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Here Is A Question For You...

BC Love

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I have been looking through old "puppy problem" threads (ones from a few years ago) so Im wondering - those who posted puppy problems back then, what was the problem, and did you fix it or did you pup grow out of it - or are the still doing it lol!!

Just curios as a fairly new puppy owner :D

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I posted about pulling washing off the washing line - Akira grew out of it, or maybe we got smarter. I'm kind of thinking it's the she grew out of it thing though, because Halo has started doing the same thing now that she can reach!

I also posted about licking the dishwasher. It still happens, both dogs do it, I just try to keep them out of the kitchen when I have it open.

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I posted once to asked how to get our puppy used to sleeping in his pen...

He now spends 3/4 on his bed next to ours (he was supposed to be an outside dog, heheh) then jumps up on the bed around 5am for cuddles (well cuddles with my feet)..

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yep everything is fantastic now. i remember back to puppyhood fondly and then have to remind myself how difficult he was. And yes he made me cry. little shit. He's turned into the most wonderful dog though. super cuddly and playful. he's now almost 2 yrs old and he's exactly what i wanted in a dog. well maybe a bit of recall would be nice.

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Hi I never posted but Paddy was a real biter when we first got him, he would latch on to any part of us that moved! He even drew blood a few times and had me in tears. He is our first pup and we didn't know what to expect but we've had him for 6 weeks now and even in that short time he's become a lovely dog, still nibbles at us every now and then when he's a bit excited but growing up really fast :) although still a pup so maybe more trouble to come lol

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I posted about my GSP pups constant need to be with me 24/7. He still wants to be with me lots but goes outside by himself without issues now so he just grew up I guess. I also posted that he wouldn't go outside when it was raining....he still doesn't like it but he's worked out where the best shelter is while he's doing a wee....he still lifts 2 paws up though so his feet don't get as wet :laugh: All the issues I had when he was a pup are all dealt with now :)

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Well my horrible puppy has turned out pretty good :laugh:

Posted about our many problems- biting, separation, destruction lol, but the main problem was that she was way more full on than we ever expected. Once we adjusted our expectations and changed our management accordingly, she's been nothing but a dream. Its hard to imagine she is even the same naughty puppy we brought home.

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we have had a pretty good run generally as owners but it is nice they grow out of chewing

we have lots of dogs at the moment but none have ever been diggers which is amazing as one of the breeds is known for digging...

none of ours escape either...which can be a nightmare so we are blessed there too

barking...one of ours is...but amid so many thats ok

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