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Young Dog Incontinent

mrs tornsocks

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I just noticed our 2.5yo lab has a 'dripping' & occasional light stream of urine just as he's walking around - seems to be worse if he runs.

He's only been doing this noticeably for the past hour or so - he's desexed, no other obvious problems, eating & drinking normally etc.

I'm guessing from a search it could be a UTI but any thoughts ?

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Went to the vet & nothing really showed up - although it didn't happen again this afternoon.

I collected a urine sample from him at the vet (first time for everything, very glad I put all that work into training toilet on command ! ;) ) - she didn't seem to think anything was amiss & said to watch it over the next day or two.

He's had no issues since about 4pm so not quite sure what to make of the earlier dribbles ....

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This is probably not your problem, but just incase here is my experience.

My GSD (also desexed boy) has a problem that if his bladder gets overfull he can't pee, and just kinda drips/dribbles for awhile until hes lost enough he can pee normally again, when it gets to that overfull point it will drip if hes inside or out actually trying to pee, and he is rather uncomfey. It only ever happens if he drinks alot more than normal and then is inside or in the car for awhile so he doesn't get a chance to pee until his badder is too full, happened a few times after a trip to the beach where he drank a bunch of sea water and then that made him thirsty and he drank more, and more normal water too etc and then had a long car drive home. Went to the vet about it and they said there was some drugs he could have, but best to just not let him drink so much, so now I watch him like a hawk at the beach and don't let him drink and offer him fresh water lots instead and we haven't had a problem since.

Edited by Casima
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