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When Breeders Terms Go Wrong

mini girl

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Be very wary of Breeders Terms unless you really know the person involved - I am at present going through the most horrible drama over this - I had a woman come to me with a sad story telling me that she had bought a pup from a show breeder here in Brisbane only to find it had hook worm and dislocated shoulders - she said so bad that she had to have the pup put down and the breeder offered no compensation - I now wonder if all this was totally true. Me being the soft touch I am offered her a lovely pup on Breeders Terms - gave her this pup free of charge and paid for its full vaccination and had her sign a contract that she would come back to me for 1 litter as payment and then I would sign her over - she asked me to take her for 2 weeks back in February and I did - she says she told me the date they would pick her up but I remember asking as she left the date and she was somewhat vague and said she would ring me - the whole 2 weeks she did not ring once to enquire how she was then 2 weeks later rang to say they would be coming to get her - I asked if she still wanted her as I thought perhaps a pup was too much for her - and she said yes she did want her so didn't say anything else and she took the puppy home. Two weeks ago last Saturday she brought her back to me as she was having her first season - and asked me to take care of her - of course I did this without a moments hesitation and then this Saturday her husband came and picked her up from me - the dog was in better condition than when she came - I thought she seemed a little too skinny - but didn't say anything.

That night I received an email from her saying she did not want to go ahead with the arrangement because of the way she had been treated!!! I had never done a thing to the woman only entrusted a beautiful pup to her when she came crying to me. I replied to the email asking exactly what I had done - she said in her long, long stupid email that she had talked to others and she thought I was going to keep the dog after she had the litter for myself as I had asked if she still wanted her the first time she left her with me - she said she felt I was only using her to rear a pup and then I claim her and reap the rewards when she had a litter - nothing could be further from the truth this is my first time with a stranger so to speak. My husband is so irate with her that he wants to either claim the dog back or else make her (as in the signed contract) pay the full price for the dog. I would not put it past her to take the dog and have her desexed -I could never in my wildest dreams work with the woman in a breeding program now and what is more she raved on and on about her own health issues and no money and does not even want to pay me for her - my blood pressure was through the roof yesterday from this and I feel so hurt to think I tried to do a kind act to help someone and this has happened. I have come to terms with the fact that I won't be breeding this little girl but feel I don't want to let her just get away with what she has done to me.

I am going to send her an invoice for the pup as per the signed and witnessed contract - but if she won't pay what avenues do I have? - I still have the registration papers of course in my own name but it is a pet home so these will be of no real consequence to her - have the signed and witnessed contract. Its not so much the money to be honest I just feel I have been totally taken advantage of. Moral to the story - never again will I go down this path - I feel like a fool to be honest - they say dealing with people makes you hard and I totally believe it after this.

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You have to go through small claims court. Its quite simple. Go to your local magistrates court & ask them how you proceed.

Meanwhile keep a copy of all emails, a record of all phone calls & if you ask for payment of the pup give a short time frame.

Then say you will be filing in court if the time frame is not met.

May be best to try & get the dog back.

You need to get it sorted before the girl is in season again. They may want to breed from her & keep the litter, papers or not.

Edited by Christina
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I think you need to sit in the middle & look at both sides.

Your are disappointed BUT also understand her fears which lets be honest breeders have refused to not return the bitches & maybe they have read horror stories & maybe for them that comment about do they really want the bitch has hit home .

There are stories on DOL about breeders terms so it doesn't take much for a person to suddenly fear the worse

What would we do

Firstly we would contact them explaining that wont be happening that it is there dog & that the contract signed both both parties explains that

We would try in a very compassionate manner to ease there mind & see what happens .

If that doesn't seem to work then you need to decide what you want .

Do you want the bitch to be spayed .

Do you want her back

Do you want to simply meet the contract terms .

What else did your contract state

Ie If the bitch didn't meet your expectations & you decided not to have a litter what was written in the contract then about payment ??

What age did you say the litter would happen ??

The people i now who do this sort of breeders terms the people pay for the pup & its listed in the contract the approx age for the litter & once all is done they get a refund back .

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I think you need to sit in the middle & look at both sides.

Your are disappointed BUT also understand her fears which lets be honest breeders have refused to not return the bitches & maybe they have read horror stories & maybe for them that comment about do they really want the bitch has hit home .

There are stories on DOL about breeders terms so it doesn't take much for a person to suddenly fear the worse

What would we do

Firstly we would contact them explaining that wont be happening that it is there dog & that the contract signed both both parties explains that

We would try in a very compassionate manner to ease there mind & see what happens .

If that doesn't seem to work then you need to decide what you want .

Do you want the bitch to be spayed .

Do you want her back

Do you want to simply meet the contract terms .

What else did your contract state

Ie If the bitch didn't meet your expectations & you decided not to have a litter what was written in the contract then about payment ??

What age did you say the litter would happen ??

The people i now who do this sort of breeders terms the people pay for the pup & its listed in the contract the approx age for the litter & once all is done they get a refund back .

Thank you for your reply - yes all you mention was in the contract - and I was always lovely to this lady - I honestly was - I know what you mean about the horror stories of breeders infact she said she had read these - but I feel she could have spoken to me not just sent an email - after I had minded the pup in season for 2 weeks telling me she did not want to go ahead with it now. I feel now after the way she has treated me that I could never deal with her - she to be honest does seem somewhat neurotic and I know there are some really unscroupulous breeders who would take advantage of a person but I had no intention what so ever of doing this and we talked at length about all the possibilities before we signed the contract - I guess with hind sight I may have chosen better words than "do you still want her" but she had left her with me and not contacted me once to ask how she was and was vauge about a pick up date - I wondered if indeed a pup was too much for her and if she would come back - as she does have another 2 dogs as well. I wish she had talked it over with me - but she wrote rather unpleasant things in her email and I feel I could never deal with her in this way ever now.

I don't want to take the dog from her she said she loves her - it would have been good to get a litter from this little girl but I can live with this not happening - but I feel I should be compensated as per the terms of the contract. In the contract it said if she changed her mind and would not go ahead with a breeding she should pay the full price for the pup and I would sign it over to her.

Contract also stated litter at approx 2 years, and yes if the bitch didn't poove worthy of breeding I would sell her to her for half the original price, she even wanted put in if I died the dog would not be taken from her - can just imagine my husband going to claim another dog with me dead and buried - that bit made me laugh but I still put it in for her. I was even nice enough to offer some part of the profit from the litter and said she could stay over at my house to be present at the birth - what more could I have done - to be honest I did it more because I felt so sorry for her she said she lost $4000 by having paid for the original pup she bought and the vet fees for it and then having it put down - I wanted to help her she seemed so upset by all that had happened. Of couse I was happy enough to be able to breed from this pup if she turned out as expected but as one would know after all expenses I would not have made much on one litter especially if it was a small litter.

The way of paying up front and a refund once pups come seems a lot better way to go for the breeder - as I said to her at the beginning it involves trust on both sides - but to be honest I won't ever do breeders terms again with anyone.

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perhaps a letter from a lawyer to let them know you are not a fool?

Will send an invoice as she has not got back to me - if she does not contact me and offer to pay - it will be put in the hands of a debt collection agency - if I loosse all the cost of the pup in fees I don't care I feel I have been totally taken advantage of.

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The dog is now coming back to us - she won't let us come to her house never would and is going to drop her off at my son's house she sent me a text to tell me this was what they would do. , she honestly seems to have it her head that my husband and I were really horrible to her , it has hurt my feelings and I know my husband did say unless she was prepared to pay for the dog then return her. So this is what is to happen I am happy to take her back she knows us well but I feel so upset that it ended in such an awful way when all I was hoping to do was be kind. My son rang and she was very civil he said so her husband will drop her to his home on the weekend. I just wish this had all not happened it has left me with such an awful feeling about it all. I think the lady is not at all well and I do feel very sorry for her I think perhaps with all her health problems another dog was just too much on her but why o why did she just not communicate it with me.

Well there is the sad story wish it could have ended better I really do.

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Not so bad getting the dog back. Saved lots of hassle. Could have been worse.

Bit confusing for the dog though & you will have to keep strange dog away from your mum & puppies too.

Maybe she will stay with you, fate works in mysterious ways.

Breeders terms are not usually the best idea. Lousy way to find out.

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Not so bad getting the dog back. Saved lots of hassle. Could have been worse.

Bit confusing for the dog though & you will have to keep strange dog away from your mum & puppies too.

Maybe she will stay with you, fate works in mysterious ways.

Breeders terms are not usually the best idea. Lousy way to find out.

Thanks Christina she is the daughter of one of my girls and was here till last Saturday for two weeks she was good and very respectful of the puppy room yes I do feel for her getting shoved from pillar to post but my husband and I will take good care of her - experience is a good teacher and won' tt do it again.

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She is back with us again now and is happy as a lark.

I am glad it has all worked out & despite the people being a tad over the top i also applaud them for following through on there promise to return her.

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Totally agree Showdog - and to tell the truth its been so depressing for me personally - I said to my husband today should I write and once again try and explain my side of it - I just don't know if to leave well enough alone or even send her some money for out of pocket expenses she would have had for the 7 months she was with them. I just don't know what to do - my mind goes back and forth one minute I think they probably found it too much another dog when they had her as well as another 2 and then I think why did she not give me any indication of what she was thinking instead of just dropping a bomb on me with a short and curt email that she no longer wanted to continue the arrangement. It still has me baffled.

The pup however is the least concerned she is fitting in well and shows love and affection to both my husband and I and is happy to romp with the others.

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Don't go shaking a can of snakes just to see if it will hiss.....leave it well enough alone for now. If she wants something from you, you'll no doubt hear from her.

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Leave things as they are.

You have the pup back in what seems to be no worse a condition than when it left. They paid for nothing other than care and attention while they had it, and got to enjoy the happiness an animal brings.

Aside from maybe some pride and disappointment, no one has really lost anything in this.

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