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Retrieving & Field Training Talk


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That's ok, early works for me because I have to work a half day anyway so the earlier the better! :D Good thing about my Friday is I can work my half day in the morning or afternoon, I just fit work in around my own schedule :D

That good, any time your free and want to come just say the word.

Yipee just organised to get a friend to come and toss dummies for me tomorrow, save me walking quite so much.:)

Will do, thanks! Do you head out every Friday?

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I took Ruby out to the local park where there is a lake again today, and we had a ball thumbsup1.gif

I stuck a couple of wings onto a dummy and it totally changed her attitude. She was a retrieving freak today! I just LOVED her enthusiasm! Her sit to whistle is coming along as are her water retrieves. We still have a fair bit of work to do on those water deliveries as I've figured out if she can see her bribe up front she will resist that dreaded drop & shake, but if she doesn't see the bribe she will drop & shake then pick it up and finish the delivery. I'm obviously not pleased about having to bribe her and we will be quickly phasing that out, but for her to continue with delivery after she's dropped it is a step forward in itself as before she would drop, shake and that was the end of the game as far as she was concerned.

Sorry to dribble on but I just had an absolute ball out with her today and when we don't do a lot of retrieving training due to other commitments, these baby steps where things actually progress forward are exciting :D

RS why not teach her to shake on command, that is what I have done with my guys, no thought of putting anything down to shake first. Guessing you have started by being in the water for her to deliver, say "no shaking" take the bird then tell her shake? That way then you can gradually work your way out of the water but still use "no shaking" etc.?

Also I go do something most Friday's even if its on the oval at K9.

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Good to hear you're enjoying training, RS :)

What did you end up doing yesterday Livertreats?

I have started taking Em out in the morning for retrieving training and then taking both dogs out in the afternoon/early evening for training and a walk/swim. I love daylight savings :thumbsup:

This week Em and I have been working on lots of walking baseball plus some double marks, lining blind drills and today I added in a wagon wheel again - went back to 4 white dummies as we haven't done any push/pull exercises for ages but she remembered everything so will up the ante over the next few days. Did some non-cheaty water marks the last few days and Em's confidence has really improved - perhaps showing some signs of maturity, but she's also coping more easily with making mistakes - much better bounce back when I stop/cast, stop/cast, stop/cast. She dilly dallied on one of the water marks and I said "no", called her back to heel and she took the line without hesitation.....very interesting...I am learning a LOT!!!

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Today Zora was doing some wing work with a couple of Wei puppies (as in field type stuff) she just goes nuts for the wing but is starting to get the lesson. She was very good at tracking it out and finding it in cover. The hard part was getting her to stop still when she found it. :laugh: But she was doing it a bit more reliably at the end of our session.

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Hi Livertreats,

Not wanting to pressure you but a Flatcoat just won an all age over here, I'm still betting on you though.


:rofl: No pressure.

Who's Flatcoat wonm thats just fabulous. We sure dont have many doing retrieving and its very encouraging to know we can keep up with the Labs. :laugh: Hope they are going to come over for the National next year be great watching another Flatcoat work.

Now been on the retriever forum to check which dog, CH Kellick Rhythm of Life, owned by one person and run by another. Breeder will be extremely pleased as well.

Will be awhile before we are in AA, we still have heaps to learn and we are in no rush.

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Hi retrieving folk! I've been semi lurking for a while and I'm wanting to get some supplies for me and my 10 month Vizsla to start getting some retrieving going... So basically, what should be in the retrieving 'starter pack'? And what kind of dummies should I get and how many and in what colour?

I was thinking of getting the book Positive Gun Dogs: Clicker Training for Sporting Breeds (Karen Pryor Clicker Books) to get me started, has anyone found this book to be helpful?


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Welcome Perdy :thumbsup:

You will need white or black/white dummies to start with - you need to begin by teaching the dog to use his EYES not his NOSE - which is why we don't use orange for baby dogs as their limited colour vision means they have trouble distinguishing orange/red from the green grass. I bought about a couple of dozen 2" and 3" dummies (black, white, orange) from the USA as it was cheaper but you will probably be able to get just a couple locally to start you off. My youngster much prefers 3" dummies now.

To begin teaching the dog to "mark", you will need several dummies but more importantly a helper who knows what they are doing! Young dogs should win, win and win some more and your helper needs to know when and how to help the dog out. For marks, on a bright sunny day, black is easier to see and on an overcast day or in shade, white is easier to see. Hopefully someone will be able to point you in the right direction in terms of meeting some experienced trialling people near you. Definitely read the Positive Gundogs book - it's a good start but not a 'bible' so an experienced training partner will also help.

You will need a whistle down the track but not straight away - I would get started on marking and delivering to hand first. I don't use dokkens at all. Just switched from dummies to birds and back again as needed.

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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Hi all,

I am hopefully getting a new pup at the end of the year and would really like to give retrieving a go. Is there a club I can join or information sessions I can go to or does anyone train in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Apart from this thread - I haven't the foggiest idea where to even start.



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Another newbie :thumbsup:

RB - it would be worth checking out some retrieving trials as a spectator (there's one this weekend, probably one of the last for the season - I'm not going and it will require some travel) OR going to a watch a retrieving ability test (scheduled alongside obedience trials) OR attending a beginners day (I will post on here when I hear about the next one). You are also welcome to come and train with me, although I'm fairly new to it all, and I know Lablover is very generous with her experience and time also. I train around Montrose/Lilydale/Croydon - mostly on ovals. There are some books that help but I think meeting up with someone definitely is the way to go.

ETA: If you ever want to join me for a training session before you get pup you are more than welcome.

Hi all,

I am hopefully getting a new pup at the end of the year and would really like to give retrieving a go. Is there a club I can join or information sessions I can go to or does anyone train in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Apart from this thread - I haven't the foggiest idea where to even start.



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Welcome Perdy :thumbsup:

You will need white or black/white dummies to start with - you need to begin by teaching the dog to use his EYES not his NOSE - which is why we don't use orange for baby dogs as their limited colour vision means they have trouble distinguishing orange/red from the green grass. I bought about a couple of dozen 2" and 3" dummies (black, white, orange) from the USA as it was cheaper but you will probably be able to get just a couple locally to start you off. My youngster much prefers 3" dummies now.

To begin teaching the dog to "mark", you will need several dummies but more importantly a helper who knows what they are doing! Young dogs should win, win and win some more and your helper needs to know when and how to help the dog out. For marks, on a bright sunny day, black is easier to see and on an overcast day or in shade, white is easier to see. Hopefully someone will be able to point you in the right direction in terms of meeting some experienced trialling people near you. Definitely read the Positive Gundogs book - it's a good start but not a 'bible' so an experienced training partner will also help.

You will need a whistle down the track but not straight away - I would get started on marking and delivering to hand first. I don't use dokkens at all. Just switched from dummies to birds and back again as needed.

Thanks TSD! It was actually something you posted a while back in response to wasting drive retrieving tennis balls which has made me want to get him started, after throwing a ball at the weekend... he has some qualities I should really harness! Very speedy he was on the send out and return, and didn't give up 'hunting' until he found it (we were playing in the dark). It won't be our 'main' sport but I figure we'll have a stab, learn the ropes and try to do some RATs... I went along to a local RAT a few months ago, looked fun! Certainly something the boy will enjoy!

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Thanks guys

The Lab Club is running a RAT training day this month - join the Lab Club of Vic on FB for details.

I can't make this. Im supposed to be going up to Wagga on the 23rd :(

Can someone please direct me to some information about the trial this weekend? I have Saturday free so would like to go.

TSD - Ill PM you about training.


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Introducing Layla, 7 months old, in training to take over when Molly retires.

A few weeks ago I had her swimming to the middle of this dam and retrieving a bird after about half an hour of training.

Have lots of work to do on the return to me though!

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Introducing Layla, 7 months old, in training to take over when Molly retires.

A few weeks ago I had her swimming to the middle of this dam and retrieving a bird after about half an hour of training.

Have lots of work to do on the return to me though!

Looking good.

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Here is a photo from training today. What was suppose to be a straight forward mark turned into a test of handling skills.:laugh:

Just after I sent Rebel off for his first mark, 6 Kangaroo's decided to distract him by hopping through some trees about 200 metres away, must have caught his eye and he was off. Very naughty as he was not lisening to anything I was saying and as he disappeared behind some trees I thought shit, now I am going to have to go find him. Few more toots on the whistle and calling, and just as I was about to go up the hill after him, I gave a very loud "Rebel come". Next thing he appeared in front of the trees, so kept calling and whistling but had decided to stop him when he was between me and the dummy and cast him to get what he was originally sent for. I think his mind was still on the roos as it took a couple of gos to get his bum on the ground, back up by "good boy". Then we did a couple of casts and sure enough got the dummy.:D So some good came out of it as I was able to test out my handling skills in a completely different area, not really something I had planned for today.:rofl: We did some more double marks etc and he was fine.

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