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Cost Of Dog Ownership


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The latest Bankwest Social Indicator survey shows that aussie families shell out 2,452.oo annually for their family dog,. Pet Food & dog treats made up the first amount some $1200 annually. Vet bills totalled $450.00 annually. Visits to the grooming salon, walkers and doggy dieticians made up some $405.00 annually. Apparently cats are a cheaper option...about $1772.00

Do this figures ring true?

Cats might be cheaper, but a dare say dog ownership wont falter due to cost differences.

http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/104841...-on-pets-survey reference

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I don't think mine would cost anywhere near that much. For up to ten dogs I spend around $4000 on food, that comes in way below the $1200 each. I feed raw and premium dry ( for the two dogs that eat it ) .

My vet bills wouldn't be that for each dog either. Some wouldn't see a vet in any given year, others might go once, it just depends on them injuring themselves , breaking teeth etc. The bitches cost me more with ultrasounds, xrays and whelping supplies.

I make up for the lack of vet spending with my chiro bill, that would be around $1000-$1500 a year.

I think my dogs would come in way under budget on the basics.

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Their figures didn't include boarding fees when owners are on holiday, nor did they include show entry fees for those pet owners who show their dogs.

I excluded my hobby, as those costs are through the roof :)

I did walk away and make breakfast and did think about boarding. Surely the average dog owner holidays and either boards their dog or pays for other care.

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I have had Jet for just over a year now.

I have spent about $400 on kibble & bones.

Since I got him as a puppy the vet bills are high as I did desexing, vaccinations and he had to get a xray at one time so about $800ish if not a bit more for that.

Then if I added his training and stuff it does add to a large amount, but I love him and do all this for him, there is no price to put on his health and companionship.

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I jsut worked out that it costs me $151 a month to feed 7 dogs and 3 cats (including litter), so $1800 a year. I feed a mixture of dry and raw to both dogs and cats. One dog has a special diet due to a health issue so he costs more to feed than the others which pushed the costs up.

Edited by indigirl
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My dogs are spolit rotton. I spend 100 a week on food so over the year thats 2600 each plus the vet bills.. On saturday I paid 629.00 for 2 courses each of worming, vaccination, heart worm injection and medication for bells incontenance (yet to be properly doagnosed).

My Bella is accident prone, she is only 14 months old and has been to the vets at least 5 times for accidents (tonsalitus, 2x cuts requiring stiches, incontenance, and infected paw pad).

So I am well over the average price..

Dont tell the Hubby :rainbowbridge:

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I feed mince that costs 6.50 a kilo (good enough for human consumption) and go through 15 kilo a week aswell as some sort of bone/ shank/ frame each day and then eukanuba bickies for all the extra good stuff....

Dont worry I do plan on cutting it back but cause I have a Great Dane I am making sure that I grow her properly and will cut back when she is around 2ish...

The 100 is to feed a Great Dane and GSD, both 14months...

I was feeding only Eukanuba but a 15kilo bag was only lasting 6-7 and that was 112.00 a bag...

It is amazing how much better there temp/ energy levels are on raw..

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I guess the food figure must be based on either a really expensive dry or a really cheap one that you need to feed heaps of. It costs me around $2000 a year for food for 4 dogs, one of which weighs 75kg!

My vet bill for last year was way over average though - damn tumours.

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