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Questions About New Puppy


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Hello everyone!

I have been reading these forums for a couple of months now and I have learned a lot from them! So I finally decided to join up and ask a few questions myself :)

I have never owned a dog before, until about a month ago when I bought Nelson. He is now 10 weeks old and we are not exactly sure what breed - mostly fox terrier, possibly some Chihuahua?

So...here are my questions :offtopic:

1) Our puppy school teacher was talking to us about what we should feed puppies, and she said that Hills Science was absolutely the best, top of the range food you could get ...well of course I went out and bought some immediatly...then I looked it up on the Internet, and dol forums, and I found that most people do not recommend it, and there are far better brands. At puppy school last week, I asked her about this, and I told her that I saw a lot of breeders do not recommend it and I asked her why she considers it to be so good. Her answer was something along the lines of "Those people are full of crap, they don't know what they are talking about, a lot of breeders are sponsored by other brands such as Eukunumba (sp?) so don't believe them, Hills Science is absolutely the best, anything that doesn't have meat as its first ingredient is bad" (umm...hills science puppy does not have meat as its first ingredient, it is corn or something) So - I am not sure what to feed. I read that Eagle Pack and Nutro and a few others are very good (puppy school teacher said "oh..yes... well thats mostly in newzealand and America, very expensive..") At the moment, he gets his hill science dry food for breakfast, followed by a chicken wing for lunch. Dinner has been 'Optimum' brand wet food mixed with dry food however today I bought some lamb bones so I am considering giving him dry food + lamb bone? What do you think of this diet? Sometimes he also has a few different things added, such as eggs, tuna, banana, plain yoghurt (but he only gets small amounts of these)

2) I am not sure if I should be worried or not about the way he interacts with other dogs... The first time he saw another dog after we took him home was a friends chihuahua girl, and he had a great time playing with her! Then we took him to puppy preschool and things were very different. He was the smallest one there and was very scared, he sat behind my chair and didn't try to play with the other dogs. I think this is understandable as he had never seen so many loud, boisterous puppies in such a small space! The second week was pretty much the same. We have a big playful lab pup in our class who is very rough with him, and nelson just yelps when he gets squashed by him, which makes all the other puppies run over and try to 'play' with him. I feel so bad for him but the lady who runs the class says not to interfere as the lab needs to learn not to be so rough, and nelson needs to learn to not be such a sook. He has also played with my next door neighbours huge lab/poodle, but that dog was very gentle and nelson wasn't scared, he just ran around the dog barking. Then I took him to play with another friends puppy, who is a sixteen week old ...wait for it.... schnoodle cross cavoodle..... This puppy was very bouncy and wanted to play, but Nelson got very vicious! He was not interested in the dog, until it came near him. Then nelson would growl and snarl and attack this puppy. It was not playful growling at all, it was very scary actually. I think he does not like other dogs at all, and I think this may have been because of the puppy preschool. The puppies never play in pairs or anything, they all just go for it, and my one is the one who gets picked on. I am not sure what to do about this... I am not even sure what my question is but I just need to let it all out! (by the way, the lady running this school was recommended by a few people on here..so I am not sure why I have such a bad feeling about her?)

Anyway ! That was very long, I am sorry, but it is great to get it all out and hopefully, if my post makes any sense, all you knowledgeable DOLers can give me some opinions!

Thank you :laugh:

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As for the food, Science Diet is OK, not fabulous though. Eagle Pack, Nutrience, Nutro, Pro Plan etc are all better but if he likes Science Diet and he's doing OK on it, don't be in too much of a hurry to change it.

Dogs don't absolutely have to play with other dogs. It's best if they aren't frightened of them, or agressive towards them....in fact non-agressive would be best but if he's clearly not comfortable with other dogs, let him stand back and assess the situation.

I would never, ever put a pup in a situation that ended in a free-for-alll with a bunch of other pups. Not fair on any of them.

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Hi, and welcome.

May I suggest you find another puppy class?

It is not helpful to let little pups get bounced on by large pups, for one thing :)

May I also suggest you also post this query in "Puppy problems " HERE...lots of good puppy advice there for you to read, too!

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Run a mile eek: Sounds more like a puppy punch up, not a pre-school :) IMO doesn't sound very well run and you are doing more damage by taking Nelson. Yes, Nelson needs to meet lots of other dogs, people and have lots of other experiences, but NOT in a threatening manner.

As for Science Diet, I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. I feed a raw diet and don't feed grains, so couldn't advise on which commercial diet is best.

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Agree with everyone, find another puppy class, there's no way a good puppy class should be letting a big excited lab jump all over your little pup.

I feed a handful of Royal Canin dry with a mostly raw diet of beef/roo mince mix and chicken wings/tips, eggs, sardines, yogurt, offal, lots of different stuff but all dogs are different and I don't feel very qualified to give advice as I am just going with what has worked really well for my puppy :)

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wow, thank you for the quick responses!

I think I agree with every one and we will not be going back, I had a bad feeling about it from the start but I thought that maybe I was just being over protective of Nelson, so I just let him get bashed by all the other puppies :) I hope this does not effect him long term, I will be looking for a new puppy school. We are starting at Hills District Kennel Club after his second vaccination (we went last tuesday to have alook and I though the puppy classes were very well run), however I would like to find another puppy school before that because I do not know many people with dogs that I can socialize him with. I also think he will never be particularly fond of other dogs, perhaps it is because we got him at 6 weeks, but I just don't think he is interested in them - he always prefers to stay with people rather then check out the other dogs.

Thanks again :offtopic:

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I take my puppy to our local obedience club. I've been a member there for a few years and all three of my dogs have gone there as puppies. The class is all on leash, in fact NO dogs are allowed off-leash unless under instruction, and they would be dogs doing advanced obedience, not puppies.

The puppy class is nice as we teach them some basic commands, allow them to meet and sniff each other while on lead and they become confident in a safe, friendly environment where there are lots of experienced dog people who know how puppies should be treated.

It's much better value than a "puppy pre-school" dedicated to puppies being allowed to terrorise each other.

To socialise the little guy, take him for walks around the time school gets out, take him to your local shopping centre and playgrounds and just let him meet people and be amongst them.

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I agree with all that's been said but don't be so quick to give up on his socialization. He is only a baby and in the coming few months is the best time for him to be around other stable sociable dogs to teach him they arent all like the puppy at the puppy classes.

He may just be the kind of dog that will play or be sociable with dogs that arent in his face. All my lot are like that happy to be with any dogs but they don't like full on dogs in thier face and so they shouldn't most of these full on dogs we meet have not been socialized that is why they are how they are.

Dogs don't need to actually play full on with one another. With my lot when we are out and about they are happy being in the company of other dogs and we will walk or go to the beach and every doggie is happy.

As for the food I'm betting that somewhere along the line your puppy school instructor is talking up the science diet because they sell it where you are attending? I may be wrong?? The food that is best for your pup is the one he does the best on and this may not become apparent till he is older.

is your pup a rescue? how come you got him so early? any photos??

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wow, thank you for the quick responses!

I think I agree with every one and we will not be going back, I had a bad feeling about it from the start but I thought that maybe I was just being over protective of Nelson, so I just let him get bashed by all the other puppies :) I hope this does not effect him long term, I will be looking for a new puppy school. We are starting at Hills District Kennel Club after his second vaccination (we went last tuesday to have alook and I though the puppy classes were very well run), however I would like to find another puppy school before that because I do not know many people with dogs that I can socialize him with. I also think he will never be particularly fond of other dogs, perhaps it is because we got him at 6 weeks, but I just don't think he is interested in them - he always prefers to stay with people rather then check out the other dogs.

Thanks again :offtopic:

Dogs are like people, some are outgoing social butterflies and others prefer their own company. As long as Nelson isn't fearful of other dogs and accepts their company I wouldn't worry that he doesn't want to run and play with every dog that he sees. Pele, my 5 year old Bull Terrier gets on with all dogs - we attend obedience, used to show, go to the beach and park every day and go to DOL BBQ's but she's not a play with other dog dog, she'd rather hang out with me and that's fine with me :laugh:

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is your pup a rescue? how come you got him so early? any photos??

No, he is not a rescue, I saw an ad for him at the local notice board... this was before I knew about back yard breeders. I think it was an accidental litter though. Looking back, I would definitely have questioned the seller as to why they were being sold so young and I would have asked to leave him with his mum until he was 8 weeks - We have a bit of a biting problem now, which we are trying to fix but I think it is probably worse because he didn't learn bite inhibition from his litter - however I had not discovered this forum yet :)

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I took Charlie to puppy pre-school and he was a boisterous lab...but the whole thing was quite intimidating for him . They also gave a lot of generic, crappy advice and let the puppies play rough with each other. I went to two classes then I stopped going.

I agree a well-run obedience school is better but it's hard to find these days - a lot of obedience schools are full of a lot of dogs, not capped in numbers. The last time we went to obedience classes, they were very 'military' and the teacher kept yelling at us because we weren't yanking the choke chain hard enough. He kept shouting 'You are too soft, you have to really pull on that chain, they are dogs they need to learn their place in the pack'. It was quite traumatic and we left halfway through.

We did our own training by reading lots of books and being addicted to forums :) THere are so many schools of thought on obedience training that it can be really confusing but you have to find a method of training that you feel comfortable with.

HOWEVER, if you find a good obedience school, that's the best way.

Food-wise - it really depends on each dog. But in my experience Hills science, eukaneba and all of those brands are all crappy. We even tried Royal Canin Labrador Junior, which the doggies loooved but I heard the ingredients are not that great and Charlie got dandruff on it.

We tried Eagle Pack Holistic and the dandruff got worse and they kept chewing at their feet.

Now they are on Artemis and doing brilliantly but I don't know if you can feed artemis to puppies??? Their coats are so soft, they are full of energy (not sure if that is a good or bad thing :offtopic:) and it's really good food.

Good luck with your puppy and have fun!! I agree we need some photos!

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was the puppy school run by a vet? often vets recommend hills science diet as they sell it. If you look at the ingredients and compare to ther premium food like artemis and eaglepack you'll see a big difference. certain grains are better than others. I'm sure other people will be able to recommend some good dry foods as well as BARF as options. i think corn is one of the worst from memory.

in terms of socialisation, i prefer the use of a calm adult dog/s. puppies all together can be crazy.

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where are you located sookeh ? Hills dog club is good by all accounts, but yes would be good to find another decent puppy school.

wow, thank you for the quick responses!

I think I agree with every one and we will not be going back, I had a bad feeling about it from the start but I thought that maybe I was just being over protective of Nelson, so I just let him get bashed by all the other puppies :) I hope this does not effect him long term, I will be looking for a new puppy school. We are starting at Hills District Kennel Club after his second vaccination (we went last tuesday to have alook and I though the puppy classes were very well run), however I would like to find another puppy school before that because I do not know many people with dogs that I can socialize him with. I also think he will never be particularly fond of other dogs, perhaps it is because we got him at 6 weeks, but I just don't think he is interested in them - he always prefers to stay with people rather then check out the other dogs.

Thanks again :offtopic:

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I just thought I'd throw in that I like your True Blood reference username!

haha thanks, I have been watching the third season and the last episode was epic!

Wasn't it! The very last words - :offtopic::)

Sorry I'll let the more knowledgeable ones talk now.

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About 30 min from the Hills district down the M7 is the puppy school I recommend. Camarna Dog Training at Austral teaches the puppies in a controlled indoor environment at a private property, not a vets. Luci Ellem that runs the classes is one of the most experienced dog trainers in the state.

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where are you located sookeh ? Hills dog club is good by all accounts, but yes would be good to find another decent puppy school.
wow, thank you for the quick responses!

I think I agree with every one and we will not be going back, I had a bad feeling about it from the start but I thought that maybe I was just being over protective of Nelson, so I just let him get bashed by all the other puppies :) I hope this does not effect him long term, I will be looking for a new puppy school. We are starting at Hills District Kennel Club after his second vaccination (we went last tuesday to have alook and I though the puppy classes were very well run), however I would like to find another puppy school before that because I do not know many people with dogs that I can socialize him with. I also think he will never be particularly fond of other dogs, perhaps it is because we got him at 6 weeks, but I just don't think he is interested in them - he always prefers to stay with people rather then check out the other dogs.

Thanks again :offtopic:

I live in around castle hill/baulkham hills area.

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For the food there is never really a 'best' food, all dogs do well on different diets. Basically the 'best' food is what he does best on himself, both my girls are on different kibble, my JRT gets Nutro because its good for dogs with skin allergies, and she seems less itchy since Ive had her on it, my Goldie is on Royal Canin and she does well on that, to supplement the kibble they also get pet mince with blended veggies in it, or they get sardines once a week

Im guessing the puppy preschool must get some sort of sponsorship from Hills if they are pushing the purchase so much, my agility club (they also do PP) is sponsored by Pro Pac, they push selling it but they dont say that its the best out there and all the other brands are crap, they just push it so that people might try it and like it, the more sales the better chance of getting more sponsorship

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