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I don;t think I could ever have more than one of the same breed....I would end up comparing them, and there are also so many breeds that would "fit" with us, I want own them all at some point!

I've got 4 of the same breed and while there are defiinite similarities, they are all unique individuals.

I would like a different breed one day but it would likely be something similar to an Aussie.....maybe a collie rough. I seem to be drawn to the herding dog mindset and temperament.

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It's taken me around two years to decide on my next breed, anyone who knows me knows how excruciatingly picky I am - I definitely know what I don't want. I would have another beagle and another Sibe but I wanted something with a lot more drive whilst still having a softer temp. Very happy with my choice now and can't wait to get my new pup :)

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I"ve never thought consciously about 'changing breeds'. I love just about all breeds and have had several over the years, Patterdales, Goldies, water spaniels, lakelands, wolfhounds, vizsla, spinone, cattle dogs , Giant schnauzers, border collies.. SWF..and there are several breeds I would like to get to eventually..

I cannot imagine shutting myself/experiences/mind off to only one or two breeds. I see things I adore about all 'groups' and while there are breeds I would never own, it's only because 'we' are not suited. But I could be wrong as if I have not shared my life with these breeds, how would I know?? :laugh: I'm always open to new things, have lived many places and had dozens of very different jobs/careers....I'd have all the breeds I"ve had again too.. :D

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When I put my last standard smooth to sleep from prolapsed disks... I was told he was going to be disabled when I got him.. and he woudln't live past 2, he got to 6 and had a pretty good innings. And he was about my 3rd "No More Daschshunds!"

When I moved out on my own I could finally have a big dog Id always wanted... and was never allowed to have when I was living with parents, housemates etc etc. So I stuck to my No More Dachshunds guns and got my First Dobie. Could not believe the difference moving from 20 years of owning hounds to this kind of dog that really wasn't interested in chasing and hunting every tiny fluffy thing that moved and just wanted to be where I was and watch tv.

I still Miss my dachshunds and Im sure I will give in and get another one one day... but for now.. next dog is still likely to be another Dobe.

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I obtained my 2nd breed after I lost a pup of my heart breed in a tragic accident(see the pup in my sig). I wasnt ready to face going back into Group 3 but I wanted to get back into the ring. I had always said that when i was too old to run a golden around the ring I would switch to italian greyhounds, so an iggy was a natural choice for me a 2nd breed as they had long fascinated me.

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Well I know that from now until forever, I will have a doberman. That is the breed for me. That said though, I only want one dobe at a time because they are so intense and bond so strongly, and so now that we have decided we want a second dog, we're looking at getting a GSD. We feel they're similar enough that we'll still get what we want in a dog and it should be compatiable with our dobe, since he loves playing with other working dogs.

I also have a thing for Italian Greyhounds. One day I want one, but I just can't see how it would fit in with a doberman so for now that's on the backburner.

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I'm a dog person and not attached to a breed. I can understand why some people do get attached to a breed though.

I thought the question about how do two different breeds get along strange because to me they are both dogs. To me, whether two people are black, white, one black, one white, one yellow - they are people. I think the same way about dogs.

I had a staffy cross and he was so very special. My hubby keeps talking about getting another one. Whenever I see a pure staffy my heart melts because they remind me of my Zeus.

I have a kelpie and she is just gorgeous, so intelligent, responsive, loyal - really special.

I have a little westie, little buggars they are, but just so endearing!

So I don't know what my next dog will be. Hubby will definitely want a staffy cross or a kelpie, he is very partial t red cloud keplies, we had one of those once and he was very special....a rescue.

I would adore a Chihuahua. I used to think they were yappy awful little things, but I know better now and they can be well adjusted wonderful dogs. But I think I like them a bigger - the Westie is an awesome sized dog. Not too big, not too small.

But really, I just love all dogs.

Edited by Sky
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I thought the question about how do two different breeds get along strange because to me they are both dogs. To me, whether two people are black, white, one black, one white, one yellow - they are people. I think the same way about dogs.

You get a lot more diverisity in physical attributes amongst dog breeds than in the general human population, and we've bred strong preferences for certain types of activity into some breeds to. Different breeds have different playing styles, for one thing. My dogs run and chase to play. They don't much like dogs that body slam and wrestle in play, and if I ever got a different breed I'd certainly bear that in mind. Not that you can't manage quite different breeds together, but it depends a bit on how much management you want to have to do. Edited by Diva
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I'm a dog person and not attached to a breed. I can understand why some people do get attached to a breed though.

I thought the question about how do two different breeds get along strange because to me they are both dogs. To me, whether two people are black, white, one black, one white, one yellow - they are people. I think the same way about dogs.

Actually thinking about whether two breeds will get along is important. Some breeds have play styles that others don't like or understand, some have body language or stances that other breeds interpret as intimidating or threatening, some body slam, some don't like body slamming, some are delicate, some rough, some big and not aware of smalls etc.

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I also have a thing for Italian Greyhounds. One day I want one, but I just can't see how it would fit in with a doberman so for now that's on the backburner.

I also have a 50kg wolfie cross and a kelpie cross, as well as my golden and 6 iggies. It works because I have the backyard fenced into 2 separate yards, big dogs on one side and the iggies on the other. They all get along but there is too much chance of accidental injury to ever leave the iggies unsupervised with the bigger dogs.

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At the moment we have a crossbreed rescue and a RR. My partner and I have agreed that when they pass he would like another female RR and I would like a male great dane. We have also discussed that when we are much older I would like a small dog as we can't have cats as OH is allergic ( that's the spin I'm putting on it anyway as OH is not keen on small dogs!).

I would like both( or at least one of them), to be of a show quality, as I would love to get into showing. It is many years off yet (at least 6 - 10) but I am obvserving a couple of breeders of each breed now to get an idea of health, temperament and conformation of the lines they are breeding with.

There are many breeds that I wouldn't mind owning one day but I have a feeling Danes and RR's will always be part of the family.

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