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Dog Meals


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Hi All,

Not sure if this has already been discussed elsewhere on the forum but was just curious as to what others might cook up for their dogs.

Currently we make up a big batch of mixed beef mince and shredded chicken mixed through with fresh parley, garlic, mixed vegies +/- pasta or rice adding this to our kiddies dry kibble for dinner.

We also feed a variety of raw cuts throughout the week i.e. chicken necks, etc.

What do some of you guys make up in large quantities??


Mel :laugh:

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What do some of you guys make up in large quantities??

Hi Mel,

My dogs eat raw based on the Franken-prey diet.

So, I "make up" large quantities of meat/bones/offal into portions to feed 6 dogs once or twice a month.

Freeze, defrost & serve. No cooking...



Edited by Hafhafa Hounds
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I also liked to feed raw, but have now had two dogs that could not eat that much raw without getting tummy troubles. On the evolutionary path, mine were definitely destined to be companion animals :heart:

I now cook up batches of organic chicken thighs (chunk style) with some beef mince, pumpkin, broccoli and a small amount of brown rice.

This is only a part of the meal though as they also get nutro kibble, fish oil, apple and yogurt daily, sardines, egg and cottage cheese weekly (or twice a week) and bones.

I cant give mine chicken necks or frames as he has too much angst that he is missing something and will try to swallow pieces waaaaaay too large.

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Thanks for the replies people's, much appreciated!!

As I said, we also feed a good variety which includes a fair amount of raw produce but also have started feeding a mixture of meats with veg etc included. They too also get sardines and yogurt added to their kibble.

Currently ours guys are on Proplan and are doing very well. We were feeding Holistic but found it difficult to get at our pet warehouse stockist.

Edited due to my poor spelling :thumbsup:



Edited by Remblak
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What do some of you guys make up in large quantities??

Hi Mel,

My dogs eat raw based on the Franken-prey diet.

So, I "make up" large quantities of meat/bones/offal into portions to feed 6 dogs once or twice a month.

Freeze, defrost & serve. No cooking...



You only feed your dogs once or twice a month?

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What do some of you guys make up in large quantities??

Hi Mel,

My dogs eat raw based on the Franken-prey diet.

So, I "make up" large quantities of meat/bones/offal into portions to feed 6 dogs once or twice a month.

Freeze, defrost & serve. No cooking...



You only feed your dogs once or twice a month?

Maybe it means she makes up that much once or twice a month.... I sure hope so!!!

I've never heard of the "frankenprey" diet so I just looked it up. SOunds like it's all meat, meat and nothing but the meat. No veggies and fruit or eggs or dairy or anything else. Is that right?

My poor dallys would starve to death if they couldn't eat all those other things - especially Tango who isn't allowed to eat a lot of meat due to his stone-forming.

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Frankenprey is prey model for people who can't get hold of whole animals (head/fur/insides included) so you make you your own "whole animal" from what you can get. (Chicken bones, beef tripe, sheep kidney, pig liver, turkey meat for example)

It should include bone, and all internal organs including tripe. Obviously not suitable for dogs with medical issues, but IMO the most normal and natural thing for a carnivore to eat. No need to mess about with fruit and vege if you can get tripe, but sadly not all that easily found in some places.

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haha oh yes! After re reading I think she meant she makes it once or twice per month.

First time i read it I was like whhhhaaaaat!

Eek I dont think I would be able to stomach feeding like that :)

Also Banjo wont eat hardly anything raw.

I bought him some human grade kangaroo mince the other day and he will not touch it.

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I am thinking of changing my 20week old over onto a raw based diet and am just wondering, when some of you say you feed beef or chicken mince where do you get it from? Do you buy the mince from coles or buy it from a pet shop??


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I buy chicken mince from Lenards but some haven't had a very good experience with their mince ;) Beef/lamb mince I buy from the butcher or supermarket, but I don't feed a lot of mince, it's just for puppies around here. Most of the food is bought in bulk from a pet food distributor - not a pet shop because their prices can be pretty scary at times!

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Hi All,

Not sure if this has already been discussed elsewhere on the forum but was just curious as to what others might cook up for their dogs.

Currently we make up a big batch of mixed beef mince and shredded chicken mixed through with fresh parley, garlic, mixed vegies +/- pasta or rice adding this to our kiddies dry kibble for dinner.

We also feed a variety of raw cuts throughout the week i.e. chicken necks, etc.

What do some of you guys make up in large quantities??


Mel :confused:

I'm assuming that you are cooking for flavour/variety and to top up their dry ? I'd leave all pasta/rice and grains out of the cooked food and make it simply meat and veg. The pasta and rice is just fillers that they don't need.

Mine are fed all raw but there have been times when I've cooked for the dogs in the past and have included things like my carrot and potato peels in the stew, along with extra veg and the meats.

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Hi All,

Not sure if this has already been discussed elsewhere on the forum but was just curious as to what others might cook up for their dogs.

Currently we make up a big batch of mixed beef mince and shredded chicken mixed through with fresh parley, garlic, mixed vegies +/- pasta or rice adding this to our kiddies dry kibble for dinner.

We also feed a variety of raw cuts throughout the week i.e. chicken necks, etc.

What do some of you guys make up in large quantities??


Mel :dancingelephant:

I'm assuming that you are cooking for flavour/variety and to top up their dry ? I'd leave all pasta/rice and grains out of the cooked food and make it simply meat and veg. The pasta and rice is just fillers that they don't need.

Mine are fed all raw but there have been times when I've cooked for the dogs in the past and have included things like my carrot and potato peels in the stew, along with extra veg and the meats.

Hi Jackie,

Yes pretty much, just to add some variety to their diet. They've done fine typically with their normal diet, just wondered whether others also created dishes as such.


Mel :dancingelephant:

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I used to cook up massive pots of rice and veg for the doggies, then just add raw minced carcasses on top. Rice keeps them fuller for longer, raw food is just required in too large a quatity here if I went meat only.

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it makes it cheaper if you make up this raw food diet in bulk and then freeze it

based on the BARF diet by Dr.Billinghurst to make up your dogs daily dose = 100%

*choose a meat* 40% these are the proteins

chicken, beef, lamb, rabbit, turkey, pork (i dont like using or giving my dogs any pork products) (fish possible as an extra)

small amounts of organs can be added heart liver kiddney but should only make up 10% can BE harmfull if over used

*vegetables*30% steaming your veggies will be more benificial

tomatoes, peas, carrots, green beens, zucchini, pumkin,Broccoli, Celery, Spinach, Carrot, Ground Flax Seed, Apple, Pear, Grapefruit, Orange..add some parsly

*starches* 30%

potatoes, brown rice, or pasta types

average activity on 2% body weight, highly active dogs double amount per day

20kg -2 patties/per day

30kg -3 p/pd

40kg -4 p/pd


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