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Omg...im Pregnant, Just Found Out This Morning


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Hey, i just found out this morning through 3 preg test that i am indeed expecting a baby :D

unexpected turn of events but a good one :) i need some advice on how to adjust talia to the idea of having a baby around :)

for anyone who doesnt know anything about talia from my previous posts, talia is an 8 year old husky female :)

shes been the apple of my eye for the past 5 years and I dont want her to feel left out, I need any idea on how to involve her safely :)

I love her so much and want to love the baby aswell :D :thumbsup:

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Congrats on the pregnancy, with our resident dog we found he has adjusted well and without any real work, we introduced him to the baby shortly after she was born and he loves her. No jealousy issues as it is clear she is above him is the "pack order" as such and is simply another human in the home to be welcomed and respected. The love is mutual - she's now seven months old and smiles at the sight of him. Good luck with it.

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We have our first bub due in December. We've set up the babys room and let Riley (our 10 yr old kelpie x) go in there and have a look around.

I was also going to send home a blanket or something of the baby's from the hospital for OH to give to Riley so he got the smell. Not sure if its a silly idea or not, but my mum gave him my old pyjama top when I went overseas for a few weeks last year and Riley took it everywhere and slept with it :laugh:

A big thing for us is just to make sure Riley doesn't get left out. He's a massive part of our live and it will stay that way. Luckily he's been around my cousins and niece too so he's used to babys and kids being around.

I think he's going to love having me home more often!

Edited by wagsalot
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I'm not a 'mother' of children, but I just wanted to say a thank you to you for not automatically wanting to get rid of your dog because of changed circumstances. I've often heard of people who find they are pregnant, commenting that of course they'll have to get rid of their dog..WHY? I'm sure the a dog and a baby can generally be managed well. Anyway, thanks for still considering your four legged mate..I'm sure you'll all live in harmony....

Best of luck

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I am a mum of three with a multi dog household.

With my first baby I made sure the dogs were happy to spend time alone in their beds or outside.

It did take us months to get used to the change and I did it well before hand. A couple of months at least. It was not easy at all.

IME when you are busy feeding bubs, bathing, cooking dinner for your husband etc etc you need a safe and happy place for your dogs so that you can relax in motherhood.

You can always play about and balance it out later with your dog :) when bub is settled, happy, safe and sound.

Good luck and prepare your dog now for the obvious changes she will face :)

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Firstly Congrats!!! :thumbsup:

My husky girl Gyps (R.I.P.) was close to your girls age when I had my first bub, Jack.

We did introductions very slowly and carefully over a period of time. I'd sit there on the lounge or edge of the bed holding bub and let her sniff his feet first with my hands half covering them. I'd let her get used of his smells and all the funny little noises he'd make. (new babies sometimes sound like cats when they cry).

But she was fine and just adored him, same for my 2nd bub Bailey.

I did the same thing when introducing Jack and Bailey to my other sibes. (had 7 all up back then) and thankfully there were no issues.

Goodluck! and how exciting. :)

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Congratulations we bought home our baby with a multiple dog home and never had any issues. The dogs were in the house when we got the cot and nursery all set up. They sniffed all the things that went away into drawers etc. When baby was born we bought home their clothes and nighties etc and put them on the floor on top of a sheet and let them smell them all.

When baby came home we held her whilst the dogs were let in one by one to sniff and lick (facewasher in hand) and never had a problem. In fact my old girl thought she was one of her own and took it upon herself to take care of the baby. A look from her to the other dogs and they would just move away. My greatest piece of advice is if you cannot watch them even for a few seconds you lock the dogs away from the kid and the kid away from the dogs. That way no accidents can happen or take the child with you.

Having a baby really did not disrupt our dog household at all and when she was born we had several large breeds and one small breed. It disrupted the human lives more.;)

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Congratulations!!! How exciting!!

Our daughter is 7 weeks old today and we have found our dogs to be excellent. Kodiak was very connected to her while I was pregnant and spent many a happy hour with her head on my belly. She still adores michaela but doesn't like the crying so much-she generally wanders outside and sleeps in the sun when that happens. But she sticks her head into our room and 'checks' bubs regularly while she is sleeping.

Doof had no idea I was pregnant but spends ever waking moment shadowing me and bubs now unless he gets really sleep deprived, then he goes outside. She was sleeping in her pram the other day inside our back door while I was in the yard with hubby, and when I came back to check her he was sitting outside the door staring intently, and would only go away when I 'took over' again. It can be quite sweet to see how dogs go around new babies

Most important thing in the world is supervision. Make sure your dog doesn't feel 'left out'. When I'm pacing around trying to get bubs to sleep I often have one of them doing some offlead heeling beside me, to work in some training time!! Start restricting things now, so your dog doesn't associate it with you baby, and pregnancy is a great time to make sure her on lead skills are awesome, because it is a handful trying to walk a dog and a pram!!

If you want I have a copy of Kathy kopellis mcleod's book on introducing dogs to babies and you are welcome to have it, just pm me your postal details.

And don't forget to join the pregnancy thread in o/t!!!

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Hi and congratulations!

I'm a new puppy owner and my 2 kids are preschoolers. I'd say you'd be wanting a great sling, like an ergo, so you can 'wear' your baby around the house, take him/her out on walks with the dogs. Especially useful as you won't be able to leave the baby in a rocker on the floor unless the dogs are locked elsewhere I guess.

I used a sling a lot with mine as babies and we didn't even have a dog to deal with :-)

Good luck with everything, I hope you have a nice smooth ride with the pregnancy and your dogs adjust to all the changes well.


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