mutt lover
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Nope! Not going to get his feet wet LOL :crossfingers: Little dogs are notorious for it :crossfingers:

I certainly wouldn't be growling at him but you should just simply pay more attention to toileting him when it's foul weather. :cheer: Clean up the wee with some enzyme cleaner like Biozet as that works great and removes the scent so he won't keep going back the same spot. :thumbsup:

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The only thing you can do is re-inforce the good behaviour. Really go to town and make a big fuss when he urinates in the right place. Do this everytime you see him wee, regardless of how long it is between rain seasons. The neighbours will think you're cuckoo cuckoo when they hear you exclaiming "Good dog, clever boy, you know where to do wee wees" but your dog will love it.

When it rains, pick up your mats off the ground if you can. If need be, buy a belly band and put that on him during long peiods of wet weather when he is inside. Drag out the lavendar oil and sprinkle this daily on any other areas he might be inclined to wee during the rainy weather.... your house will smell like Grandmas but it's better than the alternative.

Oneof the problems with toilet training puppies to wee on paper is that they then use mats thinking they are doing the right thing. It is really confusing when they are suddenly berated for toileting in a piece of 'material' on the ground when they were taught this is the right thing when they were babes.

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errr hate to say this but it's not confined to small dogs. Burton is the only Stafford I know who will actually tiptoe around wet grass with a disgusted look on his face. It takes him ages to build up the courage to toilet outside in horrible weather - even then he will only put his forefeet on teh grass and stretch to try and reach :crossfingers:

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My cocker spaniel is the same. It poured down this weekend and on both Sunday morning and Monday morning we woke to a pee on the carpet. She didn;t want to go out in the wet for a piddle.

What I dont get is she adores the rain and water. Cant get her out of it. She just wont pee in it!!

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Thanks everyone for your advice posted before I saw other thread re dogs not wanting to go out to toilet in rain :laugh:

Back to normal today happy to go out this morning, I've decided what I'll do in future when weather is like that is put his coat and collar and lead on and my rain coat and take him for short walk so he gets used to going out in foul weather also, I guess I've just been very lucky with my old girl lady who's always gone out rain hail or shine and whoever owned her for the 5 years prior to me getting her must of done a great job with the house training as she's only ever had accidents when she hasn't been well now if only she could teach Jj to bark like she does when she wants to go outside. :laugh:

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Yep, got 2 malt crosses that will not go in the garden during wet weather and now my previously clean JRT x has started following suit ....

Best solution is to take them down the road for a short walk to empty out, morning and night, no matter what the weather. They will go if I take them down the road.

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Yep was obviously being precious :( Happy to go out this morning before I went to work and busting to get out after I came home and I will have to take him for walk in future when is raining or just remember to put some paper on floor in case he needs to go he's obviously a bit allergic to rain. :mad

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