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Pet Dog Rosco Strangled While Being Groomed


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Pet dog Rosco strangled while being groomed

TWO British pet salon workers strangled a pedigree dog to death while holding it down to groom it, The Sun reported today.

Owner Alison King, 36, dropped her £500 ($823) shih-tzu, named Rosco, off at the Clippers and Dippers salon for his first trim -- but got a message two hours later to say “Sorry, he’s dead”.

Pamela White and Rebecca Haire from Telford, Shropshire, had held terrified Rosco by the throat as he struggled and accidentally strangled him.

They were conditionally discharged for 18 months after admitting causing unnecessary suffering.

Justices of the Peace (JPs) in Shropshire said the dog's agonising death was unintentional.

Both women were each ordered to pay £198 compensation to mother-of-three Alison and £500 costs.

She said: "Rosco was a lovely dog but nervous. They should have abandoned the cut."

Edited by SwaY
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  • 2 weeks later...

Pet dog Rosco strangled while being groomed

TWO British pet salon workers strangled a pedigree dog to death while holding it down to groom it, The Sun reported today.

Owner Alison King, 36, dropped her £500 ($823) shih-tzu, named Rosco, off at the Clippers and Dippers salon for his first trim -- but got a message two hours later to say “Sorry, he’s dead”.

Pamela White and Rebecca Haire from Telford, Shropshire, had held terrified Rosco by the throat as he struggled and accidentally strangled him.

They were conditionally discharged for 18 months after admitting causing unnecessary suffering.

Justices of the Peace (JPs) in Shropshire said the dog's agonising death was unintentional.

Both women were each ordered to pay £198 compensation to mother-of-three Alison and £500 costs.

She said: "Rosco was a lovely dog but nervous. They should have abandoned the cut."

That is horrrific. :laugh: That poor dog. And the owner. I would want to strangle the groomers!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or at least cause them serious harm. I'm just amazed that this would happen!!!


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Perhaps it's just me, but I can't even imagine leaving my girl all by herself in a situation with strangers where she was terrified of them!

I'm not saying the death is the owners fault, I don't think it is at all, if the story is correct then clearly the groomers were negligent, but still... leaving my dog like that is not something I'd ever do. Both for her sake, since I really don't want her developing a fear of strangers after being forcibly muzzled and groomed, and also to stop the groomers being bitten by a freaked out dog.

Did the owners not realise their dog was so scared?

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First cut. They probably thought it was best to get out of the way and let the 'professionals' develop a relationship with the dog.

But sounds like they were exceptionally unprofessional. That is disgustingly rough treatment, and it was only a pup. They got off very lightly.

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:laugh: that is so sad for the owners and that poor dog how aweful for him! Problems with a groomer early on with Cooper led me to do my own now, I'm so glad I do, to many horror storys for my liking!!
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Pamela White and Rebecca Haire from Telford, Shropshire, had held terrified Rosco by the throat as he struggled and accidentally strangled him.

Personally I think their story is full of holes. A dog becomes unconscious before it stops breathing. And yet they'd have us believe they continued to hold him AFTER he stopped struggling?

Fell off a grooming table while left unattended on a noose? Now that I'd believe. Of course that puts all the blame on them and none on the dog.

Edited by poodlefan
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Perhaps it's just me, but I can't even imagine leaving my girl all by herself in a situation with strangers where she was terrified of them!

I have and still do. My girl was terrified of absolutely anything or anyone. She needed to be groomed and there is no way I could do it (not only would she look awful, she'd have a million nicks and cuts). When she is scared she just freezes, so it is easy for the groomer to do her work. I trust my groomer 100% - she was recommended by family, friends and I've had that verified by people on DOL. I've also left her at a kennel when I was hospitalised. She was shaking but relatively happy when I picked her up and it has done her the world of good - she was more confident of strangers.

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Pamela White and Rebecca Haire from Telford, Shropshire, had held terrified Rosco by the throat as he struggled and accidentally strangled him.

Fell off a grooming table while left unattended on a noose? Now that I'd believe. Of course that puts all the blame on them and none on the dog.

My 1st thought too before I even opened the post.

Best option if you are worried about leaving your dog is to get a mobile out & stay with your dog & stop the session if you do not like the way it is handled.

A horrid experience & very inadequate compensation, not that any amount would ease the pain or ever make your trust return.

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If these moron groomers had trouble handling a small dog, what the hell would they be like with a medium or large dog. :rofl:

:laugh::):laugh: Have you ever worked as a groomer?

I can tell you that the small dogs are much more difficult to handle and control than the big dogs. Most people train their bigger dogs whereas the small dogs usually have no training at all - and they bite and wriggle more too. I would rather wrestle with an angry Rottweiler than an angry Maltese/Shih Tzu- bigger dogs are more responsive to voice whereas smaller dogs just freak out and go silly.

A good example of why owners really need to do a lot of grooming training at home. It's awful that the groomers pushed so far and not necessarily talking about this instance, but owners also push too. I send a lot of dogs home these days, like yesterday a dog went home half done as he was just too stressed. Most owners get cranky when you don't finish - a groomer can't really win. Then if you send a dog home unfinished word goes around that your salon got a dog so stressed out that they couldn't finish the dog :(

I groomed a really timid Pap yesterday, when I went to pick him up he wee'd himself a little bit. I took it very slow and he was scared the whole time, I informed the owner about everything and she looked at me and said 'he's never done that before', I'm thinking Yeh right, no groomer has ever actually told you before as they don't want your reaction! Some days you just can't win.

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Its only a Shihtzu it would not take much. It was probably fighting, so they used more force and pinned it down around its neck, ignoring its struggling and carried on grooming, next thing they know, it's dead.

Pretty damn difficult to asphixiate a dog from above Lo Pan.. the spine protects the wind pipe.

I just don't buy it.

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