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Need Some Thoughts/scenarios


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My neighbour came over telling me his dogs were 'stuck' and he was worried there was no way to seperate them and wanted to know what now!!! I explained it to him, etc. Now the prob is, his female is a 9yr old malt, she apparently already has 'leakage' problems and she is chubby too. I told him it's best he get her injected to abort but he doesn't want to do that, or desex, or anything else. I told him things could go wrong, etc. He also said it probably won't work cos she mated last season and wasnt pregnant from it, but then the male was still a young pup and had mated their other girl (she no longer alive, long story) So i was thinking that last time maybe it didn't work cos either 1, he was too young, or 2. he was used up from the other mating.

Anyway, what do others think? Is she going to fall pregnant? I have seen older dogs have a litter and be fine, but this girl i don't think is totally healthy enough, and apart from incontinence, dont' know what other problems she might have.

I will try and talk him into aborting it in a wk or so again, but want some other thoughts on it.

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I wonder, why did he come to you in the first place if he doesn't want to do anything about it or listen to your advice. What sort of dog is the male, I hope it's a small breed at least if he intends to make her carry the pregnancy.

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